Interlocal Cooperation for a Sustainable and Secure Water Supply Don Greeley Regional Managers Meeting April 8 th, 2014
Background Future Water Demands Preferred Regional Alternative Next Steps Questions and Discussion
Long term sustainable and secure regional water supply for the Research Triangle area. Purpose of Partnership
Who are the Partners? Apex Cary Chatham County - North Durham Hillsborough Holly Springs Morrisville Orange County OWASA Pittsboro Raleigh Sanford Wake County (RTP South)
Water Service Areas
Water System Connections
Accomplishments Peer-reviewed population and water demand projections Identification of future water supply needs Consensus reached on preferred regional solution Phase I Interconnections Inventory Interconnection Improvements Chatham - Durham and Cary - Raleigh Phase II Interconnections Modeling underway Western Intake study underway
Triangle Population Will Continue to Grow Regional Population Estimate Year Total Regional Population 1,066,1001,421,1001,785,5002,130,9002,452,3002,773, Jordan Lake Allocation Planning Year
Demand Projections Projected Triangle Area Water Demand (JLP Members) Year: First Draft of Needs Assessment Most Recent Projections JL Allocation Key Planning Year Wake County – RTP South
Preferred Regional Solution Based on information aggregated by partners and refined under a peer review process so that all partners agree it is accurate and will be supported by state. Meets all future water supply needs for partners through With regional solution downstream users will be able to meet their needs. Represents the preferred solution of the region and also reflects the preferred alternatives for each partner’s individual system.
Hillsborough Expand West Fork Eno River reservoir Request Jordan Lake allocation for seasonal/emergency use Orange County Purchase from Mebane for Efland-Mebane Area. Use existing Jordan Lake allocation, request additional allocation for Eno and Hillsborough areas (served via Durham and Hillsborough). OWASA Use existing Jordan Lake allocation Develop Quarry Reservoir as planned Pittsboro Continue using Haw River, build new WTP to expand capacity Request Jordan Lake allocation Raleigh Implement at least 3 of 4 sources (which ones & order TBD): 1) Little River Reservoir, 2) Falls Lake Reallocation 3) Neuse River Withdrawal, 4) Quarry Reservoir Sanford Expand Cape Fear River intake PartnerSource Plan through 2060 in addition to current sources Apex Request additional allocation Chatham County Request additional allocation Cary Request additional allocation Morrisville Request additional allocation RTP South N/A – Existing allocation will meet future demands Durham Request additional allocation Holly Springs Request additional allocation
Projections reflect continued commitment to efficient use of water resources
ApplicantCurrentRound 4Future (2060) Apex Cary Morrisville Wake Co. RTP South 3.5 Chatham County N Durham OWASA 555 Holly Springs Orange County Hillsborough 011 Pittsboro 066 Raleigh 000 Sanford 000 TOTAL
Jordan Lake Allocation Timeline May 2014 – Draft Round 4 Jordan Lake allocation applications due to DENR/ Division of Water Resources Modeling and consultation with DWR August 2014 – Final applications due to DWR November 2015 – Anticipated EMC approval of Round 4 requests
Western Intake Study A shared intake will be more efficient and likely to obtain regulatory approval than individual intakes for each Partner Feasibility Study will be complete in May 2014 Conceptual level study to evaluate the feasibility of a shared raw water intake for: Chatham, Durham, Pittsboro, OWASA Study Includes: Evaluation of three (3) alternatives: Review of Partnership options Development of a conceptual level permitting and a construction schedule for the Preferred Alternative
Each Partner will complete Jordan Lake allocation process Plan future infrastructure investments Western Intake Regional interconnections Continue to support regional collaboration
Approval/acceptance of plan Manager action items Support from your governing body Acknowledge need to support efforts of other Partners in meeting their needs