1 The United Nations Development Programme Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Development General Organization for Physical Planning “GOPP” Participatory National, Regional and Governorate Strategic Planning for Balanced Spatial Development(SpaD) Presented by Mrs. Madiha Mahmoud
22 Background The series of projects between GOPP and UNDP are a key component of the Government of Egypt’s decentralization and sustainability objectives. Collaboration started in 1986 with the first Regional Physical Planning Center (RPPC) in Ismailia. Now there are RPPCs in each of Egypt’s seven economic regions.
33 GOPP Capacity Building A modern physical information network linking the GOPP headquarters with all regional centers (LANs and a WAN) and a series of policies for information exchange. The seven RPPCs are equipped with the required hardware, software and trained personnel. Strategic urban planning (SUP) methodology and guidelines developed in Arabic and English and tested in two cities (Zifta and Awlad Sakr). The SUP guidelines are accessible through the GOPP website to RPPCs, consultants and academics. Preliminary mechanism for M & E of strategic plans ready for testing and adaptation. Results of GOPP/UNDP Cooperation
44 At the Policy Level The new Building Law 119 of 2008 is based on all the best practices derived from previous phases of UNDP/GOPP cooperation, such as: Integration between physical planning and economic planning. Integration of levels of physical planning hierarchy, starting from the national plan, through to regional and governorates plans, and then to urban and village plans. Adherence to common standards for physical planning achieved by the development of planning manuals for all levels - accessible through the web to private sector firms doing planning work on a contractual basis. Results of GOPP/UNDP Cooperation (continued )
5 Findings of the Evaluation of DP3 Project The new participative planning methodology is accepted by Local Authorities’ planning units and is popular with local communities and business. Necessity of having a hierarchy of plans, linking national vision to urban planning. Consolidation is required to ensure full benefit of the previous phase achievements: Regional Planning Centers/ GOPP network Zifta and Awlad Sakr strategic plans Monitoring and evaluation
66 The New Proposed Project Participatory National, Regional, and Governorate Strategic Planning for Balanced Spatial Development SpaD
77 The New Proposed Project : SpaD The Project will produce the first fully integrated hierarchy of Spatial Development Plans in accordance with the New Building Law. The expected outputs are: A. A National Spatial Development Plan for Egypt B. 2 Regional Plans C. 7 Governorate Plans D. Consolidation of capacity development for GOPP’s 7 RPPCs
88 The Spatial Development Plans A. The National Spatial Development Plan for Egypt will set the areas for development and new expansion corridors to ensure sustainable development to B. Regional-level plans working within the framework of the national plan will be the basis for strategic governorate plans; there will be integration with national economic planning at this level. C. Governorate Plans consistent with the regional plan will be the base for urban plans, which will be developed according to participatory methodologies.
9 D. Consolidation : Monitoring and Evaluation: The previous phase produced a preliminary version of M&E guidelines, including the roles of GOPP, RPPCs and Local Authorities in the follow–up processes. More testing and adaptation is required to produce a solid version. Regional Planning Centers/ GOPP network: The policies developed in the previous phase need to be implemented. Zifta and Awlad Sakr strategic plans: LA’s have requested the project’s involvement in preparation of the action plans and guiding the process through a full budget cycle. GOPP’s Regional Centers’ Capabilities
10 A A National Spatial Development Plan produced A A National Spatial Development Plan produced D GOPP's Regional Centers' capabilities consolidated D GOPP's Regional Centers' capabilities consolidated Balanced Spatial Development in Egypt Outcome Outputs Activities B 2 Regional Plans produced B 2 Regional Plans produced C 7 Governorate Strategic Plans produced C 7 Governorate Strategic Plans produced Project Overview D1 :Consolidate RPPC & LA capabilities in SUP. D2 : Implement the Information Management Policies concerning the database+active directory. D3 : Connect RC 3 (Suez Canal) with planning departments at the governorate level. D4 : Pilot the follow-up, M & E programme for physical plans produced under SUP guidelines. D1 :Consolidate RPPC & LA capabilities in SUP. D2 : Implement