Consumers Who Buy From Direct Sales Companies by Robert A. Peterson , Gerald Albaum , Nancy M. Ridgway 直銷通路管理報告 指導教授﹕陳得發教授 學生 : 王昭雄 學號﹕ 中華民國九十一年四月十七日
AbstractAbstract Previous empirical research has focused on purchases made by telephone, catalog, and computer but has neglected the 4 modes of direct selling, which are: 1. one-on-one selling in a home, 1. one-on-one selling in a home, 2. one-on-one selling at a workplace, 2. one-on-one selling at a workplace, 3. a sales party at a consumer's home, 3. a sales party at a consumer's home, 4. a sales party at a workplace, church, or other location. 4. a sales party at a workplace, church, or other location. One-on-one direct selling in a home was the most popular mode of direct selling. Convenience was perceived to be the major advantage of buying from a direct sales company. The major disadvantage was perceived to be pressure tactics or pushy salespeople.
Introduction Introduction purpose 1.Determine the extent to which consumers buy from direct sales companies and document the characteristics of purchasers. 1.Determine the extent to which consumers buy from direct sales companies and document the characteristics of purchasers. 2.Obatain perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of buying from a direct sales company. 2.Obatain perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of buying from a direct sales company. 3.Investigate the perceived risk of buying from a direct sales company. 3.Investigate the perceived risk of buying from a direct sales company. Method Method 1. From an original sample of 1600 consumers, 988 persons respond, resulting in a response rate of 62 percent. 1. From an original sample of 1600 consumers, 988 persons respond, resulting in a response rate of 62 percent % of the weighted sample were females, 72% were married, and 37% reported a(1985) household income exceeding $30, % of the weighted sample were females, 72% were married, and 37% reported a(1985) household income exceeding $30,000.
Mehtod Mehtod No of Direct selling modes used in past 12 months Percentage of survey participants 1 (at home) 36 2 (at workplace) 27 3 ( sales party at home) 27 4 (sales party other than home) 10 No of Direct selling modes used in past 12 months Percentage of survey participants 0 (nonpurchase) (at home) (at workplace) ( sales party at home) (sales party other than home) 1.8
Risk Perception Index=( ) x 100 The range of this index is from zero (not risky at all) to 100 (very risky)
Direct sales purchasers were found to be younger, more educated, and more affluent than nonpurchasers. As might be expected, direct sales purchasers perceived more advantages in buying from a direct sales company than did nonpurchasers. Likewise, purchasers perceived less risk in buying from a direct sales company than did nonpurchasers. constructing a buyer typology would permit categorizing consumers according to their shopping/purchasing propensities for various forms of in-store and non-store retailing (e.g., catalog, direct mail, telephone). Conclusion
It is possible direct selling purchasers are heavy shoppers; they may engage in all types of buying – direct, other in-home (catalog, etc.), and in-store--more frequently than other consumers. Future research in buying motivations and purchasing patterns that does not explicictly consider direct selling in likely to be both noninformative and misinformative. Conclusion
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