The Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor CMAR A regional initiative for the sustainable use of biodiversity Inter-regional Workshop on Broad-scale.


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Presentation transcript:

The Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor CMAR A regional initiative for the sustainable use of biodiversity Inter-regional Workshop on Broad-scale Marine Spatial Panning and Transboundary Marine Mammal Management (21 to 24 May 2012, Panama City) photos: CI Colombia - F. Malpelo

Content What is the CMAR? History Objectives of the CMAR Relevance of the CMAR Institutional structure Strategic allies Developed projects Perspectives

What is the CMAR? Regional conservation initiative seeking for a sustainable use of biodiversity and marine and coastal resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), through an eco-systemic management approach establishing strategies among governments, civil society, international cooperation agencies and ONG´s The Marine Protected Areas (MPA´s) of Galápagos, Malpelo, Gorgona, Coiba and Cocos are the “core areas” of the CMAR.

Coco Malpelo Coiba Gorgona Galápagos

Créditos fotos: CI Colombia y F. Malpelo

National Park Isla Cocos National Park Coiba

Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Malpelo Gorgona National Natural Park

Marine Reserve and National Park Galápagos

History: December 2001: Presidential joint declaration between the Governments of Costa Rica and Ecuador for a bilateral management of the shared resources in the ETP. February 2002: World Forum of Environment Ministers of the UN in Cartagena (Colombia), proposed for inclusion in the previous statement the continental islands of Coiba (Panama) and Gorgona (Colombia). September 2002 : Johannesburg Summit (South Africa) for Sustainable Development, the Galapagos and Cocos Island initiative was presented. April 2004: The "Declaration of San José" by the Ministers of environment of Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica was signed. The CMAR was created and integrate the 5 MPA´s of Galapagos, Malpelo, Gorgona, Coiba and Cocos Island. Four of them (except Gorgona) are currently World Heritage - UNESCO. April 2011: Meeting of the Regional Technical Committee of the CMAR: Colombia assumes the Pro-Tempore Secretariat of the initiative, exerted to date by Costa Rica.

General Objective : Establish a system of joint management, defined among the Governments, to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources in the region of the ETP (MPA´s of Galapagos, Malpelo, Gorgona, Coiba and Cocos Island. Specific Objetives : Strengthening the management and conservation of the biodiversity of marine and coastal resources in the region of the ETP. Establish an appropriate regional framework that facilitates the development and management of the CMAR. Promote the participation of Governments and stakeholders in the integrated management of the CMAR: tourism, fisheries and conservation, among others. CMAR objectives:

Collaborate in the strengthening, consolidation and implementation of the Management Plans in each of the MPA´s of the CMAR. Identify and apply to financial mechanisms for the implementation of the Action Plan of CMAR. Orientate national and international technical and financial cooperation for the management of the CMAR. Promote a responsible tourism which contributes to sustainable development of human communities involved in the initiative. Provide a set of environmental goods and services at a local, regional and global levels. Contribute to dissemination of the scientific, socioeconomic and normative information generated by the networks of CMAR.

Relevance of the CMAR: Highly productive region in shared resources. Province with a high level of endemism. Great biodiversity and important dispersal of larvae of various key organisms (fish, corals, crustaceans, mollusks, phytoplankton…). Great connectivity between the islands and between Islands and mainland. Complex oceanographic conditions and need for scientific information. 4 Marine protected areas which are part of the World Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO).

Relevance of the CMAR: A great potential in tourism attraction (golden triangle, Galapagos, Coco, Malpelo). An initiative aimed for the preservation of an ecosystem on a large scale. Presence of numerous migratory species (marine mammals, birds, turtles, Source of fish species of high commercial value and important forage species in the food chain. A marine area that covers more than 3.5 million km2.

Institutional structure: Ministerial Regional Committee Technical Regional Committee Pro-Tempore Secretariat

Strategic Allies:

Developed Projects: ETP Seascape UNESCO - CI - Walton Family Foundation, GEF Supports countries in the development of policies and institutional capacities for the good governance of the CMAR. Supports the development of sustainable economic initiatives for communities that depend on the resources of the CMAR. Promotes the adequate implementation of the Management Plans of MPA´s of the CMAR. Promotes strategies to mitigate the effect of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fisheries (IUU) in the region. Aid in the defense against pollution and environmental damage caused by coastal development and poorly managed tourism. Discerning about the vulnerability of marine protected areas in the region to climate change. Encourages the exchange of scientific information on the base-line of marine and coastal natural resources in the CMAR.

Developed Projects: Regional Management System for the Sustainable Use of Shared Resources in the CMAR Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Strategic alliances for management of the sustainability of fisheries in the CMAR. Compilation of biological, socio-economic, environmental and legal information about the shared fishery resources in the CMAR. Carrying out technical studies to fill the gaps in information on fishery resources in the region (information on regional fisheries, marketing chain, traceability, observers onboard programs). Propose lines and guidelines for proper management of regional fisheries to fisheries and environmental authorities in the region.

Other efforts and activities in development: The work plan of the Pro-tempore Secretariat for the triennium was developed. A document with the "Functions and interrelationship between coordination mechanisms of the CMAR“ was drafted and approved. The activities of the Action Plan to be implemented in each country during the triennium are being prioritized. National Commissions of the CMAR in Costa Rica and Panama were structured; in Colombia the National Committee of the CMAR within the Colombian Oceanic Commission – CCO was created. Work plans are being structured for Communicators and Tourism networks. The Science Group has prioritized its action lines. The "7th Meeting of the Regional Ministerial Committee" of the CMAR took place in Quito (Ecuador) on February 2, Forthcoming meetings of the CMAR networks are being coordinated.

Other efforts and activities in Development: A training proposal is being drafted to provide a "Master’s degree in communication for conservation practitioners” to the administrators of the MPA´s of the CMAR. Proposals are being prepared for KFW, GIZ, GEF and APC for financing activities to strengthen the initiative of the CMAR. A research project proposal on cetaceans in the CMAR is being prepared to be presented to the Scientific Committee of the IWC to opt for financing funds. The possibility of designing a joint strategy of Control and Surveillance against illegal fishing in the CMAR is being considered.

Perspectives: Promotion of the work of the networks of the CMAR. Collaboration for the implementation of the Program of Work of the CBD on Protected Areas (PoWPA) through the consolidation of trans-boundary areas. Integration of new MPA´s to the CMAR. Promotion of the visibility and importance of the existence of the CMAR. Strengthening the linkages with international initiatives for the conservation of the marine environment (CBD, CPPS, CBI, among others). Development of projects with international cooperation.

Thank You