Commonwealth Project Management: CPGAT Pat Reynolds Project Management Division 1 D R A F T
Concepts to know CPGAT “fine tunes” (not too much or too little) project: –Governance & Oversight –Documentation requirements –Approval levels Based on four levels - - NOT two: (major, non-major) “Major IT Project” is simply a label for ITIM/ITSP purposes. May reduce the ‘paperwork burden’ of many projects –Remember that “it’s not about the paperwork”!... –Documentation is merely evidence that the agency and PM went through the mental process of initiating, planning, executing & controlling and closing out the project.
CPGA Categories RiskHighMediumLow ComplexityHighMediumLowHighMediumLowHighMediumLow Category 1234
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) No more: Major and Non-major projects –Governance & Oversight is applied in accordance with the CPGA Risk/Complexity Category ITIB –Secretary of Technology is the highest approval authority Pre-Select Investment Analysis –Replaced by CPGA Pre-Select Risk/Complexity Assessment Project Analysis Worksheet (PAW) –Previously was optional –Under CPGA, the Business Case & Alternatives Analysis (BCAA) incorporates much of the information and analysis previously found in the PAW
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) No more: Project Proposal –Under CPGA, the Project Charter and the Business Case & Alternatives Analysis (BCAA) incorporate much of the information and analysis previously found in the Project Proposal Excel-Macro Cost-Benefit Analysis worksheet –Now CBA is an integrated form in ProSight Preliminary Risk Assessment –Replaced by CPGA Planning Risk/Complexity Assessment Project Complexity –Replaced by CPGA Project Initiation Approval Risk/Complexity Assessment and CPGA Category Matrix User Acceptance Report –The UA Report is now incorporated into the Closeout Report
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) New ProSight Forms: CPGA Pre-Select Risk/Complexity Assessment CPGA Project Initiation Approval Risk/Complexity Assessment CPGA Planning Risk/Complexity Assessment CPGA Event-Driven Risk/Complexity Assessment Business Case & Alternatives Analysis (BCAA) Cost-Benefit Analysis Organizational Change Management Plan (upload, Ph. 2) Closeout Report (updated, incl. O&M cost planning)
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) New ProSight Procedures: Every new project > $250,000 requires more robust justification through the use of Business Case & Alternatives Analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis. –Capture costs of current process –Compare alternative solutions, including ‘do nothing’ –Justify the selected alternative Incorporate Risk/Complexity Assessment discussions/activities: –Initial –Periodic –Cumulative –Changeable
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) New ProSight Procedures: Refer to CPGA Risk/Complexity Category for: –Documentation requirements –Approval levels –IV&V requirements –Status reporting requirements –Oversight committee requirements –Scope, schedule, budget accuracy thresholds –Post-Implementation Review requirements
Pre-Select SelectControlEvaluate ITIM Lifecycle Agency Strategic Plan New Product or Service
Project Business Alignment Biennium Funding Project Business Alignment Pre-Select & Select IBC – Investment Business Case Approval PMD Project** Evaluation ITIM verifies Agcy has Certified Strategic Plan ITIM drafts decision package to CIO IPP – Identified for Preliminary Planning*** CPGA Pre-Select R/C* Assessment CPGA Pre-Select R/C* Assessment Investment Business Case Signed by: - AITR - Agcy Hd. Agency contacts ITIM Office NOTE: As part of the RTIP cycle, projects approved in the RTIP report = IPP or IBC approval. PMD Recom- mendation & Approval – Strat. Planning ** Projects are evaluated with consideration to: PMD: Strategic Plan, Business Case, Funding, Risk Ent. Arch: Technical Feasibility, Re-Use Ent. Appl: Collaboration, EAD Supply Chain: APR, RFP, Statewide Contract Determines CPGA Category Red shading = new or revised form. Agency Strategic Plan Business Need *** Proposed Project statuses: IPP: CIO recognizes the business need; needs further analysis before IBC IBC: CIO authorizes agency to spend funds on developing a project Charter Note: Both IPP and IBC proposed projects are included in the Agency IT Strategic Plan - or - * R/C: Risk & Complexity
Pre-Select & Select : Differences by CPGAT Category
Detailed Planning Control IBC – Investment Business Case Approval Project Initiation Approval* Control Project Detailed Planning Approval InitiateExecute & ControlCloseout Closeout Report Deliver Product or Service Status Report **NOTE: Contract may only be signed AFTER Project Initiation Approval. Procurement Procure- ment as needed: -APR - RFP -- Contract** *NOTE: Projects are designated “active” upon Project Initiation Approval.
