World Religions and the Classical Age
Codification and Development of Existing Religions Judaism Hebrew Scriptures reflect the influence of Mesopotamian cultural and legal traditions Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans conquered Jewish states Eye for an Eye justice God’s final judgment Diasporic Communities in Persia, Egypt possibly India and China Contributed to diasporic communities
Codification and Development of Existing Religions Hinduism Sanskrit scriptures = Vedas contribute to: Social and political roles within caste system promoted reincarnation doctrine Why is reincarnation necessary to caste system? Must have rewards for people to buy in. Why is idea of a Braham necessary with multiple forms. Illustrates the cycle. Shiva, the destroyer and Vishnu the preserver and Brahman the supreme and ideal that all strive for Multiple forms of Brahman
New Belief Systems Buddhism – founded on beliefs concerning desires, suffering, and the search for enlightenment by Siddhartha Gautama. Reaction to Hinduism Spread via Ashoka (Mauryan Emperor), missionaries, merchants Buddhism disagreed with Hindu gods and asceticism (self denial). Favored a Middle Way. Monasticism or living apart from the world—early Buddhists (Theravada). Later ones believed living within the world (Mahayana) Stressed Monasticism
New Belief Systems Christianity – founded on teachings and divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. Origins in Jewish faith but separated from Judaism Despite Roman hostility, spreads via missionaries and merchants Key difference is the Messiah. Paul of Tsarsus seeks converts among Gentiles. Constantine’s Edict of Milan—religious tolerance. Christian Monasticism meant you should give up your earthly possessions Gained support in Rome via Emperor Constantine’s conversion Monasticism
Routes showing spread of the 2 religions. What seems similar Routes showing spread of the 2 religions. What seems similar? Rapid, several directions…lauched from economically centered locations
Read the following passage that compares Christianity and Buddhism Using both the reading and the notes, complete the diagram
Purpose: How was it possible that these diametrically opposed religions managed each create a mass following during this time?
Compare Essay Toolbox Christianity and Buddhism Major Beliefs, Spread First step in preparing to write a compare essay is to carefully examine what the question is asking you to compare and what topic or topics will be used as the source(es) of comparison. For example: Compare and Contrast the major beliefs and spread of Christianity and Buddhism What is to be compared? __________________________________________ What is the topic or topics of comparison? ________________________________ Christianity and Buddhism Major Beliefs, Spread
Second step is to identify the most significant similarities and differences within each topic Third step is to provide evidence of these similarities and differences. This can be key events, developments, dates or the work of a key figure. Finally, the fourth step is to analyze the reasons for the similarity and difference. Do not write an essay that dedicates one paragraph to similarities and one paragraph to differences or one paragraph each about what is being compared. You must generate direct comparisons. These method tend to create indirect comparisons Sometimes compare questions will not contain topics. In this case you must develop your own. They should be broad enough to apply to both civilizations and contain similarities and differences. This is what we will do for our first compare essay of the year
1. Topics 2. Sim. Diff. 3. Analysis Let’s examine some thesis statements below based on the question above: Make sure the thesis contains the following: 1. Addresses the themes and /or issues—In another words what is being compared and the topics that will be used to do the comparing 2. Specify at least one similarity and one difference. Try to use the most striking and significant ones available. 3. Insert analysis. This helps to add sophistication to a thesis statement. Remember analysis means a reason for these comparisons Incomplete/ poor thesis statements: There were many similarities and differences between Christianity and Buddhism. What is missing from the numbers above?__________________ Incomplete/ average thesis statement: There were many similarities and differences, in terms of major beliefs and reasons for its spread, between Christianity and Buddhism. What is missing from the numbers above?____________________ 1. Topics 2. Sim. Diff. 3. Analysis 2. Sim./Diff. 3. Analysis
Your task is to improve upon the thesis statements written on the previous page and write an effective thesis that serves as a road map to the rest of our essay. Start with specifying your similarities and differences in the chart below. Topics Most striking and significant similarity Most striking and significant difference 1. Major Beliefs of Buddhism and Christianity 2. Spread of Buddhism and Christianity
Think about beginning a thesis statement with words like although, whereas, while, similar to, different from, both etc. Write your thesis statement on the lines below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
New Belief Systems Confucianism – founded to promote social harmony by outlining proper rituals and social relationships. --Helpful in maintaining order in society Stressed importance of roles in the 5 relationships Filial Piety ruler and subject; (2) father and son; (3) elder brother and younger brother; (4) husband and wife; and (5) friend and friend. Younger or inferior owes respect and obedience. The older or authority provides protection and education
New Belief Systems Daoism – founded on the belief that balance between humans and nature is supreme. --Influenced Chinese culture in terms of: Medical theories and practices Poetry Architecture Nature and Balance Treat more than just physical – also mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic Harmony and balance, 5 elements (earth, wood, metal, fire, water) in art/arch. World with nature and reflect nature
Cultural Traditions Greco-Roman philosophy and science emphasized: Shamanism and animism continued because of reliance on outside world Plato’s political philosophy Aristotle’s metaphysics Questioning of religion Reinforced by belief systems. Example in East Asia. Confucianism stresses Filial Piety Belief that natural events are explained by spirits inhabiting objects and animals
Cultural Traditions Ancestor veneration Africa- Mediterranean East Asia- Andean States Storytelling Confucian tradition-Filial Piety Reinforced by belief systems. Example in East Asia. Confucianism stresses Filial Piety
Other Impacts Gender Roles Artistic Expression Belief systems impacted mostly negatively Religion reinforced Patriarchy Artistic Expression Literature and Drama Architectural Styles Almost all religions preach a patriarchy society where males dominate Made in Gandhara, in what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan, this sculpture reflects the international style that was present in this ancient kingdom. Gandhara was located along the Silk Road, the primary mercantile route that connected the East to the West. Buddhist images from this region were influenced by Greco-Roman examples. (LEFT PICTURE) The ushnisha or cranial protuberance of this Maitreya is interpreted as a luscious chignon, similar to those used for images of Greek gods and goddesses. The figure wears two necklaces one of which has a charm depicting Poseidon, a god with Greek origins. This suggests that there was a certain degree of religious tolerance in Gandhara at the time of this sculpture’s making. Moreover, the inclusion of this charm along with the figure’s shoes and the relaxed manner in which he wears his robe, suggests that images of male deities were modeled after kings. Mythology Bhagavad Gita Greco-Roman and Buddhist Sculptures (Columns and Arches)
Read chart carefully, Highlight similarities between 2 or more faiths
Cultural Traditions Greco-Roman philosophy and science emphasized: Shamanism and animism continued because of reliance on outside world. Logic Empirical observation Nature of political power and hierarchy an animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans--in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination