Every student should receive a copy of the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, by Sean Covey to use during advisement. The books should not leave the classroom. Every student should receive a Success Guide as well. They may write in the Success Guide, but it should also not leave the classroom.
Read the poem entitled, Who Am I?, in the beginning of the book. Any guesses???? I AM HABIT!!!
Now we will fill in the blanks on page 3 in the Success Guide by using the next 3 slides:
A habit is something you do without thinking about it. Habits A habit is something you do without thinking about it.
Effectiveness Effectiveness is habitually doing things that help you get great results over and over again.
Some habits that make me effective today are….. Fill in at least 3 examples of your own Discuss your answers with the class Now in the extra space on the bottom of page 3, list at least 3 habits that you have noticed in your friends. These can be effective habits, ineffective habits, or even annoying habits! (Don’t name any names!) Discuss your answers with the class and determine if the habits are effective or ineffective.
Why are we doing this?? Many teens struggle with the same issues. This book study will allow all of you to learn effective strategies to cope with those common struggles. Open the book to pages 4-5. Volunteers are needed to read each one of the common teen struggles that are listed. Take a moment to think about which struggles apply to your life right now and how you currently cope with those struggles. Make a commitment to participate in this book study and learn some new, effective strategies to help you along your life’s journey! Sean Covey has labeled them the 7 Habits (use the next slide to fill in the tree on page 4 in the Success Guide)
7 Habits Tree Renewal Public Victory® Private Victory®
7 Habits Tree Renewal Public Victory® Private Victory® 7. Sharpen the Saw® 6. Synergize® Public Victory® 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® 4. Think Win-Win® 3. Put First Things First® Private Victory® 2. Begin with the End in Mind® 1. Be Proactive®
What are paradigms and principles? Read the Top 10 All-Time Stupid Questions on pages 11-12. Then read the list of statements from real teens on page 12. Discuss the similarities/differences between the two lists. Draw a picture of yourself on the inside front cover of the Success Guide. Think about why you drew yourself in that way. A paradigm is the way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief. A volunteer should come to the front of the room and put on the pair of glasses. Now try to read something at the back of the room. Describe what you see. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life, it’s like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. The lens affect how you see everything else.
Paradigms and Principles Read pages 18-23 to learn about possible paradigms of life. Be ready to discuss the following questions with the class: Which one of the paradigms do you think is most common among teens? Which paradigm makes the most sense to you? Why? Which life paradigm actually works?? Principle-Centered!! Read pages 24-27. Under your picture of yourself in your Success Guide, make a list of at least 3 principles that are important to you.
Personal Bank Account Read the story on pages 31-33 about Sean Covey’s decision about his college football career. Read about your Personal Bank Account on page 34. There are ways to make deposits into your account and ways to make withdrawals out of your account. (Page 6 in Success Guide) List at least 3 specific deposits you can make to yourself in the next month on page 6. Be as specific as possible. You may want to refer to pages 35-44 in the book to give you some ideas.
Personal Bank Account PBA Deposits PBA Withdrawals Keep promises Break personal promises. to yourself. Do small acts Keep to yourself. of kindness. Be gentle with yourself. Beat yourself up. Be honest. Be dishonest. Renew yourself. Wear yourself out. Tap into your talents. Neglect your talents.
Habit 1 Be Proactive I Am The Force---- I Am Responsible Read page 48. What is your opinion of the quote by Abraham Lincoln?
Habit 1 Read the information under “The Choice Is Yours” on page 8 in the Success Guide. Discuss the differences between proactive and reactive people. Discuss possible responses to the scenario on the bottom of page 8. Write in the best answers. Read the other scenario on page 50 in the book. Discuss the possible responses.
Proactive vs. Reactive Can-Do People No-Can-Do People Take initiative to Wait for something to make it happen. happen to them. Think about solutions Think about problems and options. and barriers. Act. Are acted upon.
Habit 1 Discuss the reactive vs proactive language on page 51. How often do you use the statements listed? Are you a reactive or proactive person? Discuss the Circle of Control on page 55. How often do you blame things that are outside of the circle?
