So you want to be a… Professional Photographer
Professional Photographer Photograph persons, subjects, merchandise, or other commercial products. May develop negatives and produce finished prints. Salary –Entry level workers can start out making $29,000, while more experienced workers can make as much as $76,000. Education –Most occupations in this zone require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree. Some may require a bachelor's degree. –Employees in these occupations usually need one or two years of training involving both on- the-job experience and informal training with experienced workers.
So what does a Professional Photographer do? Develop and print exposed film using chemicals, touchup tools, and developing and printing equipment, or send film to photofinishing laboratories for processing. Enhance, retouch, and resize photographs and negatives, using airbrushing and other techniques. Estimate or measure light levels, distances, and numbers of exposures needed, using measuring devices and formulas. Adjust apertures, shutter speeds, and camera focus based on a combination of factors such as lighting, field depth, subject motion, film type, and film speed. Take pictures of individuals or families either in studio or on location. Employ specialized photographic materials and techniques, including infrared and ultraviolet films, macro-photography, photogrammetry, and sensitometry.
Outlook for the Future During 2009, there were approximately 14,130 people employed in this field in CA. It is estimated that in 2016 there will be 15,900 employed in CA. This represents an increase of 210 new positions each year (1.40%).
Similar Occupations Photographic Process Workers Film and Video Editors Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture Sound Engineering Technicians Set and Exhibit Designers
What will I need to know? Classes you will need to take for this career: Journalism Photo Journalism Mathematics English Computers Knowledge you will need to gain for this career: Customer and Personal Service Sales and Marketing Computers and Electronics Clerical
How do I become a Professional Photographer? First, you need to make it out of middle school. Once you’re in high school: –Consider taking some ROP classes specifically for photography or join journalism club, yearbook, or the newspaper. –Think about taking some photography classes at your local community college. –Maintain good grades because you’re definitely going to need a high school diploma and will need good grades to get into a college. Major in photography in college.
Questions? Speak to your counselor Mrs. Scribner –Students whose last names begin with A-L Mrs. Jantz –Students whose last names begin with M-Z