The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. European Religions SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe.
SS6G11 b. Describe the major religions in Europe; include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Essential Questions What are the characteristics of the three major religions in Europe?
Vocabulary Religion- Monotheistic- Patriarch- Covenant- the service and worship of God or the supernatural the doctrine or belief that there is but one God Father or founder A contract
Judaism covenant Torah Abraham Jerusalem Judaism was established when Abraham made a ________________ with God. Their holy book is the _________________. Their patriarch of faith is:______________. Their holy city is ____________________. covenant Torah Abraham Jerusalem Synagogue
Judaism (con’t) Jesus Christ They believe that ____________ is the creator of all that exists. Their beliefs about ____________ differ dramatically. They do not believe that He has come to earth yet. Jesus Christ
Christianity Christianity consists of ____________, ________________, and _______________. Christianity is centered around the life and teachings of __________________. The holy book they use is the ____________ (Old and New Testaments). catholic orthodox protestant Jesus Bible
Christianity (con’t) Believers worship in ________________. Their patriarch of faith is______________. churches Abraham
Islam Muhammad Qur'an Abraham Mosque The Islamic people believe that God gave the Qur’an to ________________. Their holy book is the _________________. Their patriarch of faith is ______________. Their place of worship is a _____________. Muhammad Qur'an Abraham Mosque
Islam (con’t) Jesus They believe that ________________ was only a prophet. They trust in the messenger ______________. Allah
What are the differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? Discuss how these three types of religions are the same? How do different religions affect cultures?