Habit 1 Pause, Think, Do Read the bottom of page 65 and the top of page 66.
Pause, Think, Do Pause Learn to pause. Think Think about how you want to respond. Do Do the most proactive thing.
This is the end of Lesson 1! Habit 1 6 volunteers are needed to act out the skit. How did Rosa use the principles we have learned about in Habit 1? How would you have handled the situation? Answer the questions on page 10 in the Success Guide. This is the end of Lesson 1!
Habit 2 Begin With The End In Mind (Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will) Activity: Class should divide into 2 groups Each group gets a puzzle Your job is to work together to put the puzzle together faster than the other group Here’s the catch---You can’t see the picture to know what the puzzle is! Ready, Set, Go!
Habit 2 Read page 75 and the top of page 76. Activity: 2 volunteers are needed. Each volunteer will receive a map of GA Your adviser will give you a town to find on the map. The first student to find the town will win. Ready, Set, Go!! What would have made this activity easier? Your journey is much easier if you know where you’re going!
Habit 2 So where do you want to go??? Activity: 1 volunteer is needed to walk down the road of life The volunteer must first answer the question--- “Where do you want to go?” Ex---I want to go to UGA and major in early childhood education so I can become a 1st grade teacher The volunteer begins to walk down his/her road Oh no!!! You’ve hit a few road blocks!!!!! Discuss how each of the following might slow you down on your life’s journey:
Road Block Drugs
Road Block Family
Road Block Friends
Road Block Pregnancy
Road Block Alcohol
Road Block STD
The Great Discovery On your own notebook paper, complete The Great Discovery found on pages 85-89.
Personal Mission Statement Habit 2 Personal Mission Statement Read pages 81-82 Read pages 90-91 Use pages 12-13 in the Success Guide to create your personal mission statement. You may use words and/or pictures. Be creative!!! Make you mission statement mean something to you!
This is the end of Lesson 2! Habit 2 Answer the questions on page 14 in the Success Guide. This is the end of Lesson 2!
Habit 3 Put First Things First (Will and Won’t Power) Activity: As a class, write down important things that must be done in a typical week. Each item should be written on a big rock. The small rocks represent things that are not as important as the big rocks. One volunteer should try to fit all of the big rocks and small rocks into the container. You must fit everything in!
Habit 3 How can all of the rocks fit? If you place the big rocks (important things) into the container first and then fill in with the small rocks, they will all fit! Discuss how this concept applies to the way you should be planning things in your life. Complete page 16 in the Success Guide.
1 Identify your big rocks. Steps to Planning 1 Identify your big rocks. 2 Block out time for your big-rock activities. 3 Schedule everything else. 36
Habit 3 Read pages 107-112. Be ready to discuss the following questions: Which time quadrant currently describes you? What are your top 3 biggest time wasters? What is one thing that you can do this week to better prioritize your time? Be as specific as possible.
38 ©2002 Franklin Covey Co.
This is the end of Lesson 3! Habit 3 Activity: Each student will receive a calendar for this month. Your assignment is to use the calendar to plan out your month. Be sure to include your big rocks first! Read the poem on page 127. Answer the questions on page 18 in the Success Guide. This is the end of Lesson 3!
The Relationship Bank Account Read pages 131-133 Discuss the chart on page 20 in the Success Guide Fill in a specific deposit you will make this week into your relationship bank account. Then make a commitment to actually do it! Activity: Each student should choose 1 person in his/her life that he/she would like to thank for something. Then each student should write a thank you note to that person.
Relationship Bank Account RBA Deposits RBA Withdrawals Keep promises. Break promises. Do small acts Keep to yourself. of kindness. Be loyal. Gossip and break confidences. Listen. Don’t listen. Say you’re sorry. Be arrogant. Set clear expectations. Set false expectations.
(Life Is An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet) Habit 4 Think Win-Win (Life Is An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet) Paper Plate Activity: Each student should write his/her name going down the left side of a paper plate. Students will walk around the room and try to find someone to sign each letter of his/her name. Example---If my name is Brittany then I could sign the B on Brad’s plate. On the back of the plate you must write 1 thing that you have in common with each person that signed your plate.
