Labor Socialism Politics Trade Unions By 1890 most European Governments gave legal protection to unions Unions rarely participated in politics as long as representations looked after their interests Mostly concerned with skilled workers saw improvement with wages and working conditions Unions for unskilled had many members, met opposition from employers, needed long strikes to get demands MOST OF EUROPE ’ S WORK FORCE NEVER UNIONIZED IN THIS ERA
Democracy and Political Parties Most European countries had democratic electoral systems (except Russia) Politicians had to listen to workers and concerns because these groups had the vote Expanding the right to vote to all males introduced people to the political system who had little interest and understanding in the process, nor did they grasp the political consequences of a vote. Needed to be organized Political parties organized the new voters, especially the working class. Socialists had an opportunity because traditional ruling classes had to win their support to stay in power Socialists opposed Nationalists because class problems would transcend borders. Socialists underestimated Nationalists BIGGEST QUESTION – DOES IMPROVEMENT OF WORKERS COME THROUGH REVOLUTION OR DEMOCRATIC REFORM?
Karl Marx and First International SocialismCapitalism Government owns and operates the means of production (farms, mines, factories) and distribution (transportation and stores) Private individuals and corporations own and operate business. Government maintains law and order, encourages private industry (tariffs) and prevents abuses. Government determines needs of ALL people and distributes needed goods and services Private owners provide people with goods and services to make a profit. (Adam Smith – supply and demand) Utopian Socialists Marxian Socialism OwenEconomic Interpretation of history St. SimeonClass Struggle FourierSurplus Value BlancInevitability
SocialismCommunism can be achieved by evolution – peaceful and legal control of publicity and ballot can be achieved only by revolution – violent overthrow of capitalist government and eco government, assuming power by consent of the people, must always be democratic. Keeps support with political liberty and economic justice To protect revolution, government must at first be a dictatorship of the proletariat. It must suppress any movement considered pro- capitalist or counter-revolutionary requires nationalization of only major industries. Small farms, factories, and retail stores remain under private ownership requires government ownership and operation of all means of production and distribution, without exception. First International Membership comprised radical, socialists, anarchists, and Polish nationalists Marx supported efforts to reform working conditions within political & eco order Violence of Paris Commune caused governments to suppress movement Legacy – kept statistical records, kept members informed of problems, provided place to debate socialist controversies Marxism emerged as single most important socialism
Great BritainFabianismWelfare Programs British trade unions received legal protection by members supported the Liberal Party 1890 unions organized unskilled groups like gas and dockworkers so political activity by labor was limited House of Lords Taff Vale decision removed legal protection of union funds. Trade Union Congress started the Labour Party and sent 29 members to Parliament. Labour Movement became more violent with strikes but government worked to stop strikes with railways, mines and docks as WWI approached Socialism was not a goal but there was the Fabian Society Gradual approach to reform - civil servants who believed the problems of industry, expansion of ownership, and state directed production could be reached gradually, peacefully and democratically Interested in collective ownership of public utilities Chamberlain - match foreign tariffs and finance social reform with import duties Campbell-Bannerman and Asquith restored protection of unions David Lloyd George established labor exchanges, regulated crafts National Insurance Act Parliament Act allowed Commons to override veto in House of Lords Political Reality
France and Opportunism Jaures socialists should cooperate with middle class Radical ministers for reform Guesde socialists should not support bourgeoisie cabinet that they should overthrow Trying to unite the country after Dreyfus, socialist is appointed to cabinet Second International is formed and debates whether to allow socialists to participate in bourgeoisie cabinets or not. They decide to condemn participation - opportunism - and demand France form a single party. France’s united Socialist Party became the second largest group in the chamber of deputies but did not serve in the cabinet until WW II French labour movement embraced syndicalism [Sorel] - use of strikes for unity and power. This conflicted with socialists who aided labor with state action. Strikes were suppressed with government troops
