1. Personal information about you, the account owner 2. Payee line. Who the check is payable to 3. The dollar box The amount of the check in numerical format 4. The amount of your check written out using words instead of numbers 5. Memo line for an unofficial note 6. Date line 7. Signature line 8. Your bank’s contact information and/or logo 9. Your bank’s ABA routing number 10. Your account number at your bank 11. Check number (note that this appears in two places) 12. Your bank’s fractional number
This section provides personal identifying information about you. Your name is the most important part, and you might also include contact information in this space. If you're concerned about your privacy, you can limit the amount of information on your checks. However, it's not uncommon for retailers to require certain details in order to accept a check (they'll write your phone number on the check in pen, for example).
In this section, you specify who will receive funds from your checking account. Write the name of the person or organization that you wish to pay. Only the named payee is allowed to negotiate the check (by depositing it, cashing it, or endorsing it so that somebody else can negotiate it). If you don't want to name a specific person or organization, it is possible to pay to the order of "Cash." However, this is risky because anybody can cash the check -- not just your intended payee.pay to the order of "Cash."
Write the amount of your check in numerical format (using numbers, as opposed to writing out the amount with words) in the dollar box. This box is sometimes called the "courtesy box" because it appears on the check as a courtesy or convenience. The number in this box is not used to determine the legal amount of your check. Instead, the official amount comes from the line below, preceding the word "DOLLARS.“ In theory, both amounts should match, but sometimes they don't. In those cases, the written words take precedence over the numbers in the dollar box.written words take precedence When writing a check, it's best to put the numbers in the dollar box as far to the left as possible. This prevents somebody from altering the check and inserting another number before the number you entered. You should also clearly enter a decimal, and any numbers after the decimal (even if it's "00").
On this line, you should write the amount of your check using words (as opposed to using numerals). For example, if you write a check for $10.50, enter the following on this line: "Ten and 50/100."Note the fraction in the example above. Whenever there's an amount less than a full dollar (fifty cents in this case), write it as a fraction. Since there are 100 cents in every dollar, you can just put the number of cents above the number 100. Writing out the amount with words reduces confusion and helps to avoid fraud. It's harder for somebody to alter the check if you've done this. They can fiddle with the numbers in the Dollar Box, but they'll have a hard time altering this line.
The memo line can be used to write an unofficial note on your check. Sometimes it's nice to know more about a check -- what the money was for, which particular account it's for, and so on. The official parts of a check only handle specific details, such as payee and amount. If you want more information, the memo line is for anything else you'd like to write on the check. Memos can be handy for you, or for your payee. For example, if you want to remember why you wrote a check, put a note in the memo line. Whenever you view a copy of that check (when you're logged into your account online, for example), you'll see your reminder. Likewise, the memo line is a good place to write your account number if you're paying somebody -- they might not be able to figure out who you are (or which account to deposit to) if all they have is your name.
Enter the date in this space. Note that you can't really post-date checks and get away with it, so it's best to enter the current date so that you know when you really wrote the check.
Sign the check at the line on the bottom right hand corner of the check. Be sure not to sign until you've filled out and reviewed all of the other sections of the check. If you sign an otherwise blank check, somebody can put whatever they want in those empty spaces; they might decide to pay themselves a million dollars (for most of us that check would bounce, but it's still a bad idea to hand out blank checks). You may find the letters "MP" next to the signature line. This indicates that the check includes a security feature called microprinting, and that there are tiny words on your check that cannot be detected by the naked eye.microprinting
Your bank's name appears on every check so that recipients know who to contact. A phone number and address may be included, or you might just see the bank's logo. Other important information about your bank appears elsewhere on the check. For example, your bank's ABA number is at the bottom of every check, and that number is used for processing the check.
The American Bankers Association (ABA) number is generally located on the bottom left corner of a check. In some cases, the number is elsewhere, but if you're working with a personal check you should look towards the bottom left. ABA numbers serve as an "address" for your bank. With that number, other banks can get in touch with your bank and collect funds from your account when you write a check. ABA numbers are written in a strange font with magnetic ink. This allows them to be easily read by computers, which makes check processing faster.
Your account number is located on the bottom of a check. It is printed in a strange looking font that is designed to be easily read by computers. In most cases, there are three numbers at the bottom of a check, and your account number is the one in the middle. However, occasionally you'll find checks that use a different format, so it's a good idea to confirm your account number before trying to use anything that you grab off of a check. A good way to find your account number is to look for this symbol: ⑈. Your account number appears just before that symbol.
A check number is simply a reference number that helps you keep track of the checks you write. It will help you balance your checkbook, and keep track of which checks have been processed by your bank (and which checks are still outstanding).outstanding This number usually appears in two places: in the upper right hand corner, and on the bottom of the check on the far right. Again, checks may be formatted differently depending on where they are printed. A good tip for finding the check number is to look for the smallest or shortest number -- that's often the check number.
Your bank's fractional number is usually located towards the upper right of a personal check. This number is rarely used these days; the numbers at the bottom of your check are used instead when processing a check. The fractional number contains some of the same information found at the bottom of your check.