Identity Theft By: Chelsea Thompson
What is identity theft? The crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person for the purpose of assuming that person's name to make transactions or purchases. The crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person for the purpose of assuming that person's name to make transactions or purchases.
How is identity theft completed? Many hackers obtain credit card numbers and passwords by using programs that allow them to hack into others computers. Many hackers obtain credit card numbers and passwords by using programs that allow them to hack into others computers. Also many hackers use a strategy called phishing. This is a strategy where hackers pretend to be a real source convincing online users to give up their passwords. Also many hackers use a strategy called phishing. This is a strategy where hackers pretend to be a real source convincing online users to give up their passwords. A very simple way of stealing someone identity is to steal their wallet, or to go through someone’s trash and find credit card statements, etc. A very simple way of stealing someone identity is to steal their wallet, or to go through someone’s trash and find credit card statements, etc.
What kind of impact can identity theft cause? Identity theft can cause individuals many problems with applying for credit card, banking accounts, loans for houses or cars, and many other problems. Identity theft can cause individuals many problems with applying for credit card, banking accounts, loans for houses or cars, and many other problems. If your banking account numbers are stolen, the hacker can cause serious damage to your account, and you might not even know if you don’t check your bank account balances regularly. If your banking account numbers are stolen, the hacker can cause serious damage to your account, and you might not even know if you don’t check your bank account balances regularly. It may cause a decrease in online activity if individuals believe that all of their information can be obtained by a non-legitimate site. It may cause a decrease in online activity if individuals believe that all of their information can be obtained by a non-legitimate site.
How to protect yourself from identity theft When creating passwords, add numbers and capitalized letters to make it more difficult for hackers to try and identify your password. When creating passwords, add numbers and capitalized letters to make it more difficult for hackers to try and identify your password. Do not carry your social security card in your wallet or in your purse. Do not carry your social security card in your wallet or in your purse. Don’t give out personal information on the phone or through if possible. If you must, make sure the organization you are dealing with is legitimate. Don’t give out personal information on the phone or through if possible. If you must, make sure the organization you are dealing with is legitimate. Check your online accounts frequently to view any transactions made that might not be yours. Check your online accounts frequently to view any transactions made that might not be yours. Routinely check you billing statements. Routinely check you billing statements. Only carry the bank/debit cards you know you will need at that specific time. Only carry the bank/debit cards you know you will need at that specific time. If an online site requires more than your address and your name, check and make sure the organization is legitimate. If an online site requires more than your address and your name, check and make sure the organization is legitimate. Make passwords longer than 5 to 6 letters to make more difficult as well. Make passwords longer than 5 to 6 letters to make more difficult as well. Only give your social security number out when absolutely necessary. Only give your social security number out when absolutely necessary. Firewall is very crucial in keeping your identity from being stolen online. Firewall is very crucial in keeping your identity from being stolen online. Firewall is an application used by companies and internet users to try and prevent hackers obtaining their information. Firewall is an application used by companies and internet users to try and prevent hackers obtaining their information.
Examples of identity theft I was a victim of identity theft last year. I was applying for a bank account and while I was applying, the bank worker told me that I already had a $2,000 dollar debt linked to my social security number. Apparently, someone had stolen my social security number and opened up an account with it and had continuously made charges on my number. The person who stole my social security number may have gotten it by choosing a random social security number and added it to their bank account. Since all of this happened, I had to call and get my account cleared so that I could open up my own account. It was a very long and difficult process, that I hope I never have to go through again. I was a victim of identity theft last year. I was applying for a bank account and while I was applying, the bank worker told me that I already had a $2,000 dollar debt linked to my social security number. Apparently, someone had stolen my social security number and opened up an account with it and had continuously made charges on my number. The person who stole my social security number may have gotten it by choosing a random social security number and added it to their bank account. Since all of this happened, I had to call and get my account cleared so that I could open up my own account. It was a very long and difficult process, that I hope I never have to go through again.
Protect Yourself From Identity Theft!! Protect Yourself From Identity Theft!!