1 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) November 15, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM
2 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Schedule Status STATIC, SWIA on critical path –9.6 weeks margin to delivery to LM –Critical Path runs through electronics fab & test –Boards are starting to come out of PWB fab, getting ready to start loading at JPL (who is quoting better delivery times than other subcontractors) Holding PFP package integration date for now –April 2012 –SWIA/STATIC calibration will not be complete at that time, get completed after package I&T (which hurts delivery margin) –Note that STATIC takes the longest to qualify. If STATIC schedule deteriorates we could consider delivering that separately; the rest of the package has 12 weeks of margin Changed FSW Build 3 delivery from just before to just after PFP Environments –Gives more time to include any changes/fixes required based on package level testing
3 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Accomplishments EM progress: –All EM testing complete except: STATIC calibrations REG #2 testing FM Electronic Progress: –17 PFP flight PWB fabricated, 7 loaded and in test MAG MAD & ACHE boards, SWEA IRAP boards in test –9 boards in PWB fabrication –3 boards through review and in final adjustments before fab –3 boards still in final layout REG, STATIC LVPS, STATIC ACC/MCP FM Mechanical –LPW, SEP, MAG, SWEA, SWIA, STATIC mechanical parts all out to fab Most parts received and in assembly –PFDPU getting out to fab now Flight harness fabrication started, fit-checked on Spacecraft mock- up More in instrument sections…
4 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP Harness Fit Check PFP Flight harnesses fit-checked on the LM harness mock-up
5 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SIT working groups Get last of FM PWBs out to fab Get FM PWBs loaded Get board level thermal and PSA complete
6 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP RFA Status
7 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Trades, Issues Working on an analysis to decide if the PFDPU mechanical design needs to be augmented to support the PWBs to avoid excessive displacements in vibe –Reached agreement on solution (DFB stiffener characteristics) –Adds mass to PFDPU to enhance stiffness of chassis. –CLOSED PFDPU Thermal conduction to deck –Current design does not meet ICD –Modifying deck mounting to increase conductivity –Open issue with Deck Temp at start of cruise 40C, at top of AFT for PFDPU
8 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Thermal Status Working on board level thermal analyses –Board analysis model in place and providing results and feedback into layouts –Some thermal data and final layouts from a few board leads still outstanding –Submit current status, minus a few boards? Working on updated instrument thermal models for submission in December Held a review of PFP Instrument-level Thermal Balance plans with Project participation –MAG, SEP, SWEA, and STATIC will get instrument-level thermal balance tests –PFDPU, LPW booms, EUV, and SWIA will not
9 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Top Risks LPW Sensor Coating concern new Parts qual almost complete; retire next month?
10 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Risks List
11 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP Mass No change this month
12 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Mass Tracking Chart
13 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP Power Measured IIB EM power converter efficiency improved efficiency slightly New Peak and Standby allocations per ECR203E –Reallocated power NTE between boxes –Positive margins throughout
14 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP Power Trend
15 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFP Data Rate Latest allocations per TRAS –Including pending CCR364
16 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Life Testing SEP Attenuator life test complete SWEA door mechanism identical to STEREO LPW relay life test complete LPW deployment life test completed SWIA, STATIC attenuator life test completed SWIA, STATIC door mechanism functional, life test completed
17 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Requirements Verification Status Boot software Acceptance Test completed –Flows up to a few ICD and FRD requirements verified All life tests completed Type# Requirements# Verified FRD1072 ERD1050 ICD1431 FSW – Op FSW - Boot68
18 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP MAG Status November 2011 Jack Connerney, MAG Lead
19 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 GSFC/MAG - Accomplishments Last Month MAG flight sensors (FM1 & FM2) thermal stress relief completed. FM1 (Flight #1) MAD (Magnetometer Analog & Digital) circuit board initial tuning is completed (minus FPGA). FM2 (Flight #2) MAD circuit board initial tuning is completed; initial scale factors determined at 22’ GSFC facility (rev02 FPGA installed). FM1 ACHE (AC Heater Electronics) circuit board completed, on bench in test; FM2 ACHE circuit board assembly nearing completion. FPGA (rev 3) code in simulation and test. First set TAYCO flight a/c heater elements scheduled for delivery in Lab on or before 12/12/2011. GSFC provided to LM complete drawings for sensor attachment bracket & solid model of sensor. Sensor bracket, sensor EMI cover (shielded), thermal blanket mold in fabrication. Supported ATLO TIM at LM Denver 10/ GSE (UCB emulator) development continues; display options, instrument housekeeping telemetry conversion to EUs, etc.
