AGENDA Trend - Paying Semester Credit Hours (SCH) Year over Year – FALL and SPRING Comparison Tuition and Student Fee Revenue Projections Revenue Projections and Assumptions (Mid Year FY 2014 and Budget 2015) Expense Budgets Permanent Position Funding 2015 Budget Planning Calendar Training Classes for DEFINE – BUD Document Preparation Update on Hyperion for Budget 2016 Q&A
FALL 13 FALL 12 FALL over FALL BUDGET Certified Incr. (Decr.)% Change UG - Resident 296, , ,411 (18,190)-6.2% UG - Non-Resident 10,027 14,257 13, % G - Resident 21,055 20,510 21,405 (895)-4.2% G - Non-Resident 1,440 1,835 2,165 (330)-15.2% Doctoral - Resident 4,533 5,172 5,178 (6)-0.1% Doctoral - Non-Resident (38)-32.2% Total – Paying SCH 333, , ,248 (19,173)-5.7% YEAR OVER YEAR - PAYING SCH FALL AND SPRING COMPARISON SPRING 14 SPRING 13 SPRING over SPRING BUDGET Pre- Certified CertifiedIncr. (Decr.)% Change UG - Resident 271, , ,491 (18,120)-6.8% UG - Non-Resident 10,021 13,144 14,267 (1,123)-7.9% G - Resident 20,813 19,550 20,719 (1,169)-5.6% G - Non-Resident 1,726 1,939 2,025 (86)-4.2% Doctoral - Resident 4,344 4,854 4,866 (12)-0.2% Doctoral - Non-Resident % Total – Paying SCH 308, , ,440 (20,464)-6.6%
TUITION AND STUDENT FEE REVENUE PROJECTIONS TOTAL Tuition Statutory Tuition Designated Tuition Lab & Supplemental Fees TOTAL Mandatory Student Fees Designated - Mandatory Fees Auxiliary - Mandatory Fees TOTAL Incidental Student Fees Designated Program, Course Fees Auxiliary Student Parking Tuition and Student Fees LESS: Tuition Set Asides NET Tuition and Student Fees Budget FY2014 $154,222 48, , $69,266 40,372 28,894 $25,589 21,821 3,768 $249,378 (19,175) $230,203 Forecast FY2014 $150,492 50, , $65,134 38,001 27,133 $24,557 20,954 3,603 $240,477 (18,084) $222,393 $ Change ($ 3,730) 1,371 (5,101) (7) ($4,132) (2,371) (1,761) ($1,032) (867) (165) ($8.901) 1,091 ($7,810) % Change (2.4%) 2.8% (4.8%) (2.3%) (6.0%) (5.9%) (6.1%) (4.0%) (4.4%) (3.6 %) 5.7% (3.4%) ($000) Note: Forecast based on PAYING SCH Certified FALL, Pre-Certified SPRING and Budget SUMMER
REVENUE PROJECTIONS & ASSUMPTIONS MID YEAR FY 2014 AND BUDGET 2015 Methodology: Revenue projections are based on Paying SCH and/or student headcount (i.e. Mandatory fee projections). Paying SCH Total 667,702 based on Certified FALL 13, Pre-Certified SPRING 14 and Budgeted SUMMER 14 Incidental Fee projections are based on current year trend data and extrapolations Full Year Forecast FY 2014 Forecasted Revenue Projections were provided to Fee Administrators & Area Reps. Budget reductions in current year were recorded for Mandatory and Incidental Fees due to lower than expected revenues Budget 2015 Tuition and Mandatory Fee Budgets will be based on current Forecast levels of Paying SCH 667,702 Incidental Fee Budgets recommendations were provided and based on current Forecast levels Any deviations to projections will need to be discussed and approved by Sr. Budget Director prior to departmental submissions
EXPENSE BUDGETS - STATUS QUO BUDGETS E&G (14 ACCTS) ACCOUNTS FUNDED WITH DESIGNATED TUITION Status Quo Base Budgets Departmental Operating budget preparation assumes no new money, i.e. ‘same base budgets’ BUD process begins before budget planning is complete University Strategic Resource Planning Council will review budget recommendations in Spring pending tuition and fee proposal and other revenue projections Budget Office will update budgets for new funds awarded and any possible required reductions Exception: Budgets funded by fees will be coordinated with areas if estimates are further modified.
BUDGET PERMANENT POSITION FUNDING PRE-PLANNING SALARY REVIEW REPORTS Budget Office provided salary review reports on February 5 th via Rowdy Space similar to previous years. Reports were provided to assist in validating budgeted positions and the permanent funding requiring permanent transfers Permanent positions (filled or vacant) will load from HRMS assignments based on updated salary rates. Position attributes (i.e., % time, % distribution, etc.) are used to calculate budget dollars from HRMS ‘Budgetary Funding FY13-14’. Review details of Base Salary and loaded permanent positions in BUD Documents for completeness. Any permanent transfers and HRMS Budgetary Funding processed before 2/28/14 will be reflected in BUD Documents
2015 BUDGET PLANNING CALENDAR Feb. 5Board of Regents Budget Policies and Guidelines Approved Feb. 5-25Budget coordination of salary review reports of permanent positions and related funding Feb. 27University Strategic Resource Planning Council (USRPC) Meeting Feb. 27Draft Revenue Projections (Mandatory and Incidental Fees) provided to Fee Funded areas Mar 4 – 5Budget Training – Overview and BUD Document preparation (published in T&D booklets) March 6Benefits Template (website) and Longevity Reports (via Rowdy Space) provided to areas March 6FY15 Budget Document Preparation Begins (BUD System opens to departments) March 7Draft Debt Service Budgets provided to Financial Area reps March 12-13Budget Training – Hands on training available (available workstations for data entry) TBA by AreasInternal Department Deadlines for Budget Document review and approval March 31 st FY15 Budget Documents are due to Budget Office (BUD System closes to departments) April 1-6Preparation for UT System Budget Goals & Priorities Hearing To Be DeterminedUSRPC Meeting to review Resources and Requirements April 16UT System/UTSA Budget Goals & Priorities Hearing May 12Draft FY15 Operating Budget due to UT System May 14-15Board of Regents to approve Tuition and Fee Proposal June 2Final FY15 Operating Budget due to UT System July 261 st Draft LAR Biennium due to UT System August 8Final LAR Biennium due to UT System August 20-21FY15 Operating Budgets approved by Board of Regents
TRAINING SCHEDULE DEFINE - BUD DOCUMENT PREPARATION Course ID Course NameDateLocationClass Times AM565 BUD Overview and Preparation March 4 th HUC Travis 1:30 - 3:00 PM March 5 th BV (Downtown) 8:30 – 10:00 AM AM566 BUD Hands-On Workshop March 12 th DB (Downtown) 1:30 - 3:00 PM March 13 th MB :30 – 3:00 PM Refer to Budget Website for Budget Training information and training handouts:
UPDATE ON HYPERION FOR BUDGET 2016 PUBLIC SECTOR PLANNING & BUDGETING (PSPB) Hyperion-Public Sector Planning & Budgeting (PSPB) will replace the DEFINE-BUD for developing the FY15-16 Annual Operating Budget. Hyperion-PSPB receives and sends information between PeopleSoft FMS and HCM on a periodic basis. This planning tool is a flexible web and Microsoft Office based planning application. Hyperion PSBP has pre-built position planning models, combined with sophisticated planning and budgeting process management features used for planning, budgeting and forecasting. Project is running concurrently with PeopleSoft and being tested by Budget Planning and Development Office. A user test group of 50 participants has been established and expected to take place closer to rolling out Hyperion-PSPB next year