CEBioS 2014-2023 Strategy & Specific objectives 09 March 2015, CHM Partnership meeting, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Han de Koeijer and Marie-Lucie Susini DGD-RBINS.


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Presentation transcript:

CEBioS Strategy & Specific objectives 09 March 2015, CHM Partnership meeting, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Han de Koeijer and Marie-Lucie Susini DGD-RBINS programme-”Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable development”

Overview presentation Strategic plan SO1: To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base SO2: To enhance the information base and governance processes SO3: To raise awareness and communicate on the importance of biodiversity SO5:Measurement, Reporting and Verification SO6: Nagoya Protocol

Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity Use the RBINS scientific and technical expertise to build the capacities of scientists, rangers, students, curators in partner countries in the study of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Expected results: 1.1. Scientific and technical expertise is built Quality scientific knowledge is produced Monitoring data is fed into national indicator processes Scientific outputs are made accessible to users. Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Activities: To reach objective 1.1. (Build scientific expertise): Short term grants for Training in taxonomy and collection management & access to collections in Belgium (GTI).  More details in a forthcoming presentation on GTI calls. Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Activities: To reach objective 1.1. (Build scientific expertise): Support for taxonomy-based research and training projects in the South for RBINS researchers (GTI).  More details in a forthcoming presentation on GTI calls. Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Activities: To reach objective 1.2. (Quality scientific knowledge): Monitoring of habitatsfor ecosystem management (Benin, Burundi, DRC) Taxonomic research and monitoring of lowland forests in Kisangani area (DRC) Integrated coastal management and monitoring of ecosystems – COHERENS (Peru & Vietnam) Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Activities: To reach objective 1.3. (Monitoring data is fed into national indicator processes): Calls for proposals on Aichi target indicators Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Activities: To reach objective 1.4. (Scientific outputs are accessible): Abc Taxa manuals are produced Lexicons and syllabuses are produced Public awareness activities are advertised on, national CHM websites and cebios website. Strategic objective 1. To strengthen the scientific and technical knowledge base on biodiversity

Strategic objective 2. To enhance the information base and governance processes Providing training and support for the use of web‐based technologies as a mean to disseminate information (technical aspects); Building capacities on how to improve the content, relevance and timing of the provided information (strategic aspects).

Strategic objective 2. To enhance the information base and governance processes The expected results: 2.1. Expertise in information management is built, 2.2. Information flows are improved, 2.3. Information is used to advise governance processes.

Strategic objective 2. To enhance the information base and governance processes Activities Individual training (Belgium or opportunities) National training Call for projects (1 each year) Regional workshops Information as result from other SO should be posted on national CHMs Participation in international meetings

Strategic objective 3: To raise awareness and communicate on the importance of biodiversity Meeting target 1 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity People are aware of: (i)the importance of biodiversity (i.e. its environmental, cultural, economic and intrinsic values) and ecosystem services; (ii) people are aware of the type of actions they can take to conserve biodiversity and use it sustainably

Strategic objective 3: To raise awareness and communicate on the importance of biodiversity Expected results: 3.1. Baselines provide an insight on the level of awareness and/or commitment, 3.2. Awareness and commitment are raised, 3.3 Communication and awareness raising in Belgium

Strategic objective 3: To raise awareness and communicate on the importance of biodiversity Activities: 3.1. Baselines provide an insight on the level of awareness and/or commitment: Call for projects (1 each year) 3.2. Awareness and commitment are raised: Call for projects (1 each year) Results from all CEBioS activities made available to public 3.3 Communication and awareness raising in Belgium: Based among others on activities undertaken by partners of CEBioS and Belgian Development Cooperation

Strategic objective 5. To improve the knowledge on the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) Strategic Plan and NBSAPS have or will use indicators to measure progress Goal: The elaboration and formulation of indicators and the establishment / follow-up of formal ‘MRV’ processes Best practices from countries introduced in partner countries NBSAP follow-up

Strategic objective 5. To improve the knowledge on the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) Expected results: 5.1. Expertise of the RBINS on MRV is built, 5.2. Methodologies to assess progress towards the Aïchi Targets are available Activities: Yearly call for projects Assistance to DGD to integrate indicators on biodiversity in bi-lateral cooperation activities

Strategic objective 6. To raise awareness and build capacities on the implementation of the NP Expected results: 6.1. The RBINS and DGD are familiar with the obligations under the Nagoya Protocol Awareness of the scientific community on the Nagoya Protocol is raised. Activities (Be and partner countries): Awareness raising sessions Training in use of ABS-CH Follow up of Governance processes, best practices and expressed capacity building needs

Remain self-critical Critical observations: – Several specific objectives (seek one phrase) – Too many details high up in the hierarchy (lower one level) – No consistency with text and/or operational planning – Poor indicators lacking targets – Incomplete assumptions – Not feasible in view of available means and timeframes – Artificial projects (certain ‘musts’ are made to fit – hamer seeks nail) Apply checklist (see documantation folder) 19 Thank you! Delta of the Rusisi, Ramsar site and National Park, Burundi de Koeijer