Project Analysis Worksheet (optional) 1 Preliminary Risk Assess- ment 2 PMD Balanced Scorecard PMD Decision Brief Control: Initiate APP – Approved for Planning Approved for Development PMD calls for SOC* review PMD drafts decision package for CIO CIO Develop- ment Approval letter ITIB 5-day review** CIO recommendation** **CIO recommendation and ITIB review/approval for Major IT projects only NOTE: Initiation steps are required for both Major and NON-Major projects except where noted. *Secretariat Oversight Committee (SOC) review/recommendation for Major IT projects only SOC recommendation* Cost & Benefit Analysis 3 Project Manager Qualifi- cation (optional) Project Manager Qualifi- cation (optional)4 Project Proposal 5 Project Charter 6 Signed by: - Proj. Mgr. - Bus. Sponsr. - Agcy Hd Signed by: - CIO Signed by: - CIO Signed by: - Deputy Secretary* Procurement Procure- ment as needed: -APR - RFP - Contract*** ***APR, RFP and Contract require CIO approval. Contract may only be signed AFTER Development Approval.
CPGA Project Initiation R/C Assessment 5 B C A A * 1 PMD Balanced Scorecard PMD Decision Brief Control: Initiate IBC – Investment Business Case Approval Project Initiation Approval PMD calls for SOC** review CIO Project Initiation Approval letter NOTE: CPGAT assessment determines documentation and approval level requirements. SOC recommendation** Cost & Benefit Analysis 2 Project Manager Qualifi- cation (optional) Project Manager Qualifi- cation (optional)3 ***APR, RFP and Contract require CIO approval. Contract may only be signed AFTER Project Initiation Approval. * BCAA = Business Case & Alternatives Analysis Procurement Procure- ment as needed: -APR - RFP - Contract*** ** SOC = Secretariat Oversight Committee approval as necessary Re-determines CPGA Category Org. Chart 4.a Project Charter 4 Procuremt. Plan 6 Project Initiation Transition Checklist 7
Initiation : Differences by CPGAT Category
Initiation : Differences by CPGAT Category (Cont’d.)
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) Focus On: Business Case & Alternatives Analysis (BCAA) Describe the Business Problem Project Scope, Objectives, Constraints, Business Alignment Describe 3 different solution alternatives: –Solution description, Project description, Intangible benefits –Business Process Impact, Technical Feasibility, Maturity of Solution –Estimate Resources: Funding, Project Team, Facilities, Equipment, etc. –Constraints, CBA summary, ROI analysis Solution comparison: –Decision Criteria and scores, CBA Comparison, Chosen solution –Recommended Solution Justification Project Sponsor Approval
CPGA Changes to ProSight (CTP) Focus On: Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Current Operational Expenditures –Internal Staff Labor (# of people) –Expenditures: Staff costs, Services, Software, Facilities, etc. Solution 0 (As-Is): Impact of maintaining the current business process to meet the new problem/opportunity. –Ongoing People, Other costs –Tangible benefits and Revenue Solution 1 - 3: Impact of conducting a various projects to meet the new problem/opportunity. –Project Costs –Ongoing People, Other costs –Tangible benefits and Revenue Summary & Comparison
Proj. Scope & Bus. Objective Wksht. 2 Control: Plan BOLD indicates REQUIRED form; Complete other forms based on Project Complexity Model Approved for Development NOTE: For NON-Major projects, planning steps described are not required, but recommended. Project Complex- ity Model Project Complex- ity Model1 Work Breakdown Structure 3 Org. Work Breakdown Structure 4 Activity Definition & Sequence. Wksht. 5 Resource Plan 6 Project Schedule 7 Risk Mgmt. Plan 8 Quality Mgmt. & IV&V Plan 11 Project Plan Summary 15 Change & Config. Plan 12 Procuremt. Plan 9 Communi- cation Plan 10 Perform- ance Plan 13 Project Plan Approval Project Oversight Plan Budget Plan 14 Signed by: PMD (on behalf of CIO) Signed by: - Bus. Sponsor or - Agcy Hd. FIRST required IV&V * * First IV&V required at completion of the detailed project plan and before execution begins.
