Tardy Policy You are expected to be prepared for class when the bell rings You must be in the classroom when the bell rings If you are late, you must go to the main office and sign the tardy log
Consequences 3 rd Tardy- Conference with Asst. Principal 4 th Tardy- 1 hr detention 5 th tardy- Sat. School 6 th tardy- Sat. School 7 th tardy and beyond- ISS Tardies reset every 9 weeks. Every class counts, so it is possible to have multiple in one day!!
ABSENCES 1.See Ms. Thornhill in the front office to report your absence 2.Bring a note from your parent/guardian that includes: 1.Reason for absence 2.Date of absence 3.Contact number for parent 4.Parent signature You will receive an admit Present to all of your teachers Collect your make-up work
State Law: To receive credit for a class, you must be present 90% of the school year IT DOESN’T MATTER WHETHER THE ABSENCES WERE EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED ***If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a ZERO for the day per district policy. Excessive Absences
Excused vs Unexcused Excused absences : illness or death in the family court medical appointment pre-planned absence approved by principal ****Students must have a signed parent/doctor note for all of these situations Unexcused absence: Absences for all other reasons are unexcused and teachers are not required to provide make-up work If you do not bring a note within 3 days the absence will be unexcused
Pre-planned Absences Principal approves a limited number of days per student; additional days will be unexcused No assignments are given ahead of time No exams are given early Upon return to school, the student must take the initiative to collect make-up work and complete missing assignments