College Overview and Strategic Priorities Facilitator: William A. Zoghbi, MD, FACC President, ACC
Mission Vision Values Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard Strategic Metrics Strategic Priorities ACC Strategic Plan To Transform Cardiovascular Care and Improve Heart Health Revised as of March 2012
Mission To Transform Cardiovascular Care and Improve Heart Health Vision The members of the College will dramatically reduce the incidence, severity and complications of cardiovascular disease as we promote prevention, reduce disparities in health care, and improve personal and population-based cardiovascular health.
Values Professionalism: The interests of patients are primary. Knowledge: The College must promote growth, dissemination and application of knowledge about cardiovascular medicine. Value of the cardiovascular specialist: The cardiovascular profession makes a distinct contribution to medical care that should be recognized and enhanced. Integrity: Honesty, compliance with legal requirements, and ethical behavior are essential in all activities. Member driven: The College and its major activities must be led by active members and must promote volunteerism. Inclusiveness: The College involves a broad range of volunteers that reflects the composition of its membership.
Agenda #5 – Attachment A 6 Members and Stakeholders Financial ACC/ACCF Strategy Map People and Culture Internal Processes enable us to execute that drive our With Our People the Strategic Actions Member Service Excellence Our Resources Increase the Value of Membership To ensure that we attain 19a. Promote innovation and cv science leadership in all we do 19b. Drive Health System Reform to deliver highest quality care 12. Add value to the FACC designation 9. Promote adequate workforce, training and support for cv patient care 4. Create and develop responsive, innovative, and relevant educational opportunities 1. Help improve cv care and foster disease prevention 7. Identify the latest advances 13. Obtain a high level of member involvement and satisfaction 15. Collaborate effectively with other health related organizations (US and Non- US) to achieve mutual goals 10. Strengthen members’ ability to effectively lead, manage and improve their practices 17. Communicate effectively to ensure members recognize and appreciate the impact of the College’s efforts 16. Strengthen policy, political and payer advocacy to support and promote the role and importance of cv specialists 11. Deliver cost-effective products and services for all member segments 8. Promote and uphold the highest professional standards in patient care and physician conduct 23. Maximize sales revenues from current activities 24. Manage net assets 25. Manage expenses versus budget 26. Ensure a healthy mix of funding sources 20. Promote good governance and maintain a member-driven organization 22. Cultivate leadership among engaged members 21. Develop a high performing, satisfied staff 18. Use environmental and market information to drive member value 14. Run programs and services in an effective and efficient manner 6. Develop clinical standards 2. Improve patient engagement and outcomes 5. Disseminate tools and best practices (products, services, and programs) for ready use by providers, patients and policymakers 3. Communicate the latest advances Turn CV Knowledge Into Practice to Improve Patient Care Our Mission To Transform Cardiovascular Care and Improve Heart Health Revised as of March 2012
Top Five Strategic Priorities 1.Quality Improvement Efforts to Transform Practice (Previously called “Practice Transformation/ Strategic Plan”) 2.CardioSmart (Previously called “Patient-Centered Care”) 3.Digital Strategy 4. Competency Based Curriculum/LLL Portfolio 5. International Strategy
Top Five Strategic Priorities 1.Quality Improvement Efforts to Transform Practice -(Originally Called “Practice Transformation/ Strategic Plan”) Strengthen & expand NCDR and its impact, enhancing in-house data analytics capabilities Facilitate Value-Based Purchasing by Accelerating NCDR Business Intelligence Capabilities (ICD & ACTION-GWTG Registries) ACC Participation in Coalition Addressing Fundamental Tort Reform Build NCDR TAVI/TAVR module and Advance ACC’s Capabilities/Credibility in FDA, CMS Post-Market Surveillance Work on Payment Reform Models Work with ABIM on “Choosing Wisely: The Five Things Campaign” Affirm Wisconsin SmartCARE Project & Explore Other Potential Localities 2.CardioSmart - (Originally Called “Patient-Centered Care”) A Patient-Centered approach to ACC’s Mission & Programs Affirm Current CardioSmart Direction & Examine Potential Expansion of Patient Engagement Efforts
Top Five Strategic Priorities 3.Digital Strategy Invest in Improving the CardioSource User Interface including Mobility & Device Specific Capabilities 4.Competency Based Curriculum/LLL Portfolio Develop a Core Competency-Based Curriculum Invest in the Capability to Move NCDR Registry Data into the LLP & Facilitate MOC Continue with Launch and Early Work of Educational Quality Review Board (EQRB) Improve Co-Sponsored CME Approach 5.International Strategy Gradual growth in global educational reach and leadership Affirm the International Strategy & Examine Governance Structure
5 Year Vision Developed in August 2007 at the Board of Trustees Retreat Meeting