4/1/2003Application Server Standards Application Server Standards for ITSS Bruce Vincent, ITSS Technology Strategist
4/1/2003Application Server Standards Application Server Characteristics Application Servers are a class of server platforms that allow remote invocations of program execution. Stanford University web (multi-tiered) applications will continue to be based on J2EE specification.
4/1/2003Application Server Standards
4/1/2003Application Server Standards J2EE App Servers in ITSS Product Manufacturer OASOracle JRunMacromedia TomcatApache.org JBossJBoss.org WebLogicBEA
4/1/2003Application Server Standards Motivations to Standardize Reduction in support complexity Reduction in support costs Increased control of design and security Increased depth of understanding Code portability
4/1/2003Application Server Standards Keep It Simple... Stick to the Java Servlet API, JSP’s, and JDBC Write Portable Code Use of EJB Technology Restricted
4/1/2003Application Server Standards Product Selection Tomcat for Servlet and JSP [reference implementation of these standards] WebLogic for EJB [recommendation is for projects requiring Beans to add on-going support costs] Other application servers only used when systems require and at cost to project for support.
4/1/2003Application Server Standards Support Model Implications ITSS to Maintain Standard Build(s) Use of OSS Contributor and User Communities Consider Support Vendors