2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data Foliar Trial (Weather King, Lokomotive) - Canola Temora, NSW
Trial Setup
TreatmentRate/haTiming SFP---- WeatherKing1 L Cabbage Lokomotive10 L Cabbage WeatherKing + Lokomotive1 L + 10 L Cabbage WeatherKing + WeatherKing1 L + 1 L Cab fb Stem elongation WeatherKing + Lokomotive WeatherKing1 L+ 10 L + 1 L Cab fb Stem elongation WeatherKing + WeatherKing + WeatherKing1 L + 1 L + 1 L Cab fb SL fb pod fill WeatherKing + Lokomotive + WeatherKing + WeatherKing 1 L + 10 L + 1 L + 1 L Cab fb SL fb pod fill Trial Protocol LSD (P=.05) =.239 CV = 12.26
Canola Yield T/ha TreatmentRate/haYield T/haOil % SFP WeatherKing1 L Lokomotive10 L WeatherKing + Lokomotive1 L + 10 L WeatherKing + WeatherKing1 L + 1 L WeatherKing + Lokomotive WeatherKing1 L+ 10 L + 1 L WeatherKing + WeatherKing + WeatherKing 1 L + 1 L + 1 L WeatherKing + Lokomotive + WeatherKing + WeatherKing 1 L + 10 L + 1 L + 1 L LSD (P=.05) =.239 CV = 12.26
Canola Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) =.239 CV = 12.26
mm 2012 Total = 299 mm 2013 Total = 299 mm Temora Rainfall
Trial established to assess crop stress reduction following applications of Locomotive & Weatherking Results from this trial severely affected by late frost All treatments received 150kg/ha Urea 26 th July cabbage stage. Best results achieved when Locomotive and Weatherking were combined. Locomotive best treatment for Oil% This trial experienced a wet start a dry middle and a frosty end only missed out on snow. Conclusions