22 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 GSFC/MAG Near Term Plans & Open Issues GSFC to complete a review of revised MICD when available (LM). –Attachment bracket –Position pigtail connector –Position ground wire and cable attachment(s) Re-run thermal model (w/3-layer thermal blanket on 0.66 m extension aka “boomlet”) prior to ACHE board completion. Complete fabrication of sensor mechanical pieces (thermal stand- offs, base plate, etc) and mechanical GSE for MAG test facility. Complete physical model(s) of sensor assembly and attachment bracket for thermal blanket shops at GSFC (sensor) and LM (boomlet). Design and fabrication of sensor thermal blanket. Need commitment from Project and LM on hours of operation PFP instrument package will receive after delivery to LM; similarly, need commitment from UCB on hours of operation MAG will receive after delivery to UCB.
23 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status October 2011 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead
24 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SWEA Status - IRAP –FM calibration in progress –Azim/Elev response for upward deflections measured. –Azim/Elev response for downward deflections in progress. –Energy and UV responses scheduled for Nov Elevation = 0
25 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SWEA Status - SSL –FM Digital fab complete, coupons sent out for testing. –Part loading instructions & board level procedures complete –Flight design FPGA tested on EM (don’t expect any more changes prior to burning the flight part). –FM LVPC magnetic wind & test (in progress) –Board level procedures complete –EM LVPC integrated and tested in vacuum SWEA ETU Digital board installed into pedestal SSL pedestal (LVPS & Digital) IRAP analyzer IRAP front-end electronics
26 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SWEA Issues Further investigation of charging anomaly Both SSL and IRAP EM’s exhibit the charging anomaly. For the SSL EM, Nuflon removed from the top cap and then the entire part was plated with gold. Tests were repeated, and the same charging anomaly was observed. For the SSL EM, top cap, deflectors, and outer hemisphere removed. Testing at IRAP shows that MAVEN FM does not exhibit this behavior. Testing planned for STEREO flight units. Vacuum tests repeated. Lower portion of SSL EM does not exhibit the charging behavior. Anomaly is associated with upper part of the sensor.
27 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status November 2011 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead
28 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SWIA Progress Electrical Progress –EM noise issues solved –FM layouts in progress All FM layouts out to fabrication Digital and Anode PWB fabrication complete Coupons in analysis at GSFC FM kitting in progress for all boards, mostly complete Mechanical Progress –All FM drawings complete –All FM parts in fabrication Calibration/Testing –EM Testing complete –New cal chamber and manipulator ready for FM testing Some testing with SWEA currently shaking out a few remaining issues with manipulator, but by and large, calibration setup looking good New ion gun in assembly, expected complete before end of the year Plan to use EM to check out ion gun and test out manipulator scripting for FM calibration
29 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SWIA Issues EM electronics noise issue solved –Tracked down to poor ground connection between chassis and preamp analog ground –Solved by using a shim to make good ground connection between standoff and ground pad on EM, solved by design on FM Coupon testing and board loading next –Hoping these won’t be chokepoints –May be able to utilize JPL excess capacity for some of the board loading tasks
30 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status November 2011 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead
31 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 STATIC Accomplishments FM carbon foil mounting begun Sensor and EM electronics, minus LVPS, tested in vacuum Anode, Preamp, TDC, HV Sweep, and Digital FM PCB fabrication packages being prepared. LVPS modified to reduce power dissipation FM mechanical drawings completed, reviewed and approved. Mechanical parts being ordered for FM fabrication Ion feedback in Z-stack MCPs observed. HV testing procedures modified to avoid this issue.