Proj. Planning Transition Checklist 16 Proj. Scope & Bus. Objective Wksht. 1 Control: Detailed Planning Project Initiation Approval Work Breakdown Structure (upload) 2 Org. Work Breakdown Structure (upload) 3 Activity Definition & Sequence. Wksht. (upload) 4 Resource Plan 5 Project Schedule 6 Risk Mgmt. Plan Risk Mgmt. Plan7 Project Plan Summary 15 Communi- cation Plan 8 Quality Mgmt. & IV&V Plan 9 Detailed Planning Approval Project Oversight Plan Signed by: PMD (on behalf of CIO) CPGA Planning R/C Assessment 14 Change & Config. Plan 10 Budget Plan 13 Org. Change Mgt. Plan (upload) 11 Perform- ance Plan 12 Re-determines CPGA Category Signed by: - Project Sponsor (IAOC) - Agcy Hd.
Detailed Planning : Differences by CPGAT Category
Detailed Planning : Differences by CPGAT Category (Cont’d.)
Detailed Planning : Differences by CPGAT Category (Cont’d.)
PMD Decision Brief (>10%) PMD Decision Brief (>10%) Issue Mgmt.* User Acceptance Report* Control: Execute & Control Signed by: - User Rep. - Proj. Mgr. - Bus. Sponsor - Agcy Hd. Project Plan Approval Control Project (Scope Cost Schedule) Rebaseline** Deliver Product or Service Status Reports (monthly after Developmen t Approval) Status Reports (monthly after Developmen t Approval) Status Report Change Control Request > 10% Signed by: - Proj. Mgr. - Bus. Sponsor (IAOC) - SOC (Major Proj. Only) - CIO < 10% Signed by: - Proj. Mgr. - Bus. Sponsor (IAOC) **Rebaseline if necessary. NOTE: For NON-Major projects, execute & control steps described are not required, but recommended. Additionally, NON-Major projects must submit a Change Control Request when scope, schedule or budget exceeds 20%. *If required per Project Complexity Model. PERIODIC IV&V *
CPGA Event- Driven R/C Assessment PMD Decision Brief Issue Mgmt. Control: Execute & Control Detailed Planning Approval Control Project (Scope, Cost, Schedule) Rebaseline* Deliver Product or Service Status Report Change Control Request *Rebaseline if necessary. PERIODIC IV&V Independent Agency Oversight Committee Meetings PMD Balanced Scorecard Proj. Exec. & Cntrl. Transition Checklist Re-determines CPGA Category Signed by: - Proj. Mgr. - Sponsor (IAOC) - SOC - CIO Event-Driven IV&V
Execute & Control : Differences by CPGAT Category
Execute & Control : Differences by CPGAT Category (Cont’d.)
Control: Closeout Product or Service Delivered Closeout Report Proj. Exec. & Cntrl. Transition Checklist Closeout Report Closeout IV&V
Evaluate PIR - Post Implementation Review