Part-financed by the European Union The new Baltic Sea Region Programme Susanne Scherrer, Director of the Joint Secretariat Rostock/Riga
The programme: unique the only transnational co-operation programme integrating ERDF (Objective 3) ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) Norwegian funds in terms of: –eligible area –co-operation priorities –implementation rules
Eligible area of the programme EU Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and northern parts of Germany Norway north-west regions of Russia Belarus
The programme: fundament builds on the Community Initiatives Baltic Sea INTERREG IIC & III B Neighbourhood Programme, and features a Baltic Sea region specific “partnership network” – but new co-operation priorities and objectives in focus (Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas) = boost of knowledge-based socio-economic competitiveness & further territorial cohesion
The programme: method (1) incorporates aspects of socio-economic competitiveness – growth and better jobs (Lisbon Agenda), sustainable management of the natural resources - better quality of life (Gothenburg Agenda )
The programme: method (2) focused on preparation of investments which: improve the territorial potential of the region minimise the differences (East-West divide) resolve issues of common concern
New component: ENPI extended eligible area to North-West Russia and the whole of Belarus co-operation topics prioritised by Russia and Belarus included in priorities management and control is based on ERDF legal system but considers ENPI legal framework where needed
The programme’s co-financing rates Over 230 Million euro will cover: up to 75% of costs generated by partners from Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Finland up to 85% for partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland up to 50% for partners from Norway up to 90% for partners from Russia and Belarus
Strategic objective and priorities 1. Fostering innovations 2. External and internal accessibility 3. Baltic Sea as a common resource 4. Attractive and competitive cities and regions To strengthen the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region by connecting potentials over the borders
Priority 1: Fostering innovations generation and dissemination of innovations innovations in natural and technical science, also non-technical innovations targeted at innovation sources and links to SMEs transfer of technology and knowledge citizens fitter for generating and absorbing knowledge
Priority 2: Internal and external accessibility transport solutions, information and communication technology (ICT) functional barriers to diffusion of innovation and traffic flows integration of existing strategic development zones, spread along the transnational transport corridors as well as creating new transnational links
Priority 3: Baltic Sea as a common resource sustainable management of sea resources to fight pollution maritime safety management of the economic potential of open sea areas integrated development of offshore and coastal areas
Priority 4: Attractive and competitive cities and regions co-operation of metropolitan regions, cities and rural areas action programmes and policies at the BSR level urban-rural partnerships transformation of areas with smaller and less dense settlements ENPI feature: social sphere of regional and city development - exclusively with Russian and Belarusian partners
Quality requirements – guidelines for project makers: address real needs and deficiencies demonstrate added value through joint actions raise policy-making competence produce durable results generate investments of transnational relevance specify achievements and quantify targets market and disseminate results
A new element: ‘Strategic Projects’: address a vital problem for the Baltic Sea region encompass the whole region or relevant parts of it reach an investment or local demonstration stage receive strong political support at national level leading to real investments
Implementation structure adjusted to the legal regulations for both, - the Structural Funds and - the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. Bodies: Monitoring Committee, supported by national sub-committees single Managing Authority (Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein), assisted by the Joint Technical Secretariat (Rostock and Riga) Certifying Authority (Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein), certifying legality of expenditure Audit Authority (Land of Schleswig-Holstein), assisted by a Group of Auditors
Environment of the Programme Interregional co-operation (IV C) Cross-Border Programmes
Strategic objective and priorities 1. Fostering innovations 2. External and internal accessibility 3. Baltic Sea as a common resource 4. Attractive and competitive cities and regions To strengthen the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region by connecting potentials over the borders