1 11 April 2005 The CESG-CMC Work Planning Process Adrian J. Hooke Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group 09 April 2005 Joint Meeting of the CESG and CMC Athens, Greece, 08 April 2005
2 11 April 2005 ASI/Italy BNSC/UK CNES/France CSA/Canada DLR/Germany JAXA/Japan ESA/Europe INPE/Brazil NASA/USA RSA/Russia ASA/Austria CAST/China CRC/Canada CRL/Japan CSIR/South Africa CSIRO/Australia IKI/Russia ISAS/Japan ISRO/India KARI/Korea KFKI/Hungary MOC/Israel NOAA/USA NSPO/Taipei SSC/Sweden TsNIIMash/Russia USGS/USA CTA/Brazil DSRI/Denmark EUMETSAT/Europe EUTELSAT/Europe FSST&CA/Belgium HNSC/Greece Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
3 11 April 2005 Cross Support Services Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Space Internetworking Services Space Link Services Mission Operations and Information Management Services Systems Engineering CCSDS Technical Organization
4 11 April Systems Architecture WG 1.2 Security WG 1.3Information Architecture WG 1.4 SANA BOF 2.1 Data Archive Ingestion WG 2.2 Navigation WG 2.3 Info. Pack. & Registries WG 2.4 S/C Mon + Control WG 3.1 SLE Ref. Model WG 3.2 SLE Data Trans. Services WG 3.3 SLE Service Mgmt. WG 3.6 Cross Support Transfer Services BOF 4.1 Onboard Bus + LAN WG 4.2 Time Critical O/B Net Svc WG 4.3 Time Critical O/B Apps. WG 4.4 Onboard plug-play BOF 4.5 Onboard Transducer BOF 4.6 Wireless BOF 5.1 RF & Modulation WG 5.2 Space Link Code/Sync. WG 5.3 Data Comp. WG 5.4 Space Link Protocols WG 5.5 TC Channel Coding WG 5.6 Ranging WG 5.7 Proximity-1 Build-2 WG 5.8 Long Eras. Codes BOF 6.1 CFDP Interop. Testing WG 6.2 Unack. CFDP Extensions WG 6.3 Packet Protocol WG 6.4 Cislunar Internetworking WG 6.5 Delay Tolerant Network BOF 6.6Asynchronous Messaging BOF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AREA (SEA) MISSION OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES (MOIMS) AREA CROSS SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) AREA SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACE SERVICES (SOIS) AREA SPACE LINK SERVICES (SLS) AREA SPACE INTERNETWORKING SERVICES (SIS) AREA 24 Working Groups 8 Birds Of a Feather Groups CCSDS Working Structure, Spring 2005
5 11 April 2005 Meeting N-1NN+1 ~ 6 months work period “N” Meeting CCSDS OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N-1) CMC MEETING: CMC confirms resource commitment for work period N CCSDS OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N) CMC MEETING: CMC confirms resource commitment for work period N+1 CCSDS OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N+1) CCSDS Theoretical Work Cycle Contains the current charter and working plan for every approved CCSDS Working Group: GOALS SCHEDULE AND DELIVERABLES RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY - Technical Risks - Management Risks RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS
6 11 April 2005 CCSDS Theoretical Resource Allocation
7 11 April 2005 Frequent (6-month) update of Operating Plan is not occurring, often because: - It’s not perceived that the resource allocation is being affected, because: - In reality, Agencies allocate resources on a longer timescale: - Typically, yearly CCSDS Theoretical Problems
8 11 April 2005 CCSDS Requested Operating Plan, along with a resource request matrix, will be drafted in May after the Spring meeting to cover the 12 month work Fall to Fall work period CMC will respond in a timely manner (June) with a draft resource allocation matrix for the upcoming 12 month work period CESG will reflect the allocations in an updated draft Allocated Operating Plan (July) that covers the upcoming 12 month work period CMC will confirm this at the Fall meeting After than point (September), the only changes for the upcoming 1-year period will be: If a new WG is requested to be chartered If an existing WG needs to request a change in its resources or schedule The cycle repeats each Spring Proposed New Work Cycle
9 11 April 2005 CCSDS Practical Work Cycle Meeting ~ 12 months work period “N” Meeting CMC MEETING: CMC confirms resource commitment for work period N Contains the current charter and working plan for every approved CCSDS Working Group: GOALS SCHEDULE AND DELIVERABLES RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY - Technical Risks - Management Risks RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS FALL CCSDS REQUESTED OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N) CCSDS REQUESTED OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N+1) CCSDS ALLOCATED OPERATING PLAN CCSDS A01.2-Y-(N) SPRING FALL
10 11 April 2005 Operating Plan CMC Resource request letter to each Agency Agency Delegate Agency Budgeting process Agency Commitment Letter CESG Commitment Cycle Tech. Scope Deliverables Schedule Funding Level