SURFnets connections to StarLight Erik-Jan Bos Manager Network Services SURFnet STAR TAP SM INET 2001 Annual Meeting Stockholm, Sweden - June 5th, 2001
OverviewOverview GigaPort project status report Overview SURFnet5 External Connectivity SURFnets connections to STAR TAP and StarLight
SURFnet4 topology
Specifications of SURFnet5 100 times as fast as SURFnet4 IP over optical transmission infrastructure 80 Gbit/s backbone - 20 Gbit/s access Introduction of new IP features, e.g. –Authentication and Classes of Service –IPsec, multicast and IPv6 –MPLS, VPN and Traffic Engineering (FRR) In partnership with industry
Hempoint SARA Concentrator (15x) FRR POS framing at 10 Gbit/s Telforts DWDM network: always two different routes SURFnet5: Pre-production network POS framing at 10 Gbit/s
SURFnet5 topology
Amsterdam SARA
Amsterdam Hempoint
External connectivity - Current situation Amsterdam Internet Exchange: 2 Gbit/s TEN-155: 622 Mbit/s via resilient gigabit ethernet Global Internet: 1 Gbit/s Abilene: 155 Mbit/s, STAR TAP: 155 Mbit/s Partners: Teleglobe en Level3 Services: IPv4 unicast and multicast, IPv6
External connectivity - New contracts (1) Tender for Global Internet connectivity: 2x 1 Gbit/s resilient connection 2x VPN-like service to Chicago, IL, USA Trans-Atlantic lambda for research (2.5G initially, 10G upgrade in 2002 likely)
External connectivity - New contracts (2) Tender almost done, status: Global Crossing, contracted: 1x gigabit/s global Internet and VPN-like service Teleglobe, preferred supplier: 1x gigabit/s global Internet, VPN-like service, and trans-Atlantic lambda for research Planning: Up-and-running on July 1st, 2001 except lambda (not later than September 2001)
Topology being built
Building out Set-up of StarLight counterpart in Amsterdam, by Cees de Laat of UvA, working on G-MPLS, OBGP Securing projects and lambdas to the project infra to work, inside The Netherlands: –CAVE at SARA, NIKHEF, DAS, Astronomy (JIVE/ASTRON), Biophysics, Weather forecasting (KNMI), Video European lambda connections to Amsterdam welcome, various NRNs currently working on this
Questions? Erik-Jan Bos