Vocabulary 6-2 Renewable resources --- Resources that are naturally replaced. Ex. sunlight, wind, and trees. Non-renewable resources --- Resources that can’t be replaced. Ex. coal, oil, and natural gas. Sustainable development --- a way of using natural resources without depleting them.
Soil erosion --- the wearing away of surface soil by water and wind Desertification --- a combination of dry climate and farming, overgrazing, and drought has turned the area into a desert Deforestation --- loss of forests
Aquaculture --- raising aquatic organisms for human consumption Smog --- mixture of chemicals that occurs as a gray-brown haze in the atmosphere. Pollutant --- a harmful material that can enter the biosphere through land, air, or water. Acid rain --- nitrogen and sulfur compounds in the air mix with the water vapor and become nitric and sulfuric acid droplets
Vocabulary 6-3 Biodiversity --- The number of different species in an area. Extinction --- The disappearance of all members of a species from Earth. Endangered species --- A species that is in danger of becoming extinct.
Ecosystem diversity --- the variety of habitats, communities, and ecological processes. Species diversity --- the number of different species in the biosphere Genetic diversity --- all the different forms of genetic information carried by all organisms.
Habitat fragmentation --- splitting ecosystems into pieces Biological magnification --- concentrations of a harmful substance increase in organisms at higher feeding levels Invasive species --- harmless plants & animals that are brought to new habitats either accidentally or intentionally Conservation --- preserving Earth’s biodiversity
Vocabulary 6-4 Ozone layer --- the atmosphere of the earth that contains a high concentration of ozone gas. It absorbs a good deal of UV radiation before it reaches the earth’s surface. Global warming --- the increase in the average temperature of the biosphere