32 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 STATIC Plans TDC EM2 PCB fabricated, loaded, in test Modified LVPS needs vacuum testing with EM electronics & sensor Acc/MCP HVPS Board needs layout modifications for FM PCB High level data products generated by FPGA still need validation TDC ADC latch-up protection needs testing in next version of FPGA Ion Gun integration with new cal chamber in process. Mechanical parts fabricated to allow testing of TOF with increased distance between TOF and MCPs to reduce field emission - in test. Vacuum sensor testing continuing
33 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 STATIC Open Issues EM Sweep HVPS developed problems during vacuum testing, Vgrid OpAmp failed, circuit modified to prevent current surge at +28V turnon to prevent future failure. EM LVPS ~200 kHz noise needs testing with SWP HVPS Encoder failure on new manipulator –– being evaluated and fixed
34 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP SEP Status October, 2011 Davin Larson, SEP Lead David Glaser, SEP ME Miles Robinson, SEP EE
35 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SEP Status DFE (sensor preamps) PWB fabricated, waiting on coupon results –Will load these boards at SSL DAP (analog electronics in PFDPU) PWB in fab Sensor Mechanical parts in house Working on painting of parts –Tricky GSFC conductive white paint, practice on EM
36 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP DCB, Power Converter & GSE Status November 2011 Dorothy Gordon Timothy Quinn Peter Berg Chris Tiu
37 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 DCB Status DCB and FLIGHT FPGA Daughter Boards Flight PCB Layout Flight DCB is in fabrication – due in 11/16/11 Flight FPGA daughter board fabrication Delayed in order to meet the board thickness (0.063”) requirement (new material ordered by the Fabrication Facility) o DCB FPGA Rev 11 has been released, and is installed on both DCB-ETUs DCB Diagnostics Most recent functions added to DCB Diagnostic Test Suite (Memory Pattern and Address Tests) complete the functionality for the Flight Test Procedure This release will programmed into the “Diagnostic Section” of the DCB Boot ROM
38 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Power Converter Status REG board REG1 board used for the ETU-PFDPU test will eventually be replaced by REG2 Revised Instrument Current Monitor subsystem installed on REG2, checkout/verification in process Continuing optimization of the power converter efficiency IIB Board Revised converter design (increased fault tolerance) tested in the ETU PFPDU during the MAG reintegration FM layout review completed Thermal Review passed Flight board is in fabrication
39 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 PFDPU & GSE Status Reintegrated MAG and LPW with the ETU PFDPU MAG FPGA upgrade LPW retest with most recent FPGA MISG Hardware/Firmware Six new MISG Boards have been tested One to be included in the PFP-HFS Two in use for Instrument Mode Development/Support GSEOS Manipulator control subsystem in test/development Continuing support for Flight Instrument GSE functions Supported instrument “reintegration” (MAG and LPW) High Fidelity Simulator (PFP-HFS) Most parts are in, chassis and cabling in process
40 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status November Peter Harvey
41 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Boot Status Interface Documents, Meetings None IV&V None FSW Development Modified APID 23 to have 24 instead of 32 mux values Rolled the version to Test Status (FPGA revision 11) Long Duration Stress Test, MAVEN_PF_FSW_025_LDS_ doc Boot Inspection Report, MAVEN_PF_FSW_024_Inspection.doc Repeated Comprehensive Performance Test, MAVEN_PF_FSW_023_CPT_ doc Wrote Version Descriptor, MAVEN_PF_FSW_027_VDD_V103.doc Saved all Relevant Files on the FTP site ftp://apollo.ssl.berkeley.edu/pub/prh/MAVEN/fsw/4.1%20Boot/ Dates coming up 11/15 – Boot FSW ATR TBD – Boot Test with Actuators TBD - PROM Burn
42 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Operational Status Interface Documents, Meetings Reviewed SEP specification. Will need to revise requirements New Requirements Monitor Actuator status (2-bit version) being added to Level 5 Modifying actuator duration requirements Modifying SEP requirements Placing requirements on RTS sequences IV&V Reviewed schedule of development for code review next year FSW Development DCB HSK from 32 to 24 qty -> Mod to Ap23, CTM, Code Developed Solid State Recording Module (SSR) to verify DCB Flash Hardware Developed AP21 & table 9 to be able to watch SSR read/write positions Updated IO HSK to return Flash settings Test Status/Tools Updated instrument simulator for LPW simulation Issues –FLASH memory & computer speed are not the same as in RBSP! –Currently, NULACCERR flag is reported by FPGA possibly indicating race condition between FSW and FLASH. To be diagnosed next.
