Introduction Purpose: To provide procedures for administering the advancement in rate systems for enlisted members serving on active duty in the U.S. navy, U.S. Navy Reserve, and inactive U.S. Navy Reserve. Background: This instruction supports advancement policy of Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS). It provides instructions for determining eligibility requirements for advancement, preparing necessary forms and messages and effecting advancements and changes in rating. Authority to Advance Enlisted Personnel to Paygrades E7 through E9: Personnel are advanced to paygrades E7 through E9 after selection by a board convened by CHNAVPERS or under special programs authorized in specific directives issued by CHNAVPERS. Therefore, CHNAVPERS is the sole authority for advancement of personnel and the sole authority for the removal of enlisted personnel selected for advancement from a selection board list. Authority to Advance Enlisted Personnel to Paygrades E2 through E6: Personnel may be advanced after meeting all criteria of the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) as outlined in enclosure (1). CO’s and OIC’s have the independent authority to advance personnel to paygrades E4 through E6 after the personnel meet al requirements of this manual and compete successfully in NEAS. For guidance on reduction in rate of enlisted personnel due to incompetency, see MILPERSMAN 1450-010.
NAVY ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM (NEAS) GENERAL INFORMATION Advancement to E2 and E3: Personnel meeting minimum time-in-rate requirements will be advanced automatically without local action. A special performance evaluation is not required to document recommendation for advancement. Advancement to E4 through E7: Candidates must take a competitive examination that is part of a FMS. The FMS system is based on knowledge, performance, and experience factors, and considers the “whole person” in its selection criteria. For E7, the FMS also consists of a performance evaluation. E6 Examination Requirements for Consideration to LDO: E6 personnel must pass the E7 advancement-in-rate examination prior to submitting a package for the LDO selection board. OPNAVINST 1420.1A provides information. What is the purpose of the Advancement Manual? Who does it apply to? What are the CO/OIC’s responsibilities? What special requirements exist for Sailors deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Horn of Africa?
PROGRAM ID NUMBER NOTES Accelerated Advancement Program MILPERSMAN 1430-010 Accelerated Advancement for Enlisted Musician MILPERSMAN 1430-040 Selective Conversion and Reenlistment Program MILPERSMAN 1160-090 Selective Training and Reenlistment Program MILPERSMAN 1160-100 Meritorious advancements for recruiting personnel CNRCINST 1133.29 BUPERSINST 1430.16F CNO and CHNAVPERS (annual authorization) Chapter 10 Advanced Electronics Field/Advanced Technical Field Program Change in Rate/Rating Sailor of the Year Program * Will not be advanced until 1 year TIR is met. Enlisted Recruiter of the Year OPNAVINST 1700.11 Enlisted Reserve Recruiter of the Year Combat Meritorious Advancement Program Chapter 8 Command Advancement Program Chapter 11
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Must be recommended for promotion. Must have minimum TIR. Be in proper path for advancement. Meet special requirements (citizenship, security, medical, ASVAB). Successfully complete service schools. Evaluation completed within computation period for advancement cycle. Not be a selectee for LDO or CWO. Not have pending request for voluntary transfer to Fleet Reserve. Eligibility documented by service record entry. Performance tests. Enlisted Warfare Qualifications. Pass Navy-wide advancement-in-rate examinations. Navy Reservists: Satisfactory drill participation in the Navy Reserve Meet Physical Fitness requirements. Examination participation for LDO purposes.
ADVANCEMENT-IN-RATE OR CHANGE OF RATING (THE WORKSHEET) The Educational Services Officer prepares all worksheets for participants in the E4 – E7 advancement examination, including LDO candidates, at least 1 month prior to the scheduled examination. Approximately 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the examination, the ESO will review the worksheet for each candidates. Candidates must verify and sign the worksheets prior to taking the examination as stipulated by the ESO. The ESO holds all worksheets in a suspense file pending results of the examinations. Worksheets will be retained until the limiting date of the respective cycle.
NETPDTC 1430/3 (Rev 09/03)