Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report Roundtable Discussion Winter Park Health Foundation, Florida Mel Chang, MPA AHC Administrator Office of Medicaid Research and Policy Bureau of Medicaid Quality Management Agency for Health Care Administration March 3, 2006
1 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report Overview FHIS Phase II is funded by the HRSA State Planning Grant Program. The project explores the ability of ambulatory care safety-net providers, in particular, community health centers, to organize into ‘health plans’ in order to participate in coverage expansion efforts for low-income, uninsured Floridians as well as to accommodate changes to the Medicaid program. The overarching goal of the project is to explore the feasibility of developing a health insurance program or option that can be implemented and offered by the ambulatory safety-net.
2 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report FHIS Phase II Project Objectives –To document and describe the characteristics of the ambulatory care safety-net in Florida; –To understand the kinds of services the ambulatory care safety-net provide to their uninsured patients and identify the gaps in care; –To assess coverage expansion options available to strengthen the safety net and improve coverage for the uninsured population; and –To provide a statewide strategic plan that includes preliminary set of guidelines for community health centers, other ambulatory care safety net providers and stakeholders.
3 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report FHIS Phase II Tasks Specific tasks include: –Survey of safety-net ambulatory care providers in selected locations throughout the state in order to assess the infrastructure and capacity; –Site visits; –Assessment of consumer interest in health plans offered by ambulatory care providers; and –Statewide strategic plan to design and implement a pilot.
4 Major Task: Establish the Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Steering Committee Major Task: Summarize Existing Information/ Administrative data analysis Major Task: Key Informant Interviews Focus Groups Site Visits Major Task: Develop Strategic Plan for a Pilot Major Task: Report Findings and Link findings to strategic plan development of pilot Major Task: CHC and CHD surveys FHIS Phase II Project Flow Chart
5 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report Previous Efforts FHIS 1999; Health Flex Program; Pooled Purchasing initiatives; Locally financed and administered programs for uninsured; Governor’s Task Force and House Select Committee, HB1629; FHIS 2004; Limited Benefit Plans (Chapter 641, Part II).
6 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report Lead Agency and Collaborating Project Partners The lead agency is the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA); Current Collaborating Project Partners University of Florida Center for Medicaid and the Uninsured; Health Management Associates, Inc.; Florida Association of Community Health Centers; Community Health Centers Inc. of Central Florida; Department of Health/County Health Departments; Winter Park Health Foundation.
7 Florida Health Insurance Study Phase II Project Overview and Progress Report Project Time Frame: January 2005 to November 2006 Website: