ROME 509 BCE – 476 CE
The Roman empire ruled large parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East for hundreds of years. This made it very influential to the cultures/societies of these places. Roman developments in government – having a written constitution and clear laws that protect people’s rights, representative government; having a government that balances power between different people/groups have a big influence on our government
3 Romans believed their city- state was found in 753 BCE (pictured being fed by a wolf) In truth, the ancestors of the Romans were Indo- European nomads know at LATINS that settled the area around 2000 BCE
4 The Romans shared Italy with other people like Greeks and Etruscans. The Romans borrowed a lot of ideas and technologies from the Etruscans & Greeks. The Etruscans were Originally from Anatolia Colonized Roman regions in 9 th or 8 th c. Society declines late 6 th c. BCE due to Greek maritime attacks Celtic invasions from north Absorbed by Romans
How did the Etruscans influence Rome’s development? Romans probably learned about monarchy from them. Etruscans ruled Rome for a while and helped the development of city – engineering to drain wetlands around city, how to build arches, walls, roads, administration Brought in trade Arts – Taught Romans sculpture, terracotta, jewelry, pottery Religion – Romans borrowed some gods and religious practices
7 Monarchy through 7 th - 6 th c. BCE under Etruscans Major center of trade routes made it increasingly wealthy & important.
8 In 509 BCE the Romans overthrow the last Etruscan king & created an aristocratic republic. The Senate was created (like our Senate/Congress) to make laws for the republic Only patricians (upper-class aristocrats with lots of land) could be in it. They elected 2 consuls every year to lead the city (like our president) By having two and only letting them serve for 1 year they hoped to prevent consuls from getting too much power & becoming like kings. Senate could also appoint DICTATORS with complete control of government for 6 month during emergencies.
9 Like in Athens, as the city grew, regular people like artisans, merchants, and farmers also wanted a say in the government. To prevent riots by these PLEBEIANS (average citizens) The PATRICIANS started making the government more democratic. IN 450 BCE they published all the laws in the Twelve Tables so people would know their rights
IN the 4 th century BCE, the plebeians gained the right to elect TRIBUNES that represented them in the government and could VETO, or block, laws passed by the senate. Eventually, plebeians could also be voted consuls.
11 Dominated and conquered Etruscan and Greek city-states through war and diplomacy (alliances) By 270 BCE they controlled most of the Italian Peninsula Expansion via military threat and incentives Conquered areas treated justly If people accepted Roman rule, paid taxes, and supplied soldiers, they could keep their customs and local laws Eventually could become citizens equal to Romans
12 After conquering Italy, Rome came into more contact with Carthaginian Empire. Carthage was a city-state in North Africa started by Phoenician traders. They controlled many cities in north Africa, Spain, and Sicily. Rome and Carthage fight 3 major wars between BCE – The PUNIC WARS. Mostly fighting over territory like Sicily that provide grain for food.
Led by Hannibal who invades Rome during the 2 nd Punic War, Carthage almost wins. Rome eventually comes back and destroys Carthage and sells its people into slavery Later conquers Greece. Rome dominates Mediterranean by middle of 150 BCE
The Expansion of the Roman Empire, 133 B.C.E.