Four Paradigms 1 Win-Lose 2 Lose-Win 3 Lose-Lose 4 Win-Win
Habit 4 Read about the 4 paradigms on page 22 in the Success Guide. Activity: Students will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will be assigned one of the paradigms. Each group will develop a skit to demonstrate their assigned paradigm. Students should fill in the blanks on page 23 in the Success Guide. Each group will act out their skit for the class.
This is the end of Lesson 4! Habit 4 Read pages 159-161 Complete page 24 in the Success Guide. This is the end of Lesson 4!
Habit 5 Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood (You Have Two Ears And One Mouth……Hel-lo!!) Activity: Students will form a line based on their birthdays The student with the first birthday of the year should be in the front of the line and the student with the last birthday should be in the back The Catch----You are not allowed to talk or make noise while you line up! Ready, Set, Go!!!
Habit 5 How frustrated were you when you couldn’t talk during that activity??? Read pages 164-166 and be ready to discuss your opinion of the anorexia story. Read about the 5 Poor Listening Styles on pages 168-169. Which style describes the way you listen? Which styles describe the ways your friends listen?
Habit 5 Activity: The class will divide into 5 groups Each group will be assigned one of the poor listening styles Each group should act out their style using the following scenario: A teen is trying to convince his/her parents to allow him/her to drive the car to the football game tonight.
Habit 5 Activity: Pretend that you just won $1,000,000! Each student should turn to the person sitting beside him/her and describe what you will do with your money. The Catch---everyone is going to talk at the same time Ready, Set, Go! Now turn to the person on the other side of you and describe what your first partner said…… Can you do it??? Why or why not???
Genuine Listening 7% WORDS 53% BODY LANGUAGE 40% TONE/ FEELING
Steps to Genuine Listening 1 Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears. 2 Stand in their shoes. 3 Practice mirroring. 51
Mimicking vs. Mirroring Mimicking Is: Mirroring Is: Repeating words. Repeating meaning. Using the same words. Using your own words. Cold and indifferent. Warm and caring.
Communicating With Your Parents Habit 5 Read the “Genuine Listening In Action” section on pages 175-176. Communicating With Your Parents Answer the questions on page 27 in the Success Guide.
Habit 5 Answer the questions on page 28 in the Success Guide.
Habit 6 Synergize (The “High” Way) Read pages 182-183 On the bottom of page 29 in the Success Guide, write your own definition of synergy.
Habit 6 Activity: The class will divide into groups of 4. Each group should take a few minutes to discuss similarities and differences of everyone in the group. Use page 30 in the Success Guide to record your findings.
Habit 6 Look at the picture on page 186. What do you see??? An old man or a mouse?? We all have different points of view! Activity: Each student will complete the personality trait test on page 187. When completed, create a class graph on the board that shows the results. Read pages 188-189 for descriptions of each fruit type.
Habit 6 Read The Cold Within on page 192 Think back to a time when you pre-judged someone. After getting to know that person, was your initial judgment correct?
Getting to Synergy Action Plan Define the Problem or Opportunity Their Way (Seek first to understand the ideas of others.) My Way (Seek to be understood by sharing your ideas.) Brainstorm (Create new opinions and ideas.) High Way (Find the best solution.)
This is the end of Lesson 5! Habit 6 Read pages 195-201 Answer the questions on page 32 in the Success Guide This is the end of Lesson 5!
Habit 7 Sharpen The Saw It’s “Me Time” Read page 206 On page 34 in the Success Guide, fill in one example for each dimension of how you will improve this week. Be specific!! Ex---Under the physical dimension you might write, “I will eat vegetables at least 10 times this week”
Four Dimensions Brain Body Heart Soul
Reflecting on the 7 Habits… 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® 1. Be Proactive® 2. Begin with the End in Mind® 3. Put First Things First® 4. Think Win-Win® 6. Synergize® 7. Sharpen the Saw® Reflecting on the 7 Habits… Think about the habits we have covered this year and summarize/reflect on a time in your life where you have demonstrated each of the seven habits.