The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. Welcome To HUD Multifamily Housing Compliance : What Every Tax Credit Investor, Loan Servicer, and Borrower Needs to Know May 10 - May 11, 2007 Arlington, VA
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. (IPED) is a leader in on-site, instruction-based educational conferences that deliver the most current industry-based information available. We host conferences in: We host conferences for: Coal PowerIntellectual Property Community DevelopmentReal Estate Development Affordable Housing & Tax Credits Labor & Employment AttorneysLendersBusiness Owners AccountantsInvestorsBusiness Managers DevelopersProfessional Advisors And Many Others
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc Historic Tax Credit Series Incentives for Historic Preservation in Seattle Seattle, Washington July 12, 2007 National Historic Tax Credit Conference 2007 Washington, DC November 8-9, 2007 Past Conferences Include Historic Tax Credit Course: Old Buildings, New Frontiers: Historic Tax Credits 2006 New Investments in Old Buildings Historic Tax Credits 2005 For more details or material on past conferences, please visit
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc Affordable Housing Conferences Learn the Basics: Housing Tax Credits 101 June 7-8, 2007 | Boston, MA Green Homes and Sustainable Communities 2007: The Annual National Symposium on Green Affordable Housing & Community Development July 19-20, 2007 | San Francisco, CA Year 15- Affordable Housing Tax Credit Conference October 11-12, 2007 | Boston, MA For more information visit
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. Onsite & Online BOOKSTORE Missed a conference? Want more information on topics covered by IPED? Simply complete your book order form or visit the on-site bookstore in the registration area during todays breaks. Topics include: Affordable Housing & Tax Credits Labor and Employment Law Intellectual Property Coal Power Real Estate For a complete listing of our offerings, please visit
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. Accreditation Continuing Education Continuing Legal Education (CLE) IPED, Inc. seeks approval for continuing legal education credits on an as-needed basis. State bar associations have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses, but IPED will do everything to ensure these requirements are met when seeking approval. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) IPED, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Please speak with IPED staff at the registration desk if you would like to receive credit for attending this conference.
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. Conference Evaluations IPED appreciates your participation! Your feedback is essential to helping us enhance our conferences, so we look forward to reading your survey responses. Thank you for your time!
The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. Return'em Raffle Return your completed survey to the Registration Table Drop your business card in the raffle bowl Once all surveys have been returned, IPED will hold a drawing for a special prize! Good Luck!