Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Presented on behalf of Francois Le Gall
Outline of the Presentation 1.Background 2.The Concept 3.Description of the Strategic Partnership 4.Preparation & Next Steps
1. Background
Objectives: To support country level strategies and investments to: reverse the depletion of fisheries in the large marine ecosystems (LMEs) of SSA, assist the individual coastal countries bordering these LMEs to meet the fisheries targets set by the WSSD, and complement the ongoing LME initiatives in SSA: In 2003 the GEF requested the World Bank to lead the preparation and implementation of a ten-year Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of SSA.
2. The Concept for the Strategic Partnership
Concept GEF would create a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund of US$ 60 million (disbursed in 3 tranches over 10 years). This Investment Fund would be available to co-finance country-level projects aimed at helping countries in SSA meet the WSSD fisheries targets. The World Bank submitted a concept that was accepted into the GEF pipeline at the end of May, 2003.
3. Description of the Strategic Partnership
Funding The Investment Fund would be co-financed by the World Bank, through: (I)Global Forum and Trust Fund Program for Sustainable Fisheries (ii)IDA funds for implementation as well as other interested donors. Bi-lateral, multi-lateral donors Global Trust Fund Program for Sustainable Fisheries World Bank (IDA funding) Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund (GEF) Country-Level Projects
Strategic Partnership The Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund would be advised by a regional panel, or Strategic Partnership, of: stakeholders, Gov. representatives, donors, NGOs, etc. The Partnership could facilitate regional learning exchanges and coordination between country- level investments. Thus, the concept for a Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund.
Projects Types of country-level projects potentially supported by the Strategic Partnership: The types of country-level investments might include: Community-driven development programs to introduce co-management Long-term strategy for management of the sector Strengthened monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries Effective networks of marine protected areas Alternative livelihoods to fishing
4. Preparation & Next Steps
Preparation The World Bank has asked FAO and WWF to help prepare the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund, as planning partners. The three planning partners, the World Bank, FAO and WWF, submitted a PDF-B proposal to the GEF at the end of May 2004, for preparation funds for a period of 15 months.
Preparation Outputs 1. The finalized structure of the Strategic Partnership, including roles and responsibilities for stakeholders and partners during implementation. 2. Transparent eligibility criteria for projects funded by the Strategic Partnership. 3. A monitoring and evaluation component for regional and country-level impacts, progress towards WSSD targets. 4. Concepts for the first two country- level projects to be funded by the Partnership.
Next Steps The planning partners will present the initial concept to stakeholders in the region, and begin discussions to prepare the Strategic Partnership: Discussions with NEPAD Hold Regional Consultations