BACKGROUND: ADP ZONES: ZONE I (Northern part of the State - covers 8 Local Governments) ZONE II (Southern part of the State - covers 10 Local Governments)
Staffing Situation: Mobility Situation: Target Achievement a. Headquarters 16 8 b. Zones 6 c. Blocks 198 119 Mobility Situation: a. Headquarters (Vehicles) b. Zones c. Blocks (Motorcycles) Target Achievement 218 132
2012 Extension Support Indicators: S/N Activities Target Achievement 1. MTRM conducted 12 9 2. FNTs 26 19 3. OFAR Trials 5 4. Farm families 180:000 1:1782 5. No. of MTPs 260 - 6. Field Days 144 7. Agric Shows 2 8. No. of group formed 1,296 902 9. No. of training per year 20 13 10. Extension Publication produced Lumps 11. Zonal Steering Committee Meeting 3 12. Zonal Technical Meeting 1 13. Zonal REFILS Workshop 14. No. of EAs 99 15. No. of BEAs 36 22 16. EA/Farmer ratio in the State 1:1000
Details of Extension Publication Produced: Title Target Achievement Collaborator Lowland rice package. Upland rice package. Maize package. Cassava package. Maize/cassava package. Okro Cowpea Pineapple Plantain/banana Leafy vegetable 10,000 -
Radio Programme Produce and Aired: Programme title Frequency Broadcast station Duration - Production techniques on crops viz; maize, yam, cassava, cocoa etc. - Livestock production and maintenance e.g. poultry birds, rabbits, sheep and goat etc. 3 quarters: 39 episodes FUTA Radio 30 minutes per episode
Television Programme Produced and Aired: Programme title Frequency Broadcast station Duration Production techniques on crops viz; maize, yam, cassava, cocoa etc. Livestock production and maintenance e.g. poultry birds, rabbits, sheep and goat etc. Fisheries: Pond construction, maintenance, fish processing etc. 3 quarters: 39 episodes Ondo State Radiovision Corporation (OSRC) 30 minutes per episode
Categories of trainees Training Programmes: Title Organizers Categories of trainees Date No. of Trainees Collaborators Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria University of Nigeria, Nssuka Ext. staff 11th -14th March, 2012 8 ADPs/AESON Orientation and review training on FFS ADP ” 23rd -24th April, 2012 27 FGN & AfDB Training of farmers’ led facilitator Farmers 18th -19th July, 2012 34 NPFS Women training Women farmers 21st -24th Aug., 2012 268 REFILS NARIs REFILS’ families 13th -17th Feb., 2012 ODSG Cont’d:
Categories of trainees Training Programmes: Title Organizers Categories of trainees Date No. of Trainees Collaborators Sensitization of Women Farmers Group on integrated farming. ADP Women farmers 26th Apr-24th May, 2012 1,602 ODSG Capacity building for Ext. Officers ARMTI Ext. Officers June-Nov 10 ” Demand Driven Course Training (NPFS) Farmers 14th-26th June, 2012 201 FGN & AfDB Establishment and Management of Training (NPFS) 17th-27th July, 2012 186 Constraints: Inadequate field staff, inadequate fund release.
Technologies being Promoted: Title Year Source Level of Adoption Comments - Okra/ Cassava Intercrop 2012 FUNAAB, Abeokuta. 40% Adoption is ongoing. Use of Animal manual for Sweet Potato production. 2012 IAR&T, Ibadan. 30% Ditto Feeding of Rabbit Weaners with Feed containing 40% Fermented Cocoa Pod Husk in replacement of Maize. 2012 IAR&T, Ibadan. 35% Ditto Cultivation of Cowpea Variety IT90K 277-2 2012 FUNAAB, Abeokuta. 10% Low adoption was due to in availability of seed.
General : Brief Report on: Components Reports FADAMA III, Component IV Activities carried out include, but not limited to; - Extension visits were made to the members of the FUGs by Extension Officers for advisory services to them. - Training of Facilitators (Attendance of Mid Term Review of the project, Sixth (6)World Bank/ FGN Supervision Mission of Fadama III Project, used to assess the implementation progress of all components of the project since the inception and draw up plans for the remaining period of the project. Attendance of Technical Meeting of PMs/MDs and DTSs of ADPs with the National Fadama Coordinating Office (NFCO) Principal Officers for discussion on the implementation status of Fadama III Component IV, challenges and way forward). - Commencement of full utilization of the ICT Clinic Internet facility and Generating set supplied to the project the at the ADP Headquarters. - Supply of Six (6) motorcycles for Extension Agents by the National Fadama Coordinating Office (NFCO). - Implementation of Value Addition Programme for a selected FUG ( Palm Oil Processing FUG at Ode Omi, Irele LGA of the State) where palm oil processing equipment were procured, new building erected and borehole drilled for water provision.
