Unit 1 Integrated Skills. 1. 你见到我的食物了吗 ? 是的, 我刚把它吃了 2. 最近你看过电影吗 ? 3. 在上个世纪北京发生了巨变. 4. 我还没有乘过飞机. 5. 你们有没有曾经搬家过 ? 6. 我们一起住到 1965 年我结婚. 7. 我们从出生就住在无锡. 8.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Integrated Skills

1. 你见到我的食物了吗 ? 是的, 我刚把它吃了 2. 最近你看过电影吗 ? 3. 在上个世纪北京发生了巨变. 4. 我还没有乘过飞机. 5. 你们有没有曾经搬家过 ? 6. 我们一起住到 1965 年我结婚. 7. 我们从出生就住在无锡. 8. 政府把这个地方变成了公园.

9. 这家工厂过去常把废弃物倒进河里. 10. 政府意识到这个问题, 采取了 措施改善这情况. 11. 但是, 像以前一样经常见老朋友变得更难 了. 12. 我时常感到有点孤独. 13. 这些年阳光镇变化大吗 ?

environment transport condition return last abroad n. 环境 n. 交通车辆,运输工具 n. 环境,条件,状况 vi. 返回 adv. 最近,上一次;最后 adv. 到(在)国外 Words review

primary keep in touch communicate communication exactly adj. 小学教育的;初级的 保持联系 vi. & vt. 交流,交际 n. 交流,交际 adv. (答语)正是,没错 Words & phrase review

pastpresent What they had/hav e Some small _______, shops, ___________, a cinema, a ______ factory A park, a theatre, _________ pollutio n Pollution was ______ then. The factory put ________ into the river. The government ________ the problem and took action to ________ Changes in Starlight Town restaurants a post office steel a shopping mall a problem the waste realized improve the situation

A changes in Starlight Town Past Present

What can you see in this picture? hills, lake, ducks, birds, bicycle, bus, small house, trees and grass, …

What can you find in this picture? tall buildings, roads, cars, …

In the past At present/Now There have been many changes in Starlight Town. Changes to Starlight Town

1.Environment: green_______ clean and fresh_____, wild ______ near the lake. 2.Transport: bus and_________ 3.Living condition :old __________ hills air birds bicycle houses In the past Listen and complete the lists

1.Environment: smaller______, new ________ Station, tall _______ and new roads 2. Transport: bus, taxi and_________ 3. Living conditions: new ______ lake railway buildings train flats present

Today I borrowed a book about Starlight Town’s past and present. Starlight Town was very beautiful years ago. There were green ______ and wild _______ near the lake. The ______ was clean and fresh then. Now it has become a ________ town. There is a new _________ station. There are some new roads too. People can now travel to and from the town by bus, _______ or train, but in the past, people could only travel by bus or ________. Another big change is the many tall _________ in the town. Local people used to live in old ________, but now, most of them have moved into new _______. Starlight Town has changed a lot over the years. I hope I can visit it again modern railway taxi hills air birds bicycles buildings houses flats

Have a discussion Which one do you like better? Why?

Millie is telling Sandy about an old friend. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks. B Speak up: We haven’t seen each other since then

Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 2. When did they last see each other?? 1.Where has Becky just returned from? She’s just returned from the USA About five years ago. 3.How do they keep in touch with each other? They mainly communicate by .

Talk Work in pairs and tell your partner about your friends. Use Millie and Sandy’s conversation as a model.

1. We’re not doing enough to protect the __________ ( 环境 ) from pollution. 2. The house is in good _________ ( 状况 ). 3. She left South Africa at the age of 15 and has never _________ ( 返回 ). 4. No, Jane and I never ____________ ( 保持联系 ) after college. 5. There’s very little ____________ ( 交流 ) between mother and daughter.