Kevin A. Jones, MBA, M.Sc.Pl., President & CEO, OCETA, Canada Environmental Performance Verification - Managing Expectations for Meaningful Results Boosting.


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Presentation transcript:

Kevin A. Jones, MBA, M.Sc.Pl., President & CEO, OCETA, Canada Environmental Performance Verification - Managing Expectations for Meaningful Results Boosting Eco-technologies through Verification Expectations Parallel Sessions – Part I: Scope November 27, 2007

2 OCETA Overview and Mandate  Private sector, not-for-profit organization  Established in 1994 as one of three Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement Centres  Public policy mandate Clean air, water and soil Delivery agent for government programs  Accelerate commercialization and application of environmental technologies  Promote sustainable business practices

3 OCETA Value Proposition  Enable companies and organizations to improve their economic, social and environmental performance  How? 3 rd Party intermediary Enabler and catalyst to motivate behaviour change Unique network-based approach to capacity-building and market development Mobilize effective stakeholder engagement Build credibility and trust

4 OCETA Business Areas TechnologyCommercializationTechnologyCommercialization Performance Benchmarking and Verification EnvironmentalSustainabilityEnvironmentalSustainability Sector Specific Performance Benchmarking Environmental Technology Verification GHG Measurement and Reporting Institutional Capacity Building Industrial Eco-Efficiency Programs Brownfield Redevelopment Outreach and Capacity-building Technology and Market Assessment Business Mentoring Demonstration/Deployment

5 ETV Canada (Division of OCETA)  OCETA is the Sole Licensee of the Government of Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification Program (established in 1997) Independent third party verification of performance claims for technologies and processes, based on sound science, high quality data and recognized protocols

6 The Value of Verification Government Environment Industry Regulated Industry A decision support tool for assisting program managers, regulators, policy makers, and procurement officers A marketing tool designed to help innovators bring new environmental technologies into domestic and international markets A benchmarking tool employing multi-stakeholders to develop test plans and protocols for technology performance claims, encompassing regulatory, economic and social criteria

7 Route to Market Performance Benchmarking and Verification  Build technical capacity within institutions and universities  Organize and deliver Stakeholder Performance Benchmarking Workshops  Initial priority areas:  Assist companies with technology opportunity assessments and relevant test plans  Provide testing and verification assistance Energy and transportation Biofuels Water and wastewater Mercury Contaminated sites and brownfield redevelopment Arsenic

8 Vehicle Fleets Issue:  Performance claims on reductions in fuel consumption and pollutant emissions  Fleet Managers need to understand true value of “after market” technologies and products (e.g., fuel additives, fuel line devices, anti-idling devices) Solution:  Draft protocol (guidelines document)  Implement demonstration project  Support harmonization with the US EPA

9 Stormwater Management Issue:  Pollutants from stormwater runoff impact water quality Solution:  Develop a test protocol for performance verification of hydrodynamic separators  Align protocol with City of Toronto Wet Weather Flow Management Policy  Engage stakeholders in defining a long term program for testing and verification of hydrodynamic separators

10 Contaminated Sites and Brownfield Redevelopment Issue:  Regulatory and market barriers limit the use of innovative approaches and technologies to remediate and redevelop brownfield sites (focus on “dig and dump”) Solution:  Create a multi-stakeholder “Ontario Brownfield Innovation Partnership”  Optimize access to available research, technical and financial resources  Demonstration and performance verification of innovative remediation technologies

11 BioFuels Issue:  Performance verification related to: Sustainability of feedstock supply Conversion technologies Production and utilization  Impacts on the environment Solution:  BioFuels Discovery Workshop Review current state of biofuels industry/technology Identify research gaps Raise awareness of bioenergy business opportunities  Maturity of “second generation” technologies

12 Mercury From Dental Operations Issue:  Mercury from dental offices released into the environment  Need new testing and verification plan to conform with: ISO “Dental Equipment – Amalgam Separators” Canada-Wide Standard on mercury from dental amalgam waste Solution:  Testing by University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry  Performance testing/verification of three replicate units  Input to Environment Canada on Canada-Wide Standard  Performance verification of Mercury Amalgam Removal System

13 Arsenic in Bangladesh Issue:  40 million people in Bangladesh are consuming arsenic-contaminated groundwater  150,000 Bangladeshis have already been diagnosed with symptoms of arsenic poisoning  Reluctance to deploy treatment technologies to address the problem, due to potential liabilities Solution:  Internationally recognized performance criteria and a rigorous process for screening, assessment, field testing and verification of viable arsenic removal technologies  Institutional capacity-building

14 Outcomes  Stakeholder Involvement and Commitment Credible performance guidelines, screening methods and verification protocols Standard testing/evaluation templates Technical capacity to assess/verify performance results  Independently Verified Data Augment investment and purchasing decisions, minimize risk and facilitate project financing Streamline permitting and approvals (due diligence and regulatory acceptance)  Policy Guidance Sector specific environmental performance standards Mechanism to facilitate inter-jurisdictional cooperation Market acceptance of environmentally sound solutions

15 Contact Information Kevin A. Jones President and CEO OCETA 2070 Hadwen Road, Unit 201A Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5K 2S9 Tel: Ext. 232 Fax: