Real Estate Agency -What does a real estate agency sell? _____________________________________________________________________ -Why would someone need a real estate agency? _____________________________________________________________________ -When they needed a real estate agency-What would they care about? _____________________________________________________________________ Call Opening Questions: How many years of experience do you have? Are you a full-time agent? Selling a home: Do you provide advice for specific cosmetic changes for the home-inside and outside of the premises? What type of advertising help do you offer (and for how long)? Do you schedule “Open Houses”? Do you have references available? Are you good at returning s & phone calls? Buying a home: How would you rate your knowledge of the area (schools, parks, neighborhoods, etc.)? Will you show the buyer all of the homes that meet their needs- including homes that are listed with other real estate companies? Are you available to show homes after hours and weekends? Are you able to recommend mortgage/loan companies, title, etc.? Notes: _________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________
Real Estate Agency Needs Analysis Questions: What are your most profitable/desirable types of clients? (residential, commercial, buying, selling, property management, etc. possible headline) _________________________________________________________________________________ What % of your clients do each represent? What % would you like it to be? _____________________________________ _______________________________________ What other types of clients do you handle? Would you like more of these clients? (headings) _____________________________________ _______________________________________ How many real estate agents do have? How many clients do they handle at one time? _____________________________________ _______________________________________ How many more clients (on average) could they handle? (capacity) __________________________________________________________________________________ I know there is probably a pretty wide range, but what is the average worth for one client? (ROI) __________________________________________________________________________________ WHY is your real estate agency the best choice for someone? (subheadline) __________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have access to any mortgage brokers, title brokers, or home inspection services, etc.? __________________________________________________________________________________ How far would you be willing to go for a client? (other directories/reach) __________________________________________________________________________________ What other ways do you try to promote your real estate agency now? (continuity of ad messages) __________________________________________________________________________________ What is the main theme of your other advertising? Do you have any copies of ads I could look at? ____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Note: Continue to ask additional follow-up questions as well as confidence and convenience factor questions