Quality Assurance in Health and Social Care Education - Working with Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies Fiona McArthur-Rouse Head of Academic Planning & Quality Faculty of Health & Social Care
University Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) Health Education England (HEE)
Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) Statutory Regulators o Regulatory Bodies that are set up by ‘statute’ (legislation) o Protection of the public o Maintain a register of individuals whose professional titles are protected by law o Sets standards for the education, training, conduct and performance of registrants Professional Bodies o Membership organisations, usually for single professions or sub-sets of professions o Provide profession-specific guidance regarding ‘good practice’ (e.g. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities and curriculum content) o Accreditation of programmes
Regulated Professions at CCCU Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Occupational Therapy Diagnostic Radiography Operating Department Practitioners Paramedics Speech and Language Therapists Social Workers Clinical Psychology Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Nursing (adult, child, mental health) Midwifery Health Visiting/School Nursing General Optical Council (GOC) Dispensing Opticians General Medical Council (GMC) (in progress) Postgraduate Medicine
Programme Approval Usually conducted ‘conjointly’ between the University and the PSRBs Programme teams map their programmes to show how they meet the relevant PSRB’s standards for education/proficiency Reviewers scrutinise the evidence provided and attend the approval event on behalf of the PSRB Conditions and recommendations are jointly agreed and the reviewer reports back to the PSRB
Programme Monitoring Approved programmes are subject to annual monitoring (risk-based) to ensure that they continue to meet the PSRB’s standards Process may involve a visit/inspection, involving staff, students and placement providers The University is accountable for the management of quality (and risk) of the education and practice- based elements of the programme Need to work in partnership with placement providers to ensure the quality of the learning experience and the protection of the public
Health Education England Local Education and Training Board (Health Education – Kent, Surrey and Sussex) commissions our programmes Conduct annual quality monitoring of placement providers and the University using Education Commissioning for Quality performance indicators Requirement to demonstrate impact of our programmes on patient outcomes through the Education Outcomes Framework
Standards for Education Standards of Proficiency Programme Approval Risk-based annual monitoring Education Commissioning for Quality Education Outcomes Framework UK Quality Code FHEQ Subject benchmarks Programme Approval Annual Departmental Programme Review Periodic Review University Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) Health Education England (HEE)