GermanySocial DemocratsRevisionism SPD - Social Democratic Party - wanted worker participation in politics and opposed reformists - They wanted revolution Bismarck believed socialism would undermine politics and society and used an assassination attempt on Wilhelm I to pass anti - SPD laws in Reichstag. ( SPD could not meet, organize or publish.) Suppression however had the opposite effect and the SPD grew. So, if you can’t beat them, join them, Bismarck passed socialist reform - health care, accident insurance, old age and disability pensions. Workers and employers both contributed and was a conservative alternative to socialism. The STATE organized social security Erfurt Program Declared the doom of capitalism and need for social ownership of production. This would be achieved through legal political participation and not revolution. NOW the SPD worked within the German Empire to improve workers conditions but did not participate in the cabinet Revisionism Bernstein observed that the standard of living increased, ownership of industry spread to lower classes. The middle class was not becoming the proletariat and identifying with the workers. As franchise increased it seemed likely that change could occur from the parliamentary method. GERMAN NATIONALISM WON OUT OVER SOCIALISM
Mother Russia Russia was unique in that she entered industrialization much later than other nations and had to contend with those social problems as well as political unrest Witte and Industrialization Planned economic development Protective tariffs High taxes Gold standard Strong financial relationships with France [hhmmm…] Favored heavy industry RR increased (Trans-Siberian) Coal increased tripled as did pig-iron, steel and textiles Social Issues Landowners felt the foreign investors received more profit than they did Peasants felt their profits went to finance industry A small proletariat developed (3 M) whose conditions were worse than any thus far Mirs owned peasants’ land, farming inefficient. Emancipated serfs could not make a living on such little land. Hunger and discontent fueled revolts
Political Parties Social Revolutionaries Constitutional Democratic Party Social Democratic Party Founded in 1901, membership and ideology date back to the Populists. Opposed industrialism and looked to the communal life of rural Russia as a model of the future Founded in 1903, Cadets was liberal party whose members participated in local councils, zemstvos. They wanted parliamentary government, civil liberties and economic progress. Also wanted ministers responsible to the parliament, not the Czar Founded in 1898, functioned in exile because Czar was repressive. Admired the German DPS and adopted Marxist ideas Lenin became the leader. Majority favored industry because they believed Russia needed a large proletariat to lead the revolution and a political party. But Lenin condemned any accommodations like the SPD and criticized trade unions. Believed a small elite party would be dedicated to revolt. Advocated secrecy and selection of members. party split Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Urged proletariat to unite with peasants. (1) Elite Rev group (2) Social Revolution
Revolution of , Nicolas II dismissed Witte 1904, Russia went to war with Japan over Trans-Siberian RR in China 1905 Russia lost the war when Japanese launched surprise attack on Port Arthur 1905 Jan 22, Bloody Sunday led by Father Gapon During next ten months, Sailors and peasants revolted, property was attacked. Student strikes increased and urban workers became agitated resulting in strikes Workers groups called SOVIETS controlled the city of St. Petersburg October Manifesto promised constitutional government Duma was formed with 2 elected chambers but Nicolas picked ministers, made financial policy, dealt with military matters and foreign affairs When radicals were elected to Duma, Nicolas dissolved it and the second Duma The Third Duma was more conservative so Nicolas worked with it Stolypin repressed rebellion and rallied property owners behind the Tsar. Condemned over 700 peasants to death and canceled any payments peasants owed government to force them to abandon communal living with mirs and become more productive workers. Improved farming methods and production. Moderates in Duma approved this, liking the idea of competition and individual property ownership. Stolypin was assassinated - Rasputin came to court. AH OH
The mysterious Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, a peasant who claimed powers of healing and prediction, had the ear of Russian Tsarina Aleksandra. The aristocracy could not stand a peasant in such a high position. Peasants could not stand the rumors that the tsarina was sleeping with such a scoundrel. Rasputin was seen as "the dark force" that was ruining Mother Russia. To save the monarchy, several members of the aristocracy attempted to murder the holy man. On the night of December 16-17, 1916, they tried to kill Rasputin. The plan was simple. Yet on that fateful night, the conspirators found that Rasputin would be very difficult to kill.