the Information Management Policies concerning the database+active directory. D3 : Connect RC 3 (Suez Canal) with planning departments at the governorate level. D4 : Pilot the follow-up, M & E programme for physical plans produced under SUP guidelines. C1 : Pilot the Governorate SRP guidelines on 5 governorates in (RC3): -Prepare profiles and visions. -Hold workshops to agree profile & vision and develop long and short-term objectives and priority projects for each governorate. -Prepare plans for five Governorates C2 : Pilot the Governorate SRP guidelines on 2 governorates in North Upper Egypt Region (RC5) C1 : Pilot the Governorate SRP guidelines on 5 governorates in (RC3): -Prepare profiles and visions. -Hold workshops to agree profile & vision and develop long and short-term objectives and priority projects for each governorate. -Prepare plans for five Governorates C2 : Pilot the Governorate SRP guidelines on 2 governorates in North Upper Egypt Region (RC5) B1 : Refine/adapt Regional and Governorate strategic planning guidelines. B2 : Pilot the Regional guidelines on Suez Canal Economic Region (RC3) -Prepare regional profile and vision -Workshop with all the regions' Governors to agree profile & vision, develop long & short-term objectives and priority projects. -Prepare RC3 Regional Strategy & Implementation Plan. Repeat for RC5 B1 : Refine/adapt Regional and Governorate strategic planning guidelines. B2 : Pilot the Regional guidelines on Suez Canal Economic Region (RC3) -Prepare regional profile and vision -Workshop with all the regions' Governors to agree profile & vision, develop long & short-term objectives and priority projects. -Prepare RC3 Regional Strategy & Implementation Plan. Repeat for RC5 A1 :Prepare a National Spatial Development Plan. -‘Neighboring country’ seminar to review development visions. - Conduct workshops with all stakeholders to refine the proposed plan - Prepare a methodology for developing land use plans for Development Corridors. A1 :Prepare a National Spatial Development Plan. -‘Neighboring country’ seminar to review development visions. - Conduct workshops with all stakeholders to refine the proposed plan - Prepare a methodology for developing land use plans for Development Corridors.
11 Capacity Building through needs assessment and development of relevant training programmes. Knowledge Management: Mobilization of local and international technical advice. Drawing on comparative experiences through the organization of an international seminar on regional physical planning. Stakeholder engagement through working groups. Monitoring the project implementation: Project Board Meetings, Issues Log, Risks Log, AWPs, Annual Review Reports, Project Evaluation. Project Strategy
12 Project Structure Project Board Executive GOPP Chairperson Senior User MOLD Senior Supplier UNDP & MOFA 1 2 … Governorates’ LA Planning Units in the Suez Canal Economic Region and North Upper Egypt PMU - Project Manager - Workgroups Coordinator (Deputy Manager) - Accountant - Administrative support. Project Assurance Role Executive Committee Regional Strategic Plan Team Leader National Spatial Plan Team Leader Information Management w/g (inc GIS) w/g for connecting Region 3 with Gov'rate Planning Department Consolidation Team Leader Action Plan for Zifta w/g Action Plan for Awlad Sakr w/g Provide SUP training to other 4 RCs w/g Strategic Urban Planning Team Leader
13 Roles & Responsibilities - GOPP This project is being nationally executed by GOPP. Therefore it will appoint from within its staff the project manager, senior accountant, senior engineers for the working groups, provide premises, seek parallel financing for some activities.
14 Support Policy Development through Engagement of Stakeholders Enhance Knowledge Management Facilitate Mobilization of International Expertise & Comparative Experiences Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation Support Development of a Communications Strategy to ensure project achievements visibility & wide interpretation to ‘stakeholders’ in the planning process. Roles & Responsibilities - UNDP
15 Potential risks include: Financial: The global economic crisis may result in unavailability of funds to complete the implementation of the project. Operational: The possibility of keeping trained staff. Strategic: Other government agencies may not cooperate with the transparency and participatory aspects of the project. Risk Analysis
17 1- Budget : Total Cost of the project is $4,000,000 for the 5 years. Financing of the project will be on a cost-sharing basis: GOPP Share UNDP Share 2- Date of signature: 3- Actions prior to signature: Add other potential donors, enter indicators, enter budget shares. Issues to be Discussed