AsiaEngage Regional Conference on Higher Education-Community-Industry Engagement Puri Pujangga, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia May 2012
Environmental Awareness How do we overcome nature appreciation ignorance?
Is it possible to incorporate a sustainable environmental awareness and community engagement module in our mainstream curriculum?
Partnership: Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) Two modules: i. Biodiversity assessment ii. Environmental education outreach Knowledge-Driven Community Engaged Curriculum
Objectives To expose the participants the observatory skills and field work techniques of selected species in their natural habitat To explore the concept of environmental education & nature interpretation
The Challenges… IndustryUKM Curriculum Stakeholders’ core missionFollows MQA and MQF guidelines Has its own procedure in achieving its core mission Specific course and learning outcomes Engagement can only be applied to courses that are closely related to the mission of the stakeholder Any changes must be approved by the faculty Most of the individuals from the industries are able to commit within a very limited time i.e. as guest lecturers or briefing PBL component in a course cannot exceed the required course learning hours Technical coordination of such initiatives is very time-consuming Viability and sustainability of the proposed program needs to be carefully considered before much time is invested
Benefit To Community Sharing information by the participants on the diversity and behavior of fireflies, birds has attracted the locals to participate and become volunteers at the Kuala Selangor Nature Park.
The participants are closer to and love the nature… We had a life changing experience...
Measurable Value ParticipantsStakeholderCommunity Gained co-curricular credits Training of trainers Marketable skills The park receives good publicity New education modules created Ambassador of the park Aware of the park’s unique feature Willing to contribute as volunteers
The Way Forward Sustainable funding and mechanism Offer elective courses on conservation at all faculties An example of a pioneer collaboration between a higher learning institute and NGO in Malaysia
Thank you! Contact: Dr. Wan Juliana Wan Ahmad