Hearing Conservation In The Construction Industry The BC Experience Margaret Roberts Hearing Conservation Section Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia
Background In BC, WCB responsible for: No-fault insurance – occupational accident and disease claims Health and safety regulations – development and enforcement FUNDED by INDUSTRY
Why Hearing Conservation ? 1975 NIHL added to list of industrial diseases for compensation Potentially ¼ million workers Permanent disability awards & hearing aids
Why ? cont’d Increased awareness Impact of hearing loss NIHL painless, progressive, permanent PREVENTABLE
Hearing Conservation History 1979 First Regulation Gradual compliance/enforcement Forest Industry Heavy Manufacturing Construction Industry
Hearing Conservation History 1984 Discussions with Construction Industry Respond to perception that noise not a problem Even if it is, should be exempt
History Cont’d WCB conducted noise exposure surveys Focused hearing testing Increased inspection attention on worksites
History Cont’d 1987 Agreement with construction industry that WCB would administer a payment scheme for hearing tests
Paying for Hearing Tests Test ProviderEmployer WCB arrange testing annual assessmentdirect payment for tests submitted
Hearing Testing Payment : $22.50 “Test” includes: medical history questions hearing threshold testing individual counseling re. results and HP plus issuing individual record card
History Cont’d 1995 New Hearing Conservation and Noise Control regulations 1996 to 2000 Payment scheme reviewed and renewed Program Emphasis on all elements of a HC Program
Hearing Conservation Program Elements Evaluation of exposures Noise control Education and training Posting of Hazard Hearing Protection Hearing Tests Program review
What About the Other 6 Elements? Worker noise exposures Use WCB info Noise Control Study of equipment noise 1999 Education and Training Pamphlets/posters available Counseling at time of test
Provision and enforcement of use of hearing protection 1981 NP=50% 1988 NP=44% Other Elements…cont’d 1999 NP=16%
Regular Use of HP by Occupation
Other Elements…cont’d Posting of Hazard Questionnaire as part of 1999 audit showed few sites posted for this hazard compared with “hardhat area” signs Program review Little done at individual firm level
Success? Hearing testing being done (46,000 in 1999) Increased awareness Employers Workers Little “ownership” on site Reduction in degree of hearing loss
Heavy Equipment Operator