Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA) A dynamic North Atlantic Region through collaboration NORA/NPP Maritime Safety Partneriat, Copenhagen 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA) A dynamic North Atlantic Region through collaboration NORA/NPP Maritime Safety Partneriat, Copenhagen 1

What is NORA? Nordic Council of Ministers West-Nordic Cooperation Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA) 2

What makes a region? Sparcely populated region Coastal communities Importance of the sea Common challenges...and a North Atlantic way of thinking? 3

What is NORA doing? Strategic Initiatives Action Plan for 2010 Conferences, analysis etc. Project Support Strategic Plan Priority sectors 4

Strategic Initiatives Demographic Challenge of the North Atlantic Region 5

Strategic Initiatives North Atlantic Perspective on Global Warming Cruise Tourism Maritime safety 6

Strategic Initiatives Cooperation with our Western neighbours 7

Project Support Which sectors? Marine resources Tourism Transport Information technology Other regional collaboration 8

Marine resources and Tourism Economic base for the NORA region Large potential for the region Technological, market and economic challenges Strategic Plan: Optimisation of resource explotation and sustainable resource utilisation in coastal communities Strategic Plan : Economic opportunities versus fragile nature environment 9

Transport Enourmous distances form a barriere for closer cooperation Strategic Plan: Better infrastructure Maritime safety Sustainable energy solutions in transport and fisheries 10

Other regional collaboration Beyond current main themes Energy, agriculture, sustainability, culture, gender.... Ideas that foster collaboration... 11

How to apply for project support? At least two NORA countries 50 % of project budget Partner search Next deadline: 8th of March 2010 BUT for project from you: 14th april