Psy 120 Human Development Womb to tomb Jan Thompson-Wilda Cannot get credit for 120 and 211 at OCC Fast paced to the very end Jan Thompson-Wilda 219, 847-635-1477 22nd year at OCC Student Development Faculty
Psy 120 Human Development Chapter 1—The Study of Human Development
Formal Study of Human Development The scientific study of how humans develop Main questions: How do people change throughout their lives? What characteristics remain stable?
Developmental Processes— Change and Stability 2 kinds of change Quantitative change— change in number or amount Qualitative change—change in kind, structure, or organization Despite change, there is also underlying stability
Basic Questions about Development Which aspects of development are universal, and which vary from one individual or group to the next? are continuous, and which are not? are more or less fixed (like marble) and difficult to change, and which are relatively malleable and easy to change (like clay)? What makes development happen?
Guiding Principles Development results from constant interplay of biology and the environment. Development occurs in multilayered context. Development is a dynamic, reciprocal process. Development is cumulative. Development occurs throughout the life-span.
Domains of Development Physical development Cognitive development Social and emotional development
Human Development Today—Goals of This Scientific Discipline Description Explanation Prediction Modification
Periods of the Life Span Social construction 8 periods generally agreed upon Individual differences exist, but there are particular needs and tasks that must be met at certain stages for normal development to occur
Research Methods and Designs Theories Sets of statements that propose general principles of development Predictions or Hypotheses An educated guess that is testable by data collection and analysis Theories – sets of statements that propose general principles of development. Hypothesis – an educated guess that is testable by data collection.
Theories of Development Classical Theories Psychoanalytic theory Freud’s theory of psychosexual development Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development Learning theory Behaviorism Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learning theory Cognitive-Developmental theory
Psychoanalytic--development shaped by unconscious forces that motivate human behavior Psychoanalytic Perspective Sigmund Freud: Psychosexual Development Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development
Freud Development is shaped by unconscious forces that motivate behavior Id—pleasure principle Ego—reality principle Superego—conscience— shoulds, oughts Psychosexual development Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
Erikson Psychosocial Development 8 stages Competing tendencies in personality (crises) These issues must be resolved for healthy ego development Must balance positive and negative tendency at each stage
Learning—development results from experiences in the environment Learning Perspective Behaviorism Social Learning Theory
Behaviorism—Classical Conditioning Pavlov’s experiments A natural response to a stimulus is transferred to a second stimulus
Behaviorism—Operant Conditioning Individuals learn from operating on the environment
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning jZZNGfIOM&feature=related Reinforcement—process by which a behavior is strengthened, increasing the likelihood it will be repeated Punishment—process by which a behavior is weakened, decreasing the likelihood it will be repeated
Social Learning Theory Not exactly, but cute. This is more like it. ZXOp5PopIA&feature=related Albert Bandura Modeling, or observational learning Model is usually someone powerful or admired, similar to you, when you see the model rewarded for the behavior you are observing
Cognitive-Developmental Theory Emphasizes changes in thinking over the lifespan Piaget—stage theory Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational Organization—the tendency to create categories Schemes—people create these increasingly complex cognitive structures for organizing information Adaptation—Adjustment to new information from the environment Assimilation Accommodation Equilibration—constant striving for balance, equilibrium—shift from assimilation to accommodation
Theories of Development Contemporary Theories Ecological perspective Sociocultural perspective Behavioral genetics Evolutionary perspective Dynamic systems theory
Ecological perspective
Bronfenbrenner’s 5 Interlocking Contextual Systems Development occurs through increasingly complex processes of regular, active, two-way interaction between the developing person and the immediate environment The context—the ecological system—either supports or stifles growth
Sociocultural Perspective Emphasizes the ways development involves adaptation to specific cultural demands
Behavioral Genetics Emphasizes the inherited bases of behavior Reciprocol influences between genes and environment
Evolutionary Perspective Emphasizes how behavior develops as a result of adaptation to environment
Dynamic Systems Perspective Emphasizes that all facets of development, domains, context are part of a dynamic, constantly changing system
The Scientific Study of Development The scientific method: A systematic, step-by-step procedure for testing ideas.
Research methods Observational research Self-reports Naturalistic observation Participant observation Structured observation Self-reports Standardized tests Reliability Validity
Basic Research Designs Case studies Correlational studies Experiments Groups and variables Random assignment Laboratory, field and natural experiments
Figure 1.3: Positive and Negative Correlations
• The Scientific Method Studying change over time –Longitudinal research –Cross-sectional studies –Accelerated longitudinal design
Figure 1.4: Research Designs for Studies of Development