NPFS Activities carried out include, but not limited to; -Disbursement of loans to the farmers and repayment of previous loans obtained by the farmers -Production activities by the farmers -Trainings of the farmers by the Facilitators. -Supervision of farmers activities by the Facilitators and the State Coordinator. CBARDP Ondo State Government did not participate in the implementation of the programme. Commercial Agric Fertilizer Voucher System The Fertilizer Voucher System was effective for redemption of fertilizers under the GES Support programme. Input Situation Ondo State Government continued to make Agro Inputs available to the farmers in the State at 30% subsidy level..
Fertilizer Ondo State Government has keyed in to the GES Support Programme of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. Fertilizer was made available to farmers under the programme. However, farmers still complained of its inadequacy more so that the fertilizer companies were not selling fertilizers to farmers outside the GES Support Programme. Agro Chemical Ondo State Government continued to make Agro Chemicals available to the farmers in the State at 30% subsidy level.. MTRM Situation Report MTRMs were held on the first Monday and Tuesday of every month. Nine out of Twelve targeted were conducted. Achievement was 75%. Resource Persons were usually drawn from the Research Institute as sourced by the OFAR Team Leader from IAR&T, Ibadan. First days of the MTRMs were used for Field Visit while the second days were used for presentation of field reports, MTRM Topics,etc.
2013 EXTENSION SUPPORT INDICATOR: S/N Support Activities Target 1. No. of MTRM to be conducted 12 2. No. of FNTs 26 3. OFAR Trials - 4. No. of farm families 180,000 5. No. of SPAT 260 6. No. of MTPs to be established 9Ha 7. No. of Field Days to be conducted 144 8. No. of Agric Shows 2 9. No. of group formed 1,296 10. No. of training per year 20 11. Extension Publication Produce Lumps 12. Zonal Steering Committee Meeting 13. Zonal Technical Meeting 1
2013 EXTENSION SUPPORT INDICATOR: Cont’d S/N Support Activities Target 14. Zonal REFILS Workshops 1 15. No. of Extension Workers (EAs) 144 16. No. of Extension Workers (BEAs) 36 17. EA/Farmer ratio in the State 1:1480 Details of Extension Publication Proposals: Title Target Collaborators Guides - Leaflets 1. Lowland Rice package 2. Upland Rice package 3. Maize 4. Cassava 5. Maize/cassava intercrop 2000 ” NONE
Radio & TV Programme to be Aired in 2013: Programme Title/Topic Frequency Broadcasting Station Duration Production Practices on different crops viz; maize, cassava, cowpea, yam, cocoa, citrus etc. Quarterly Positive 102.FM and OSRC TV 30 minutes for each episode Processing, utilization, preservation etc. of different crops as above. Livestock: production practices e.g. poultry birds, sheep and goats, rabbits, cane rat etc. Fisheries: Pond construction, maintenance, stocking, harvesting, processing, marketing etc.
Training Programme Proposals for 2013: Title Organizers Categories of Trainees No. of Trainees Collaborators Specialized/Professional Training ARMTI, Ext. Workers 15 ARMTI Pre-season Training ADP 123 Farmers’ Training on modern technologies Farmers in the State 280 Technologies to be Promoted in 2013: Title Source Comments Use of Poultry Manure for Cocoyam production NRCRI, Umudike. Rate of Application will be confirmed in the on-going OFAR trial in the State. Plantain /Pepper Intercrop. NIHORT, Ibadan. Plantain intercrop with two rows of pepper. Production of Fishes (Oreochromis niloticus and Sarotherodon galilaeus) in floating net cage. FUTA, Akure. Feeding of Growing Pigs with Fermented Cassava Peels. IAR&T, Ibadan Feed will contain 20% Fermented Cassava Peels.
Technologies to be Promoted in 2013: Title Source Comments Use of Poultry Manure for Cocoyam production NRCRI, Umudike. Rate of Application will be confirmed in the on- going OFAR trial in the State. Plantain /Pepper Intercrop. NIHORT, Ibadan. Plantain intercrop with two rows of pepper. Production of Fishes (Oreochromis niloticus and Sarotherodon galilaeus) in floating net cage. FUTA, Akure. Feeding of Growing Pigs with Fermented Cassava Peels. IAR&T, Ibadan Feed will contain 20% Fermented Cassava Peels. Storage of Leafy Vegetables in Locally woven cane basket lined with jute materials NSPRI, Ibadan