Light to Cells Study Guide 1.Refer to the back of p. 14 in the binder. 2.Refraction of light causes the pencil to appear bent. When light travels through a denser object, such as water, it slows down. This decrease in speed causes the object the light is shining on to appear bent Particle 2. Quantum 3. Wave
Light to Cells Study Guide 4.Wave 5.A yellow rose absorbs all colors except for yellow. Yellow is the only color it reflects causing the rose to appear yellow. 6.White light is made up of all the colors that make up visible light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & violet). 7.The more energy light has the short its wavelength and the less energy light has the longer its wavelength. 8.The black car absorbs more of the sun’s energy (heat_ than the white car. 9.Outer space is black because there is nothing to reflect light.
Light to Cells Study Guide 10.Smooth 11.Slows down 12.Opaque 13. Refer to board All organisms are made up of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in all organisms. 3. All cells come from cells that already exists.
15. Cells to tissue to organs to organ systems to organisms to population to community to ecosystems to biomes reproduction 2. Growth 3. Response 4. Movement 5. Respiration 6. Excretion 7. Get nutrients 17. The structure or shape of the cell often depends on the function of that cell. For example, the nerve cell appears to have fibers that look like wires. These relate to its function since it carries signals to the brain such as pain or temperature.