Who is Hjarnees?
Google his name and find out….
He has his own website with his phone number, adress, full name… and many other PERSONAL details
He has several blogs and profiles on the internet with detailed descriptions of his private life…
And he has a gallery with pictures from interesting moments of his life….
He is selling his ghetto blaster.. It’s placed right next to his very expensive HIFI. See the adress where you can find it and Hjarnees bank account number here….
He has uploaded home videos of himself and his friends in embarrassing situations...
He also wrote an interesting article with his advice on how to behave online on Arto.dk’s (SNS for youngsters in Denmark) magazine… ”It’s a waste of time to read the terms of use” ”If you put disgusting or embarrassing things on the internet you’ll get a lot of attention!” ”Don’t forget to leave your phone number online, so people also can you find you at home!” … WELL, most of the readers thought he was not too smart!
………….. Actually when you google Hjarnees’ name you can piece together the complete identity of Hjarnees
FOLLOW the link provided on each of Hjarnees’ blogs, profiles etc.: …And see the REALLY god pieces of advice to safe online behaviour: Don’t upload things online that you will not like tomorrow, log out when you leave the computer, always ask for permission when you use pictures of your friends online etc…. …And participate in a competition, where you have to piece together Hjarnees’ identity by googling his name and answering questions: What is Hjarnees phone number? What is his adress? What does he like to drink at the local bar? REMEMBER: YOU ARE WHAT YOU UPLOAD ONLINE!
About the campaign The viral safer internet information campaign “Who is Hjarnees?” targeted youngsters was launched on Safer Internet Day 2008 by Awareness Node Denmark in cooperation with 10 industry partners from the Danish Confederation of Industries’ ITEK group. The campaign uses humour and irony as tools for advising youngsters on safer internet as it presents examples of worst possible online behaviour, in order to underline areas of precaution online to youngsters. At the centre of the campaign is the Anti Hero Hjarnees that does everything wrong on the internet, such as disclosing personal information, pictures of himself and friends etc. A fictional identity profile has been built up around the character on the internet and a competition has been developed where young people will need to answer a number of questions about the anti hero. They can find the answers by googling his name. In this way they will see and learn that “you are what you upload” on the internet. The campaign was promoted widely on online meeting places for youngsters in Denmark, libraries and stakeholder websites.
”Children hunts down internet idiot! … Privacy camapign teaches children how to be careful with private information” ”The hunt for Hjarnees – Hjarnees thinks he is all private when he is online, however…”