Sustainability Report prepared by the Lead Partner Final Conference 3 July, 2013 Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary Hen Gerritse – EU Liaison (EP Coordinator)
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Content Relevant European Policies and EE/RES in EU 2020 and Danube Strategy Overview on European Funding programmes Placing GovernEE on the Funding Map Conclusion of possible projects and matching funding sources
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Overview of Europe 2020 Strategy
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. EE / RES within Europe 2020 EU2020 Priority: Sustainable growth - promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy” Flagship initiative "Resource efficient Europe„ advises MSs to use regulation, performance standards and market-based instruments (taxation, subsidies and procurement) to reduce the use of energy and resources and to utilize structural funds to invest in energy efficiency in public buildings and in more efficient recycling. Thematic Objectives will be the basis for priorities of all funding programme – the 2 (out of 11) relevant objectives : – Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency – Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. EE / RES within Danube Strategy Relevance: 4 out of 5 GovernEE partners located in Danube Region Danube Strategy is a macro-regional strategy: durable cooperation framework allowing policy makers to improve their cooperation and thus the effectiveness of EU, national and local policies Relevant Thematic Priority (2) “Encourage more sustainable energy” Relevant actions of the Action Plan include promotion of e.g.: EE and use of RES in buildings and heating systems - renovating district heating and combined heat & power facilities (Energy Performance of the Buildings & Renewable Energy Directive) Cooperation between national authorities to increase the use of RES : research, exchange of experiences, dissemination of information Currently open project generation facility! DEADLINE: 10 September
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Overview of Funding Programmes HORIZON 2020 Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials IEE PROGRAMME NATIONAL FUND S ETC PROGRAMMES CENTRAL Danube CBC ERASMUS FOR ALL Research InnovationKnowledge exchangeInvestment Knowledge sector Private sector Public sector NATIONAL OPs (ERDF, ESF) EIB ELENA, JESSICA COSME Education, training and awareness LIFE+ PROGRAMME LIFE+ PROGRAMME
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. GovernEE on the funding map GovernEE Research Horizon 2020 research Calls LIFE+ Implementatio n & investment National OPs EIB, LIFE+ Business development COSME National OPs Territorial development ETC Programmes URBACT Knowledge & awareness Erasmus for All IEE
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Conclusions on funding programmes 1/4 Regional Development - Territorial cooperation KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE INTERREG 5C - URBACT CENTRAL - DANUBE P - CBCs Relevance for the GovernEE partnership: all include the energy related topics relevant for GovernEE, provide good opportunities to carry on GovernEE results, building on experience of current cooperation Focus: regional policies, exchange of knowledge & best practices Actions funded: INTERREG 5 C and URBACT: Soft cooperation Regional and urban policies Transnational and CBC: more practice oriented programmes also provide scope for smaller scale investments. Beneficiaries: Public authorities key beneficiaries, partnership to be adapted to different geographical scope and type of organisations required by the programmes
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Project example 1 Funding programmeINTERREG 5CURBACT Type of activities Best practices, study visits; Policy Recommendations; Development, endorsement, implementation & evaluation of local / regional Action Plans; Local Action Plan development, Local Action Groups, Exchange of best practices; Study visits Partnership size10-15 partners10 (maximum 12) partners Type of partnership Regional and / or national level public authorities are needed More European cities to be involved: local or regional authorities and limited number of knowledge organisations Geographical coverageWide coverage from EU27 Budget € 1.5 – 2.5 million Co-financing depending on region € 1 million Co-financing of probably 70% Duration3 + 2 years (2 phases)6 months project preparation years project implementation
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Project example 2 Funding programmeCENTRAL / Danube ProgrammeCBC Type of activities joint methodologies, strategies, etc..;PP level cadastre and databank, EMO; small pilot investments (test selected aspects of EE refurbishment); monitoring of results; Revise LAPs; Staff exchange, study visits Joint methodologies, strategies and guidelines; PP level cadastre, databank, EMO; potentially larger scale pilot investments at partner locations including refurbishment and installing monitoring systems; Revise LAPs, study visits Partnership size10-15 partners3 - 5 partners Type of partnershipSimilar to GovernEE partnership Public (local or regional) authorities knowledge organisations and NGOs Geographical coverage CENTRAL: the current GovernEE Danube Programme: GovernEE partner coverage to be altered Partners from both sides of the relevant border area Budget Co-financing € 2 – 3 million Co-financing depending on region € 1 – 3 million Co-financing depending on region Duration3 years2 - 3 years
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Conclusions on funding programmes 2/4 Research and InnovationHorizon LIFE+ IEE Relevance for the GovernEE partnership: research projects can be linked to small scale demo / pilot projects implemented by local authorities Focus: research, demonstration of innovative technologies Actions funded: Research activities; Demonstrating, piloting developed technologies through small scale investments; Monitoring and Evaluation of the demonstrated technologies. Demonstration and pilot financed through LIFE+ and maybe IEE Beneficiaries: Partnership to be adapted to type of action: Knowledge organisation in case of research project, Public authorities in case of LIFE+ demonstration. Private sector participation encouraged.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Conclusions on funding programmes 3/4 Awareness raising Training and education IEE, ERASMUS for All Transnational programmes Relevance for the GovernEE partnership: Knowledge accumulated through GovernEE can be transferred and disseminated through these programmes Focus: IEE: knowledge development & awareness, Erasmus: Lifelong learning & education, Transnational: regional development angle: human & institutional capacities and improved service portfolio of PAs Actions funded: Training and education (curricula, materials, implementation), exchange of experience, awareness raising actions (information materials, web platforms) Beneficiaries: Local Authorities and knowledge institutions depending on the programmes
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Project 4 Funding programmeIEE (Erasmus for All)CENTRAL, Danube Programme Thematic focus Improve and disseminate knowledge and raise awareness on EE and RES solutions in (historic) buildings Improving the capacities of public authorities: new service portfolio and energy consciousness Type of activities Training materials, implementing trainings: curricula and education programmes for energy managers with higher education; Exchange of experience; Awareness raising; Information materials and online platform Improved services provided by EMO; training for energy consultants and internal staff / institutions; internal protocols to promote energy consciousness of public officers, innovative energy efficient office equipment Partnership size10-15 organisations organisations Type of partnership Mixed partnerships preferred: NGOs, Public agencies, private companies, knowledge institutions, municipalities. Mainly public authorities in partnership with NGOs, education and knowledge institutions Geographical coverageWide coverage from EU27 CENTRAL: current GovernEE partnership Danube: partnership to be altered Budget € million, co-financing probably around % € million, co-financing depending on region Duration3 years
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Conclusions on funding programmes 4/4 Project topic: Sustainable refurbishment of public (historic) buildings through the use of EE and RES solutions Financing: funds available mostly through national level -National OPs (sectoral or regional development) developed in line with Partnership Agreement per country -EIB Funds: Programmes such as ELENA, JESSICA can provide additional funding for large investments in the field of EE and RES -Integrated tools will also be created such as ITI to finance large scale and complex developments including energy targeted refurbishments -Mixed funding including third party (private) financing will play a major role during the next programming period Implementation and InvestmentNational OPs, EIB
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Thank you for your attention! Hen Gerritse (Expert Panel Coordinator) EU Liaison Jan Van Eycklaan VN Hazerswoude The Netherlands