South Africa's Wild life animals
vultures Description Definition Size and Weight Interesting facts Enemas
Description They often have straw coloured eyes The vultures head and neck is bold The vultures tail and wing tips are black and white
Definition Vultures are large scavenging birds
Size and Wight Wight; up to 12 kgs Size; a king vulture can stand up to 6 feet tall but the average length of a vulture is 96 and 115 cm tall
Interesting facts Fact one -vultures are well know as American species of vultures. Fact two-there are twenty species of vultures Fact three-vultures can eat meat which is any stage of decay. Fact four-it can dig deep into carcases with out getting solid. Fact five-the vulture is very hardly and survive types of barricade.
Enemies A man is first Cats will eat and kill if times are bad.