2 A housekeeping condition that could be considered hazardous 1. No Fire Extinguisher 25 2.Chemicals Not Labeled/ Stored Properly Unclean Workplace No Adequate Lighting 15 5.Signs Not Used to Mark Hazards Hallways are Obstructed 5
3 1. Heart Attack30 2. Stroke25 3. Spinal Injury20 Name an injury or condition when you would need to call Anaphylaxis15
4 What should be done if a natural gas leak is suspected? 1. Call the Gas Company (or 911) Avoid Using Electrical Equipment Avoid Open Flames Stay Away From the Immediate Area 15
5 Effects electrical current can have on the human body 1. Shock30 2.Lung Paralysis25 3. Burns20 4.Death15
6 Conditions or substances that can impair a worker’s judgement or coordination 1.Alcohol25 2.Being Over-Tired20 3. Drugs15 4. Not Paying Attention/Being Distracted10
7 Examples of personal protection equipment 1. Gloves Safety Goggles/Glasses20 3. Hard Hat15 4. Safety Vest15 5. Safety Foot Ware10 6. Face Shield 5
8 Reasons to wear body protective clothing 1. Temperature Extremes30 2. Hot Liquids25 3. Machinery20 4. Hazardous Chemicals15
9 Examples of safe driving habits 1. Obey Speed Limits Wear Seat Belts25 3. Avoid Distractions20 4. Use Turn Signals15
10 Things a responder should do after calling Monitor Victim’s Breathing25 2. Monitor Victim’s Pulse20 3. Watch for Shock15