School Administrators, Business Managers & Bursars’ Residential Conference Hythe Imperial Hotel & Spa 25 th – 26 th June 2009
Purpose of Session Update on School Workforce Reporting to Parents School Web Services Use of Web Based Client Support Services Update on Wauton Samuel Enrolment Dates The Single Central Record To provide an opportunity for you to give feedback and ask questions
School Workforce Update January 2010 will be a pilot NOT a live run No return will be made in Summer 2010 Proposal is for November 2010 to be first live run Will probably become an annual return not termly Progress To Date Jan 2009May 2009 Total2467 Nursery11 Special Schools23 Secondary01 Primary2162 Some qualifications data is being dropped
The Single Central Record Schools should: establish and be secure in the identity of staff; or assure themselves that others who employ or supply staff have done so; verify the authenticity of the qualifications of staff; establish which staff require checking against List 99 and with the CRB, then do so, or secure that others have done so; maintain an up-to-date record of staff which displays evidence that the three tasks above have been carried out, and when. Source: Ofsted Publication Ref No: NR Date: 20 Jun 2006
The Single Central Record David We've spoken to our contact at Ofsted and they are keen to get to the bottom of this for you. From Ofsted's point of view the Inspectors should not be imposing a particular method for schools to hold CRB/List 99 data and they are also concerned about how the data on a spreadsheet is transferred to Ofsted. Ofsted would very much appreciate, if you have no objection, knowing the name of the schools who have had problems so that they can give some targeted guidance to those impection teams. Julia High
The Single Central Record /mandatorycrbchecks/recordkeeping/faqs/
The Single Central Record
Reporting To Parents By September 2008 all secondary schools will be expected to provide information to parents covering achievement, progress, attendance, behaviour and special needs, on a timely and frequent basis – this should be at least once per term. By September 2010 all secondary schools will need to offer parents real-time access to this information (including the opportunity for secure online access) wherever they are and whenever they want. Primary schools must also meet the basic requirement by September 2010 and the real time requirement by DCSF Press Notice 2008/0006
Reporting To Parents Must include information regarding: Achievement Progress Attendance Behaviour Special needs Fronter: We are working with Fronter to ensure that parents will be able to access data from the VLE as well as WS Data without needing to have two separate logons
School Web Services
Progress To Date Installed in 84 schools – 27 of which are in Lewisham To allow teachers access to data about the children who they teach To free up office time To make use of the latest available technology Purpose To simplify installations and upgrades To provide a straight forward means for the SMT to track whole school issues All of SWF has been included and most of finance Covers Assessments, Attendance, Attitude and Behaviour, Early Years Profiles, Every Child Matters, Foundation Stage Profiles, Dinner Money, Pupil Reports, reporting To Parents, Statements Of Achievement
School Web Services Will eventually replace all existing products Plans Many new functions are only being implemented in SWS £310 per annum Costs Time Saves Money No need for separate ‘spreadsheet’ solutions for pupil tracking
Enrolment Dates Formerly when a child moved from nursery to reception, regulations stipulated that the enrolment date should be changed to the date when the child joined the reception class Regulations have changed Regulations now state that the enrolment date should be left unchanged PASAPP used to update the enrolment date automatically when a child moves from nursery to reception and store the original date in a field called Date Started In Nursery PASAPP has changed This will no longer happen and you mustn’t update the Start Date manually. We have made it harder to do this and strongly recommend that you get a new version before you do your class changes and transfers
Use Of Web Based Client Support Services Affords instant and direct access to client support message log Sign on to click on Existing Clients Information If you do not know your username and password please contact us
Raising Issues on line
A message gets entered into our contact log
Update On Wauton Samuel 225 schools 8 Local Authorities: Bromley, Greenwich, Hackney, Kent, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets 20 employees Hundreds of fantastic clients! Current Position
Wauton Samuel - Turnover
Wauton Samuel - Profits
Update On Wauton Samuel 225 schools 8 Local Authorities: Bromley, Greenwich, Hackney, Kent, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets 20 employees Hundreds of fantastic clients! Client Support Manager Current Position Some Upcoming Changes My Role
And As For Me?