The Promotional Mix
Broadcast media (TV/ Radio) Out-of-home media Product placement (TV and movies) Sales promotion Direct marketing Internet/ interactive Public relations/ publicity Print media (newspapers, magazines) Personal selling Point-of-purchase (display, packaging) Word-of-mouth Events and sponsorships Target audience
ADVERTISEMENT Advertisement is any form of non personal presentation of goods, services or ideas for action openly paid for by an identified sponsor
Evolution of Advertising Pre-industrialisation Era(pre1800) The Era of Industrialisation The P.T.Barnum Era (1875 to 1918) The 1920’s(1918 to 1929) The depression ( ) World war II and the 50’s (1941 to 60) Peace,Love,Creative Revolution(1960 to 1972)
1970’s(1973 to 1980) The designer Era (1980 to 1992) The second 90’s(1993 to 2000) The 00’s More hip ads and more technology
Indian Perspective Personal Selling Era Product Era Sales Era Consumer Era Positioning Era Value Marketing Era Adaptive Marketing
ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES To get orders To get inquiries To bring a general increase in sales To provide leaads for the sales force To help open door for the sales force To induce a trial use To provide important information To create or to change an attitude or opinion
DAGMAR APPROACH Russell Colley (1961) developed a model for setting advertising objectives and measuring the results. This model was entitled ‘Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results- DAGMAR.
An advertising’s goal involves communication’s objective Hierarchical model: Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action
CHARACTERISTICS Concrete /Measurable Tasks Target Audience Benchmark / Degree of change sought Specified Time Period CRITICISMS Problems with response hierarchy Sales objectives Practicality & Costs Inhibition of creativity
AIDA MODEL – Attention – Interest – Desire – Action
ADVERTISING AGENCIES TYPES Full service agencies Account services ( Liaison between ad agency &clients ) Marketing services Creative services – COPY WRITERS The individual who create ideas for the ads and write the headlines, subheads and body copy known as copy writers – ART DEPARTMENT is responsible for how the ad looks. Art directors and graphic designers prepare layout.
For a TV commercial the layout is called storyboard. It is a sequence of frames or panels that depicts the commercial in a still form.
The Five M’s of Advertising The organizations handle their advertising in different ways. In small companies, advertising is handled by someone in the sales or marketing department, who works with an ad agency. A large company will often set up its own advertising department or else hire an ad agency to do the job of preparing advertising programmes. In developing a program, marketing managers must always start by identifying the target market and the buyer’s motives. Then they can make the five major decisions in developing an advertising program, known as the five M’s, viz. Mission: what are the advertising objectives? Money: how much can be spent? Message: what message can be sent? Media: what media should be used Measurement: how should the results is evaluated?
The 5Ms of Advertising Checklist for planning of a marketing or advertising campaign. Mission What are the objectives? What is the key objective? Money How much is it worth to reach my objectives? How much can be spent? Message What message should be sent? Is the message clear and easily understood? Media What media vehicles are available? What media vehicles should be used? Measurement How should the results be measured? How should the results be evaluated and followed up?
The 5 Ms Of Advertising With Respect To The Sundrop Campaign MISSION: Sales goals: Leadership in the edible refined oil segment Advertising Goals: Communication task Position Sundrop as the healthy oil for healthy people Ensure that this did not erode the delivery of the taste benefit. Positioning had to be perceptually as far away from Saffola. Young, modern and premium feel Execution had to be distinct and original to stand out from the clutter MONEY: Stage in PLC: Introductory, therefore relatively large expenditure Market share: new product Competitors: Saffola (Safflower oil) also used the health platform but was associated with heart patients and less taste Flora and Sunola (Sunflower oils)
MESSAGE: Health was chosen as the platform, along with a supporting claim for taste. People who were healthy and energetic were concerned about the long-term prospects of their health. Thus ‘Health’ Was related to maintenance of good health Was applicable to all members of the family Was characterized by lively energetic people Thus the message and (positioning): ‘The Healthy Oil for Healthy People’ MEDIA: Primary media: Television ad 30 seconds. Print ad MEASUREMENT: Within 6 months, Sundrop became the largest selling refined sunflower oil. Redefined the category and expanded the Sunflower oil segment from 2.71% to 23% in 6 months, and 42% in 1997 Still the largest selling sunflower oil brand holds 15% of branded oil market. The ad was shown for over 10 year