Air and Noise Pollution Reduction Strategies for Tricycle Sub-Sector in Puerto Princesa City
Background Assessment of tricycle sub-sector in Puerto (April – Aug 2004) Prioritization of strategies (Oct 2004) Additional assistance for pilot testing of strategies (April 2005) LOA signing (Sept 2005)
Project Objectives Reduce environmental and health hazards by reducing air and noise pollution from tricycles without impairing the drivers’ / operators’ income levels by: Promoting the use of more efficient tricycle engines and sound operation practices; Developing livelihood & entrepreneurial skills of tricycle drivers/operators; and Strengthening local capacities on CAA enforcement
Project Components…(1) Preventive maintenance (clean-up) trainings to at least 400 tricycle drivers/operators Vocational course on Motorcycle Servicing to at least 25 tricycle drivers/operators to be certified engine mechanics TRIKE Fund as seed money for: (i) purchase of new/more efficient engines, (ii) investment on alternative livelihood, and (iii) construction of service centers/refilling stations
Project Components…(2) Livelihood development trainings for at least 100 tricycle drivers/operators Effective ambient air quality management database system Roadside monitoring and apprehension Dissemination of lessons learned
Approaches: Preventive Maintenance Selection of participating tricycle drivers/ operators, equally distributed among TODA population 3-hr demonstration and hands-on training Distribution of manuals on 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines
Approaches: Engine Mechanics Selection of participating tricycle drivers/ operators, each signed LOA with respective TODA 3-month vocational course program Certification as engine mechanics
Approaches: TRIKE Fund Selection of an MFI to administer and manage the Fund $120,000 from ADB and $30,000 from CGPP Special interest rates and repayment packages compared to typical MFI loans Turn-over to CGPP upon Project completion
Approaches: Livelihood Training Partnership with national and local livelihood development agencies for technical training Provision of soft loans for investments in alternative livelihood activities Partnership with local industries’ associations for product marketing
Approaches: Ambient Air Quality Partnership with laboratories specializing in air pollution assessment Training for City ENRO personnel in installation, operation and maintenance of air sampler Results of air sampling analysis used to establish monitoring data
Approaches: Roadside Apprehension Selection of City ENRO officers as deputies Demonstration and hands-on training on the use of gas analyzer and noise meter Actual roadside monitoring Updating of fines and penalties Actual roadside apprehension
Approaches: Lessons Learned Documentation of Project activities Formulation of policy advocacies for the adoption of national framework for tricycle transport development Participation to national and international fora Local and national seminars
Accomplishments: 1st year… (1) About 480 tricycle drivers/operators trained to do regular preventive maintenance now training fellow TODA members Adoption of a TODA-wide Resolution in conducting regular engine clean-up 25 certified engine mechanics $45,000 (30%) of TRIKE Fund has been loaned out, with 100% repayment rate
Accomplishments: 1st year… (2) Livelihood trainings to at least 70 tricycle drivers/operators have been conducted At least 3 CENRO personnel have been deputized as CAA enforcers Actual roadside monitoring have been conducted for 1 month