Key Stage 2 SATs 2014
Time Table SATs week for Maths and English Date Monday 12 th May Tuesday 13 th May Wednesday 14 th May Thursday 15 th May Level 3-5 tests English Reading English Grammar, punctuation and spelling Mental Maths test Maths test A Maths Test B Level 6 Tests English Reading English Grammar, punctuation and spelling Maths test paper 1 and 2
Achievement Most children are expected to achieve Level 4. Some children may achieve Level 3. This does not mean they have ‘failed’. For some children Level 3 is a tremendous achievement. Some children are working at a higher level and achieve a level 5 or level 6.
Maths This test has three papers: Level 3-5 Paper A (calculator not allowed) – 45 minutes Paper B (calculator not allowed) – 45 minutes Mental Arithmetic – 5, 10 or 15 seconds per question Maths Level 6 Paper minutes Paper minutes Some of the questions require the children to show their processing skills Many of the questions require the children to show their skill in using and applying maths in a variety of situations The questions can be read to the children so that it is only their mathematical ability that is being tested
English Consists of two tests including a spelling test: Level 3-5 and level 6 Reading Test L minutes to read, 45 minutes to answer - externally marked. Grammar, punctuation and spelling test-1 hour- Spelling Test 20 minutes - externally marked. Writing is assessed by the teacher in the school based on children's writing skills through out the year including handwriting.
The aspects of reading to be assessed-level 3-5 and level 6 Retrieval Deduce and infer Text style and organisation Interpreting imagery Authorial technique Understanding language choices Time given 15 minutes for reading 45 minutes to answer
Assessment of Writing by the teacher Strands: Sentence structure and punctuation Text structure and organisation Composition and effect
Why are SATs so important? Like any other formal examination process. Give you information about where your child is (academically). Gives you a comparison to see how much they have progressed throughout their time at Ball Green Primary. Informs secondary schools of academic ability/setting therefore improves child's educational chances and opportunities in future.
How Can You Help? Praise and encourage your child, leading up to and during SATs week and when the results come out Your child will need to be in school for each test Your child should go to bed early prior to SATs – including Friday and Saturday Making sure they have a good breakfast and a snack for break time may also help.
What can you do to prepare your child? Revision – help your child to revise & practise skills. Daily reading and discussion about their books. Learn & practise spellings. Grammar work practise Learn & practise times tables (forwards and backwards). Discuss with your child's teachers - areas to work on at home/specific activities/concerns. Ensure your child completes their homework.
How to revise Concentrate on areas of weakness, not what they can do easily Apps for tablets/phones
And finally... Any questions? Thank you for your time this morning. If you would like to speak to any of us please feel free to do so.