Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? Name: Date:
Web Resources Use the websites listed above to learn about different foods that come from the USA and other cultures Template developed by Annette Lamb, 2006
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What do you eat for dinner every night? Have you ever wondered what children in other countries eat for dinner? Do they enjoy the same foods that you eat? Where do the foods that you like come from? Let’s learn a little geography of the world while we explore the food cultures of other countries. Maybe we’ll learn about some of the foods that we enjoy and that are enjoyed around the world. Let’s start with Greece, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, Great Britain, Japan, USA, and Italy. Where do you think the foods shown above come from? Pick 3 and list the food and origin. Gyros Spaghetti Sushi Corn on the cob Burritos Haggis Hotdog Caviar
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What do you eat for dinner every night? Have you ever wondered what children in other countries eat for dinner? Do they enjoy the same foods that you eat? Where do the foods that you like come from? Let’s learn a little geography of the world while we explore the food cultures of other countries. Maybe we’ll learn about some of the foods that we enjoy and that are enjoyed around the world. Let’s start with Greece, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, Great Britain, Japan, USA, and Italy. Extra Credit: Pick 3 more and list their origin. Hint: Was spaghetti originally from Italy? Gyros Spaghetti Sushi Corn on the cob Burritos Haggis Hotdog Caviar
What country do you think sushi comes from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What country do you think burritos come from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom journal.com/foryourinfo/090202/ html
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What country do you think caviar comes from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What country do you think fish and chips comes from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom htm
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What country do you think haggis comes from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What country do you think olives and olive oil comes from? Explore the website listed above and write 2-3 sentences about the location of this country and the food they enjoy. GreeceMexicoRussia USAJapanScotland ItalyUnited Kingdom ope/grrecipe.html
Hey Mom – What’s for Dinner? What continent is this country located in? Click and drag the XX’s (above) to the correct continent. XX
What is your favorite food? Does it come from the USA or from another country? Write 2-3 sentences describing your favorite food and where you think it comes from.
Now that we’ve explored other cultures, where would you like to go for dinner? Write 1-2 sentences describing the food.