43 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Test Environment GSEOS Status: Instrument simulation (still in work) Limit checking error messages (uses raw values, not converted) GSEOS Python Test Scripts, Displays Need to Build Operational Test Scripts FSW Development Platform: Configured for Boot Testing Instrument CDI Recording Added Need to Configure with Attenuator simulation for Operational Testing Need to Configure with Instrument simulation for Operational Testing Testing Personnel: No changes
44 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SPRs and SCRs
45 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Metrics Chart
46 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Defect Chart
47 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Safety and Mission Assurance Quarterly Status Report (QSR) NOVEMBER 2011 Jorg Fischer, PFP SMA
48 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA SUMMARY OCTOBER 2011 SMA received FM parts from GSFC and started on FM parts kits, prepared and supported layout reviews, SOW, and PWB fabrication and assembly preparation efforts; supported ESD and calibration checks. Alert checks were performed – no new issues. We received the first flight fastener order and QA is in process of incoming and dimensional inspections.
49 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA SUMMARY SMA support of FSW reviews and inspections was provided. Operators attended NASA workmanship training classes. The QA team provided follow-up support for the MAVEN Travel Book Documentation to the EEE and Mechanical teams. QA provided an incoming inspection report sheet and updated PFR form. Also, QA attended the NASA supply chain conference held on October 18 th -20 th, at GFSC.
50 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA SUMMARY - MAVEN FLT KITS FLIGHT kits for SWIA Digital, SWEA Digital, SWIA Anode, PFDPU DCB, IIB, SWEA LVPS, SWIA LVPS, SWIA Sweep, STATIC Sweep, SEP DFE, LPW Axial Boom Unit Wiring, Frangibolt SIM Wiring, and Harnesses.
51 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA MONTHLY DETAILS October 2011 Details
52 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA SUPPORT Layout package reviews and submittal preparation for sending to PWB vendor Processing of Board Fabrication Quotes and set up of Purchase Agreements to VSC Support of the Flight Layouts and PO’s
53 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA - MAVEN PARTS Meetings with the design engineers for parts replacements and REG Board BOM Produced FLIGHT kits (see slide 4) Ordered the VM1676 voltage multiplier Kit the TDC Engineering Model Support of weekly PW Board Status report Received, inspected, filed actives parts from GSFC Sent parts to GSFC, LASP, per requests. Ordered magnetics terminals Continued to order parts for both EM and FM boards
54 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 FSW - SOFTWARE Software review and inspections Flight Software User Manual MAVEN_PF_FSW_007_SUM_BOOT Boot Flight Software Comprehensive Performance Test ReportMAVEN_PF_FSW_023_CPT_ Flight Software Code Inspection Report MAVEN_PF_FSW_024_Inspection Boot Flight Software Long Duration Test Report: MAVEN_PF_FSW_025_LDS_ FSW Version Description Document: MAVEN_PF_FSW_027_VDD_V103
55 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA - MATERIAL PARTS CONTROL Weekly PCB meeting – refer to minutes. Incoming inspections for active flight parts: - Again, Item was shipped with pink poly material -No shipping documents were provided. -Resolution: Documented and contacted vendor. Vendor promised to sent the appropriate and required documents. -QA provided an incoming inspection report sheet and updated PFR form
56 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA - MATERIAL PARTS CONTROL UCB SSL SMA consulted on layout and PC board fabrication specifications and standards, PCB connector and wire modifications, and supported Read Me files, SOW, and PO specifications. Layout packages review and submittal to PWB vendor RFQ processing and reviews QA supported flight fastener order. QA is in process of flight fastener incoming and dimensional inspections Support of fabrication and specification for Flight Harnesses EM support: Bonding of sample board into frame for PFDPU with 9309/BN
57 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 ESD & CALIBRATION CONTROL ESD Control Plan –Update to RevB. –Class 0 workstation location and procedure research in progress. ESD Checks and Surveys –Performed ESD checks – no issues –Internal ESD MAVEN surveys for GSFC Calibration Database –Revised and updated database
58 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 ALERTS Alert Responses: No impact NA-MSFC QQ8-A-11-01A E4-A SC7-P NA-KSC and a materials issue ( only -no number provided)
59 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 SMA - GENERAL Support of Project planning, procurement, fabrication, and assembly processes. Other activities included the normal, ongoing participation in team and instrument meetings, parts and test discussions, documentation reviews and comments for procurements. QA provided stockroom, shipping, and parts services to MAVEN.
60 PFP MSR, 11/15/2011 Issues Concerns Fabrication of PWB control – Selected alternative PWB vendor, for in parallel production, in case PWB coupon failure Fabrication and assembly of PWA. Vendor selection in progress. RFQs received, SMA site visits planned Material Control – Incoming Inspection Report issued