Wal-Mart with 8,500 stores in 15 different countries constitutes the biggest discount department store. With the analysis of the financial records of the last two year ( ), we can see how Wal-Mart overcame the crisis and is now better than ever. This explains why it was classified as the biggest public companies by revenues in 2010, according to Forbes2000. Annual report link:
President and CEO: Michael T. Duke. Main office:702 S.W. 8th Street Bentonville, Arkansas USA. Latest fiscal year: January Principal Products: Home goods Cosmetics Clothing and Accessories Electronics Pharmaceutical Products U.S.A., South America, U.K. it is considered worldwide.
Independent auditors: Ernst & Young LLP After examining the company’s financial statements, the auditors came to a conclusion that Wal-Mart, Inc. present a fairly report and great financials. After 2010 they consolidated as one of the most successful businesses in North America.
Most recent price for Wal-Mart stock is $54.87 (Feb./17/2011) The 12 month trading range is between $46.25 and $55.20 Dividend per share: $1.09 January 31 of 2010 Buying Wal-Mart stocks is a great decision as of now. They usually are among the best stocks to buy because each year the financial statements get better and better.
Wal-Mart is known because of the good prices they have. As long as they keep selling and producing at that scale, no one will affect their superiority. Their goal and plan for the future is to grow operating expenses slower than sales and grow operating income faster than sales. By lowering expenses, passing those savings on to customers, bringing more customers in our doors, and selling more merchandise. Which is a basics for them in keep producing this way.
The auditors used the multistep format to perform the Income Statement. The reason the gross profit increased is because there were less costs Wal-Mart had to assume and they’re net sales increased Gross Profit$100,389$97,031 Income from operations $23,950$22,798 Net income$ 14,335$ 13,400
AssetsLiabilitiesSHE Liabilities+SHE 2010$170,706$99,957$70,749$170, $163,429$98,144$65,285$163,429 There was a good increase in assets, this could mean the company bought more land or equipment. This is really good for any company because as assets increase, the company is going to be bigger and stronger and acquire more stockholders. But the liabilities(responsabilities) rises.
The net income of the cash flows slightly augmented in 2010, in comparison with In 2010 the cash flows correspond to 14,848 and in 2009 they were of 13,899. The company financial reports show that they do are buying PPE. In 2009 a total of 11,499 PPE was bought and in ,184 PPE.
The statment show that a primary source of financing is the longterm debt. On the other hand, the stock earnings raise only upto 7,276 The cash flow has increased in the past two years. In the 2009 it corresponded to 7,275, and in 2010 it corresponds to 7,907. The augmentation is not much, but does represent and increase.
Revenue Recognition: The company recognizes sales revenue net of sales axes and estimated sales returns at the time it sells merchandise to the client. Cash: The investments with a maturity of three months or less are considered cash. Also, all debit credit and etb card proces in less than a week are considrred cash.
Inventory: The inventory is recorded in books at its lower cost with the accounting method “LIFO” (last in-first out). And the international inventory is valued with “FIFO” (first in-first out) Long life assests: PPE and other lonf life assest are sated at cost.
Topics of the notes to the financial statements: 1. Accounting policies 2. Accrued liabilities 3. Net income per common share 4. Fair value measurements 5. Derivative financial instruments 6. Income taxes 7. Accumulated other comprehensive income 8. Acquisitons, invetsments and disposals 9. Restructuring charges 10. Shared-based compensation plans 11. Retirment-related benefits 12. Commitments 13. Segments 14. Legal proceedings 15. Recent accounting pronouncements 16. Quarterly financial data
Working Capital-7230‘6441 Current Ratios86.99%88.37% Recievable Turnover Average days sales uncollected 7.98%3.72% Inventory turnover Average days inventory on hand
Profit Margin24.8%24.25 Asset Turnover16.3%2.35% Return on Assets8.9%8.4% Return on equity13.46%19,98%
Debt Equity1.41.5