Monash University Library Quality Cycle EXCELLENCE AND DIVERSITY and LEADING THE WAY Monash University’s strategic framework and overall directions MONASH UNIVERSITY PLANNING DOCUMENTS Monash University Annual Plan Learning and Teaching Plan Research and Research Training Management Plan IT Strategic Plan Faculty and Divisional operational plans Campus impact statements, development & urban plans Support Services Plan, Capital Plan, Marketing Plan Quality at Monash: Values and Principles REFERENCE GROUPS CAUL Group of Eight STAFF INPUT Directors’ planning day Senior staff planning workshop Divisional/unit staff meetings LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Plan – 3 year rolling plan with objectives and strategic initiatives Divisional and unit operational plans Individual staff performance plans Phase 1 Phase 2 PLAN ACT BUDGET
Monash University Library Quality Cycle SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT ACTIVITIES Summary of services Service Statements with KPIs and measures FINANCAL OPERATIONS Annual library budget Activity Based Costing POLICIES Agreed upon by Management Committee and put on intranet STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES Library Strategic Plan, with annual review of targets and actions Library-wide objectives and actions Divisional plans and actions Faculty team plans and actions Library branch plans and actions PROJECTS Project briefs presented to Management Committee for information, endorsement or action Reported upon by directors midyear and at end of year planning days FACULTY LIAISON General Library Committee meetings Library Advisory Committee meetings Faculty board meetings Departmental/School meetings Web site Information literacy sessions LIBRARY STAFF ACTIVITIES Individual performance management plans and actions Position descriptions and roles Training LIBRARY REPRESENTATION/ATTENDANCE AT UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Academic Board Senior Management Committee Education Committee and subcommittees Committee of Associate Deans (Teaching) Information Management Project Steering Committee Finance Reference Group International Development Group SLA and Quality Coordinators meetings Information Technology Services – various meetings OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Facilities Master Plan Information Systems Plan Marketing and Communications Plan Other library unit plans and documents STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK & INPUT Customer surveys Staff opinion surveys Graduate questionnaires Monash Experience Questionnaire Focus groups , feedback form, suggestion board Library committees Phase 2 Phase 3 EVALUATE ACT STAFF COMMUNICATION Directors’ visits to branches Annual staff information day Intranet Regular bulletins from University Librarian, directors, project managers, marketing & communications officer
Monash University Library Quality Cycle Phase 3 A. MONITOR FINANCE Monthly budget reports to directors Quarterly reports to General Library Committee Annual accounts reconciliation and report to university SURVEYS Biennial library staff opinion survey Biennial customer survey benchmarked nationally Service specific surveys (ad hoc) STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK In person at information desks Via online chat By telephone By Via Systems and Information Resources help desks Suggestion boxes, feedback forms Informally Library Committees STATISTICS Monthly recording Annual reporting to CAUL Annual report SERVICES Service Statements with KPIs monitored regularly and reported upon quarterly to faculties STRATEGIC PLAN Projects reported upon semi annually at senior staff forum QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Quality Management Group meetings Review of actions implemented Regular schedule to review objectives and initiatives B. REVIEW COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Annual review of current committees INDIVIDUAL STAFF PLANS Biannual review DIVISIONAL PLANS Proactive monitoring during the year and end of year evaluation of planned activities STRATEGIC PLAN Annual review and evaluation of objectives and actions Review of strategic initiatives Revision of objectives and actions SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS KPIs reviewed annually Phase 4 IMPROVE EVALUATE STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK Review of survey responses and comments Action plans devised PROJECTS Timelines include monitoring and reviewing
Monash University Library Quality Cycle Phase 4 Quality Assurance Self review and resulting self review report identify strengths and weaknesses Panel visit and resulting panel report make commendations and recommendations for action Post review action plan identifies prioritised actions for implementation After six months, progress is reported to university Actions are aligned with key planning documents – strategic plan, operational plans, budget, performance plans Actions are communicated to stakeholders Staff are asked for further feedback on progress of the quality program Actions are tracked and evaluated Adjustments are made to activities as required Quality cycle phases recommence Quality Cycle Re Apply Phase 1 IMPROVE RE PLAN