A World of Value Chains Food chains –Bread chain –Pasta chain –Edible oil chain –Fresh fruit and vegetable chain –Processed fruit and vegetable chains, e.g. frozen, canned, dried –Beverage chains, e.g. beer, juices, wine Feed chains –Meat chains –Milk chains –Egg chains Industrial use chains –Starch chains –Natural fibre chains –Energy chains
Consumer Needs Trust Does it do what the advertising claims? What does the label mean? Does it taste good? Is it good for me? Is it safe to eat? What was added? Can I trust this brand? Can I trust this company? Is it fresh? Is it natural? Honesty Food Safety Naturalness Familiarity Quality
Trends in Society; other side of the coin Ageing population Changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns have increased the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases incl. –Obesity –Cardiovascular diseases –Hypertension –Diabetes mellitus –Certain cancers Mat. ETP Brussels
The Industrial Innovation Chain Fundamental Sciences Universities, various Applied Sciences Technology- application Product Development Wageningen Centre Food Sciences, TNO, etc. Company Research Company Development yr4 - 8 yr2 - 5 yr0,5 - 3 yr Pre-competitive
Fields of Research linked to Food Technology Nutrition Natural Sciences Information Technology Communication Business Admin. and Management Economics Social and Cultural Sciences Health and Prevention FIELDS OF RESEARCH Mat. BASF
Key facts: Initiation – 10 January 2005 Registration – 10 February 2005 Presentation of Research Programme for years – 10 February 2005 Number of members – over 60 Present work: Co-operation in creation of European Technology Platform Food for Life Working on Platform Statute Working of Strategic Vision of the Sector
SRA: high quality food fruits, vegetables dairy products meat products fish products POLISH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM ON FOOD (mat. KPK) ?
Branches of Food Industry participating in the Polish Technology Platform for Food Meat Dairy Fish Fruits and Vegetables Juices and Drinks Grain products and starch Fats and oils Feed Confectionery Sugar Other
Concept for the creation of Polish Technology Platform for Food Polish Technology Platform for Food (PTPF) is voluntary agreement of public and private institutions interested in development of agro- food sector in Poland, in particular, high quality food. PTPF encompass key representatives of Polish food industry and R&D institutions as well as other partners responsible for the development of the food sector and production of high quality food.
Major areas of interest of the food sector: increase of food and feed safety, quality and health properties along the entire production chain; economic utilisation of the agricultural raw materials of different quality as well as by-products and wastes from the food industry; creation and development of safe technologies assuring lowering production costs.
NATIONAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Bill of Principles for financing of science of 5 February 2005: National Framework Programme defines priorities in research or developmental works. Minister for Science formulates National Framework Programme based on proposals submitted by ministers, voivodes, regional self-governments, President of the Polish Academy of Science, higher education institutions or economic self-government organisation of national scope (Art. 10, pt. 2) The law permits for financing of Ordered Research Projects of thematic areas defined in National Framework Programme.
No.RESEARCH TOPICS 1Technologies and equipment used for rational and economic utilisation of food industry by-products 2Utilisation of raw materials of inferior technological quality 3Wasteless production technologies for food and feed 4Rapid methods and tools for raw material classification permitting its segregation on line taking into account requirements of the final product 5 Technologies permitting successful implementation of tracebility procedures along production chain 6Technologies and equipment for separation of individual components of agricultural raw materials
No.RESEARCH TOPICS cont. 7New, safe and economic technologies assuring minimum thermal processing of the raw materials and products, permitting for preservation of biological active substances 8Technologies securing lower energy consumption during production processes 9Production of functional foods of enhanced pro-health properties and lower alergenicity 10Pro-ecological production and storage technologies for agricultural raw materials and products ensuring preservation of biogenic compounds 11Rapid methods of analysis, detection and control of chemical, physical and microbial contaminants during technological process 12Development of raw material basis for food industry
PROPOSALS FOR ORDERED PROJECTS SUBMITTE BY POLISH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM FOR FOOD Production of functional foods of enhanced pro-health properties and lower alergenicity– budget 20 mln PLN (realisation 2-3 years) New, safe and economic technologies assuring minimum thermal processing of the raw materials and products, permitting for preservation of biological active substances – budget 16 mln PLN (realisation 2-3 years)
Well-Being/ Appearance Age To influence an individual’s state of ageing and deliver a personal regime of nutrients, lifestyle and advice for healthy longevity. Healthy Ageing: Goal Add life to years Mat. Unilever, CIAA
Population numbers Healthy Unhealthy condition A vision for improving Population Health Target population for Pharma Industries Target population for Food Industries & Public healthcare Green MR and van der Ouderaa F, Nature Pharmacogenomics
Marek Darecki – Chairman Andrzej Babuchowski Waldemar Sielski Bogusław Smólski Elżbieta Syrda Zbigniew Śmieszek THE COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF POLISH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS BOARD SECRETARIAT Andrzej Siemaszko – Secretary General Andrzej Sławiński Renata Rycerz
COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF THE POLISH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS WORKING COMMITTEES Economic Committee (goal: co-operation with central institutions) Infrastructure Committee (goal: co-operation with ESFRI); Committee for NDP Programme Committee (goal: preparation of common research strategies) Industrial assembly (presidents of the biggest Polish enterprises)
Integration of Polish economic sector, key economic and research partners: Co-ordination of activities, creation of appropriate managing structure, creation of co-operation and collaboration network (information for enterprises in a given sector) Establishing close co-operation with Advanced Technology Centres and Centres of Excellence Promotion and lobbying for the given sector (ministry) Regional Innovation Strategies Creation of regional clusters - (RDP, Act. 2.6 ) Participation in branch foresight activities Preparation of Strategic Vision for Sector’s Development (WKP ) Consultation for NDP (73 bln euro) Definition of instruments supporting development of the sector Legal documents friendly to the sector GOALS OF THE POLISH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Mat. KPK